Hi there! This is my first fanfic so please excuse anything you find horrible Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Danny Phantom or any of it's characters.

Chapter 1

Vlad Masters sat alone in his private study, fuming. His latest scheme to destroy Jack, persuade young Daniel to join him, and win over Maddie had gone horribly wrong, not to mention earned him quite a few scorch marks here and there. 'If only there was someway to get Daniel to join me' Vlad thought

Restless, the evil hybrid wandered down to his secret laboratory, hoping an invention of his own (or one he stole from Jack Fenton) would inspire another evil plot to hatch. After a full two hours of searching through boxes of odd gizmos, Vlad gave up returned to his private study to finish the book he had been reading.

Soon after he started reading, he realized that he had not absorbed a single word. His mind was elsewhere. "Ugh!" Vlad groaned in frustration, "I wish there were some way to get Daniel to join me!"

"So you have wished it, so shall it be," a voice spoke.

"Who's there?" Vlad asked, looking around nervously.

"I am Desiree, granter of wishes," said the voice. Vlad turned around to see the ghostly harem girl.

"What do you want?" Vlad demanded, standing up.

"Why to grant your wish of course!" Desiree exclaimed, "And so you have wished it and so shall it be!"

Eerie green smoke inched its way up Vlad, spiraling around and around, when it finally cleared, he opened his eyes, half expecting to see some malevolent battle weaponry to help him defeat Daniel. Instead, he saw his college yearbook in front of him. As Vlad opened the dusty book, wondering how on earth it was supposed to help him, some ragged looking papers stapled together fell out. Picking it up, Vlad realized it was an old health report he had written. Scanning the first page, he grinned, knowing exactly how he was to defeat Daniel.

He tossed the papers on the floor and walked out the door, only one word crossed his mind: Amnesia

And there's my first chapter. R&R! Flames are welcome. Thank you!