
By Katia-chan

A/N: This fic was inspired by "Mirage of Blaze" the new anime I'm currently mind chewing. I don't really have a lot to say about it, so read! This takes place after the whole Mirror thing with Kurama…I'm not being vague at all, I swear!




I knelt on the ground, the candle that I'd taken from the kitchen in front of me, my head bowed in the light of the new moon that hung over me. It was cool outside, and I shivered slightly, though not from the cold. 'I come to pay respects,' I thought, knowing voicing the words would be unnecessary, excessive. 'To the one who's body I now possess, to the child whom I owe my very existence to. I come to wish him farewell, and to plead for, for reprieve.' The dirt felt icy beneath me and I forced myself to keep my eyes closed.

I had fought with him for years, this young soul who was supposed to have features, to be part of this family. We battled for supremacy, even though his soul had been banished from this vessel fifteen years ago. He still held the stronger hand, still was the only one I'd met yet who had succeeded to make me seriously regret anything I'd done. It was time for us now, to come to a truce, and part.

'I stole a body from you, Shuuichi Minamino, and though I am a thief by trade this is the only heist that I have ever known to take its own revenge. Daily you plague me with a reflection, and I come to ask, not for forgiveness, but for a cease fire. The woman more dear to me than any jewel I ever stole, your would be mother, nearly joined you, nearly met you for the first time, her unborn son. She lives now, and this is why I can ask you for a reprieve, for relief. The dearest thing to me is my life, I will do anything to sustain it, but I offered it for her. I nearly left this body soulless again for her sake.' I stopped here, taking a match out and lighting it, my numb fingers fumbling clumsily with it. 'My debt to you is paid, now go and leave me in peace.'

I lit the candle, shielding the flame from the wind with my cupped fingers. It glowed softly, what message it sent to me I didn't know, didn't care. I had made my words with the child who had haunted my mirrors and my thoughts for years. We were even now, a soul for a soul, though I'd gotten lucky once again and had the reprieve he hadn't. We'd both been confronted with the misplacing of our souls, and if I'd come out better it wasn't my fault. All I wanted was a separation from the small voice in the back of my mind, reproaching me for every step I took, every breath that had passed through my lips, every beat of my heart. I had that now. He'd been given the memorial owed, the tribute that only I could give. I looked back at the house where my mother slept, healthy and safe once more. "If you stay, protect her," I whispered to the silence, staring at her window.

"Rest in peace now," I murmured. Then I stood and walked silently back into my home. I'd done all I could do, and I could only hope that the memorial was enough.