Frayed Conceptions

Harry is kidnapped by Death Eaters, will he give in to protect those he loves or will he choose a much darker path? HPGW RWHG

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and never will.

Harry woke up staring at the dark ceiling of his tiny room in Number 4 Privet Drive. It was his birthday today. Harry could scarcely believe it; today he was finally coming of age! He could threaten Uncle Vernon and actually carry through with the threat of magic without being expelled! Emerald eyes glistened mischievously at the thought as he hoisted himself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get washed up. The cool feel of the water against his skin made him shiver as he damped his face with the flannel, closing his eyes he thought of all the things that had happened in the past year; Sirius, his godfather, finally being freed of all charges as Pettigrew was found and put under verisaterum, proving Sirius' innocence which immediately condemned Peter straight to Azkaban. Harry frowned into the towel however as soon after this, Azkaban had been raided and taken over by Lord Voldemort, and Pettigrew, together with Voldemorts more faithful death eaters escaped.

It was quite clear to Harry that the final battle was approaching, and that it would probably be in this school year that he challenged Voldemort face to face, and in Harry's opinion the year was coming far too fast, he was no way near ready to fight Voldemort! Harry had been imagining so many different scenarios that could happen between the two of them and none had a happy ending. Most involved Harry having to watch all his friends get murdered in front of him or he would get impaled on a knife and bleed slowly to death while watching Voldemort murder his friends; in fact most ended with the murder of Harry's friends, and Ginny. Dearest Ginny.

Ginny and Harry had been involved for about two years now and no amount of words could describe how he felt about her, she always seemed to know what to say to cheer him up and even the slightest touch could calm him. Harry smiled to himself as he thought of her; Her beautiful red hair cascading down her back as she smiled at him. The smile that seemed to light up the room whenever she looked at him, her warm brown eyes shining out from her porcelain skin, sprinkled with freckles. Harry could never get enough of her, when they first started going out he used to just sit in the common room and watch her as she talked to her friends. He felt his heart swell whenever she glanced his way and their eyes caught. Harry knew from that first moment in the common room that he would be content just to watch her forever.

Slowly Harry padded back into his room, careful not to step too loudly in case of waking the Dursley's. That Harry knew from experience would not be a good thing to do. As he entered, Harry saw Hedwig perched on the cage and almost burst out laughing at the sight of her, she had letters and parcels tied all over her; she did not look pleased!

"Hey Hedwig, have you got something for me?"

Hedwig just ruffled her feathers and looked very indignant towards him making Harry chuckle

"Alright, alright I'll take them off! Now hold still"

One by one the parcels and letters came off making Hedwig look very bare all of a sudden, as she swooped down to her cage and gulped down some much needed water. Smiling to himself Harry turned to the first letter and opened it.

Hey Harry!

So you're finally joining the rest of the grown – ups then eh mate? Took you long enough, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a good one and the filthy muggles don't get you down too much! Listen I wanted to have you over this summer but apparently mum says you're going someplace else but refused to tell me where! Where are you going?

Harry frowned at this, he was going somewhere? Well this was new to him! As Mrs Weasley knows about it it can't be too bad he thought, maybe it was some kind of surprise? He was of age now after all that counts as a special birthday doesn't it?

Anyway you have to tell me what 'Mione got you as she's been boasting how much you'll like it for weeks! I think they're all ganging up on me at the moment; no one tells me anything! I swear the world is against me! But you will won't you mate? Promise? Knew I could count on you!

Harry couldn't help but smile at Ron sometimes; he could just picture his face smiling smugly at his assumption that Harry would tell him anything. Harry had half a mind to write back saying he wouldn't just to be able to see his face when he read it. However given that Harry wouldn't be able to see Ron's face because he was miles away it wouldn't really achieve anything so Harry lowered his eyes and kept reading

Well Fred and George are being just as annoying as they always have been, they've gotten even more serious about their 'Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes' now that the war's getting closer. They say they can use their pranks to get the upper hand on the enemy. Fred keeps yelling all the time 'bout how Malfoy would never expect to get a stink bomb in the face – mum wasn't too pleased by that suggestion. She's actually getting into their joke shop though – probably realised the more she objects to it, the more they'll do it but oh well! Mums never learn eh mate? Mind you she finally caved and Fred and George are now proud members of the order. I asked if I could join too but NO apparently I'm still a toddler in her eyes! grr

Anyway I'd better go as Ginny's nagging me for the parchment that I happen to be leaning on…whoops! But before I go happy birthday again!

Hope to see you soon mate! Maybe Diagon Alley?


Harry smiled then turned to look at the small very messily wrapped gift. He tore off the paper and his eyes widened to almost twice their normal size; sitting in his hand was an extremely beautiful golden snitch!

PS. Can't have you losing to Malfoy in our last year now can we! Now get practising!

Harry could scarcely believe it! His own snitch! Suddenly the golden wings started to twitch and Harry had to clamp his hand over it before he had to start playing seeker in his own bedroom. That would definitely not go down well with Aunt Petunia if he started jumping round the room trying to catch a golden snitch! Still completely amazed that Ron would spend that much money on him Harry slowly turned to the next letter, Hermione.

