A/N: This story isn't quite as interesting without being able to acces the hyperlinks... For the original do visit my Devart homepage in my author page.

---On the Road---

Finding the walk back too boring for his taste, Ash decided to restart a fight with Misty. Actually it was Misty who normally started the fights but it didn't really matter in the end, it was all for the fun of it.

"You know Misty, those guys in the art gallery drew you a lot prettier than you really are."


"Well it's true! You're much scrawnier in real life."

"Well at least I'm not drawn OUT OF CHARACTER!"

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"You saw them! No one in their right minds would ever dream you'd be able to be romantic!"

"Hey I so can if I want!"

"Yeah right, you wouldn't know romance if it hit you in the face!"

"I do too!"

"Do NOT!"

"Do TOO!"

"Oh yeah? Surprise me!"


"I know you too well Ketchum, nothing you say or do will ever surprise me!"

"Oh YEAH?"


In typical fight stance, their noses were barely an inch apart as they glared each other down, so, in typical Ash style, where he'd jump off a cliff just to prove a point, he leaned forward and planted a light kiss of Misty's cheek before backpedalling furiously in anticipation of what was to come:


"Well I surprised you didn't I?" Ash replied as confidently as he dared.

Realising that she'd actually lost an argument with Ash, Misty turned away, silently seething, and at the same time hoping that the blush which had swiftly spread across her face would fade before the others turned around to check on the commotion.

Grinning contentedly, Ash put a slight bounce to his step as they continued on their way back to his home and a scrumptious meal prepared by his mom.

---Ash's Home---

"HONEY! You're back! Oh I missed you so much, my little boy is growing up so fast! And Misty, Brock, May and Max! It's so nice to see you all again. Come in! I have lunch ready! I made your favorite - Pile-up Pizza, honey! And Misty, don't worry I have one specially for you without carrots and peppers, come in, come in!"

"But Mrs. Ketchum, how did you know I don't like carrots and peppers?"

"Oh, you know Ash, he tells me all about his friends! He reminds me about that whenever you and Brock used to come over."

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Ketchum!" Misty replied, shooting a sidelong glance at Ash, who was suddenly finding the potted plant near the entrance absolutely fascinating.

The five friends took their seats around the Ketchum dining table (with Pikachu hugging the ketchup bottle) while Mrs. Ketchum busied herself with bringing the pizzas out of the oven, asking how their travels had been. Misty also chipped in a bit about her life at the gym, sighing dejectedly as she recalled how her sisters are still hopeless at battling. The conversation soon died again as everyone tucked into the delicious lunch.

"So, Ash honey, when did you two start?"

"Huh? Who two? Start what?" came the incredulous reply. It somehow escaped everyone's attention that Brock and Max were trying desperately to control their laughter.

"Oh come on sweetie, there's no need to be shy about it, I'm your mother, you can tell me anything."

"Shy about WHAT mom?"

"This!" Delia practically exclaimed as she waved one of the art pieces they had seen.

Instantly turning scarlet, Ash and Misty glared daggers at the now-laughing-uncontrollably boys across the table, while previously clueless May's lips now began to twitch into a smile.

"But that isn't us! Some person who calls him or herself a Pokeshipper drew it!"

"Well then what about this?" Delia brandished the photo which Brock took of the two of them blushing furiously at each other.

"You're lucky he didn't catch the one on the road," muttered Misty as she attempted to sink into her seat and disappear.

"Road? We missed something on the road?" cried Brock melodramatically. "Max, I thought you had them covered!"

"But I was calling Drew!"

"You WHAT?"


"I'll get it!" called Delia, ever the perfect housewife.

The door swung open to reveal Drew standing nervously at the doorstep of the Ketchums, stuttering an explanation, "He - he - llo Mrs. Ketchum, I'm Drew and I was called by Max to come here because