Dear Harry,

How are you? I miss you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope your Aunt and Uncle are treating you well, are you going to keep staying with them do you know or will you move in with Sirius or something? I still can't believe it – Sirius is free! I bet he's relieved he doesn't have to pretend to be a stray dog anymore that must have been ghastly! Bur enough of that!

What are you going to do for your birthday then Harry? Ron mentioned something about you not being able to go and stay with him? Have you fallen out? I know Ron can be a bit silly sometimes Harry but you just have to put up with him and he'll get better! He usually does anyway…

Harry snorted, if he had gotten a galleon every time he'd seen Ron and Hermione bickering, he'd be the richest man alive right now!

I've just got back from Rome actually, it's truly amazing Harry! All the ruins and the theatres it's just bursting with history! Did you know that one of the things that the Romans are most famous for is their architecture? Apparently the Romans brought loads of new ideas and there were three really important ones that are called arch, the baked brick and the use of cement and concrete! Around 700 BC the Etruscans learned West Asian ideas about architecture, and they taught these ideas to the Romans. There wasn't much Etruscan architecture left, but a lot of their underground tombs were still there and even some traces of the temples….

Harry had to seriously resist the urge to roll his eyes at Hermione's enthusiasm at the most boring subjects ever; he quickly skimmed the rest of the paragraph and started reading again near the end

Isn't it all so fascinating Harry? Ron says I'm being boring but it's culture Harry! So much can be learned from our surroundings!

I guess if I don't see you before September 1st I'll see you on the Hogwarts express for another action packed year! About that, have you been getting the Daily Prophet recently? The attacks are getting worse, promise me you'll be careful Harry? Don't wander off by yourself okay?

See you soon


Harry hadn't been getting the Daily Prophet but he was sure he could predict what was being written. All it seemed to report at the end of his last year was how the attacks were getting worse and more often day by day, they also seemed to like insulting him by saying that he was taking too much time and that he was letting innocent people die but then that was nothing new. It seemed to be the paper's favourite topic as they could no longer claim that he was insane as they had Pettigrew had been questioned and revealed his involvement of raising Voldemort in Harry's fourth year. This combined with the raid of Azkaban gave the Wizengamot enough proof that Voldemort was indeed back. So seeing as they could no longer say Harry was insane they seemed to have taken over with the accusation that Harry was turning dark as no hero would let the amount of people die that have already.

Turning his attention to Hermione's present he carefully unwrapped it, noting how much neater it was than Ron's. There sitting in front of him was 'A Guide To Expert Flying' by Hilda Hornstack. Harry grinned, inside was loads of tricks and manoeuvre's that you see only in World Cups like the Wronskei Feint!

"Wow 'Mione" Harry whispered in awe, this was going to be one hell of a quidditch match now. He had his own snitch to practise with and he was going to pull so many tricks, Malfoy wasn't going to know what hit him!

Harry was distracted momentarily as Hedwig flew over and nipped him on the finger egging him on to finish with his presents, which she had taken the trouble over bringing to him on time.

"Impatient old girl aren't you Hedwig?" Harry chuckled; Hedwig gave a very regal hoot in response and kept glaring at him until he opened the next letter.

Good Morning Sunshine,

Happy Birthday! Now that Ron has finally gotten off the parchment I can write to you! I miss you. You've all grown up now and I'm the only one left who still can't do magic outside of Hogwarts! Trust me NO ONE is letting me forget that! I hate my brothers sometimes I really do but I do believe we should be talking about the birthday boy! How is my ravishingly handsome boyfriend? And stop blushing Mr Potter, I can see straight through you.

Just imagine you can leave those ghastly Dursley's whenever you want now! But please don't Harry, Tom is getting closer all the time and I'm not losing you so please use your head Harry! I swear if something happens because you weren't taking the right precautions I promise you I will bring you back just so I can murder you myself clear? Good.

I'm going to have to cut this short as I'm being called down for dinner

I love you and I miss you


'I love you and I miss you' Harry couldn't keep the grin off his face at those words as he re-read them for the third time. Looking over to the small box attached to the letter, his breath caught, what would Ginny have given him? He slowly took off the ribbon and opened the box and promptly gasped. Inside was a silver chain bracelet; upon closer inspection he could see the words 'HP and GW forever' engraved on the inside. The smile on his face threatened to split his face as he fastened it around the wrist and read the note beneath

Harry – This bracelet has protection charms on it, remember our family clock?

Well it works kind of like that I suppose so whenever you're in trouble I'll know and then I can kick your arse for worrying me alright? Oh and by the way, maybe if you're good I'll let you unwrap your real present when we get to Hogwarts…….

Blushing furiously Harry quickly hid the parchment for his own peace of mind; he didn't want Dudley thinking that he needed protection all the time, not that he minded particularly if it was coming from Ginny. He quickly turned to the last letter as he heard Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia heading downstairs and thus knew he would be called on very soon to make 'Duddiekins' breakfast.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How is my little Prongslet on this fine morning? Me and moony are fine, I'm relishing in being able to go wherever I want without the threat of the ministry hanging over me which is always a bonus wouldn't you say? So yes life is good this side of the fence.

Are the muggles treating you right? I swear if they aren't Harry just say the word and I will gladly come and pulverise them into dung! On the topic of dung, there's still no sign of the rat, he seems to be keeping a low profile unlike the rest of them.

Moony's annoying me now as he wants to say something but make sure your trunk is packed by 3.00pm this afternoon as you may be receiving a special visitor…

Don't forget to keep an eye out for anything peculiar or out of place Harry and report anything unusual to Dumbledore, or us we can't take any chances now that the war is so close. Happy Birthday and I shall be seeing you very soon I expect.

Sirius and Remus

'Why do people always tell me to be careful' Harry angrily thought to himself as he folded the letter back up 'it's not like I welcome death eaters to come and kill me!' Nevertheless excitement bubbled up in his stomach at the thought of seeing Sirius again, glancing at the clock he saw it was about half past nine. Harry closed his eyes 'just five and a half hours to go' he said to himself as he unwrapped the small package from both Sirius and Remus. Staring back at him was a rather large silver key and next to it an extremely small one.

Harry – The big key is the key to your new home that is if you want it, with me and moony. I completely understand if you don't want to, but we'd love to have you. The second small key is the key to the Potter vault. I know you already have one but this is a different one. This vault has all the paper's Lily and James kept. What Padfoot is trying to say, very badly I might add, is that it contains the items your parents set down for you to receive once you were finally of age. I think it will probably be things like your birth certificate etc. but you never know with James.

Now Harry was properly excited! He was going to live with Remus and Sirius! He was leaving the Dursely's! This had to be the best birthday present ever! Topped only by his eleventh when he found out he was a wizard but this was brilliant! Then of course there was the Potter vault. He was finally going to have a proper connection to his parents! Not just a cloak and a few pictures that he had been given, he was going to see their most treasured possessions and family heirlooms! He could learn about his ancestors! That's what most people have in their vaults isn't it?

His train of thought was broken however by a large shout by his Uncle.

"BOY! GET DOWN HERE!" Harry sighed, 'here we go' he thought as he hastily stashed away all his presents and letters under the loose floorboard near his bed, he would pack everything up later after breakfast he decided as he traipsed down the sparkly clean staircase and into the kitchen.

"Make the breakfast" Vernon grunted as soon as he saw Harry, no happy birthday greeting like any other family would have, but then Uncle Vernon was certainly not a normal father figure. If one could even call him that.

"Yes Uncle Vernon" Harry said cheerily, nothing, not even Uncle Vernon could take away his good mood – it was his birthday, he was leaving the Dursely's and his girlfriend had told him she loved him! Life didn't get much better to Harry at that moment. So he started on breakfast with great enthusiasm much to the annoyance of his Uncle.

"What's wrong with you?" He grunted again

"Oh nothing! Nothing at all is the matter with me Uncle Vernon" but Vernon wasn't even listening as he had already gone back to reading his paper.

Just then Dudley came waddling in on his huge tree stumps some people call legs, carrying his Smeltings stick. He had a surprisingly menacing smirk on his face as he looked at Harry.

"Duddiekins!" Aunt Petunia shrieked as she saw him come in

"MUM! I thought I told you not to call me that! It's EMBARASSING!" Dudley roared "But I believe it's someone's birthday today isn't it mum?

Harry groaned inwardly, this could never be good

"Is it dear? Oh yes I'd quite forgotten! No matter" Aunt Petunia chirped before waving her hand dismissively and turning back to spying on the neighbours through the window

"I have a present for you Harry" Dudley sang merrily before ramming his smelting stick into Harry's legs making pain shoot up through him as he crumbled to the floor "Happy Birthday" Dudley smirked whilst Harry lay panting heavily trying to make the pain go away.

"Good one Dudders!" Vernon roared with laughter "That'll teach him! Well? What do you say boy?"

Harry had a lot he would have like to say to the whole lot of them but to his disgust, held back, gritted his teeth and forced out with great venom "Thank you Dudley"

"That's more like it!" Vernon roared once more patting Dudley on the back whose attention was now solely on eating his breakfast and seemed to have forgotten about everyone else's existence.

The rest of the day swept by without much trouble as Harry packed up his things and let Hedwig out, as he knew she would be able to find him wherever he was. Harry had also conveniently forgotten that he would be receiving a visitor at any moment, as the thought of Sirius Black turning up on their doorstep was too good to resist. The Dursely's had not been informed of Sirius' innocence either which would make the surprise even better, for Harry that is.

Harry was in the middle of imagining Vernon's face when he realised just who would be standing in his living room when the doorbell rang.

Harry jumped up, yelled into the kitchen "I'll get it!" as he ran down the stairs to the door. He stood behind the door for a split second to compose himself before he heaved the door open with a big smile on his face.


Author's Note: This is my first fanfic so please review!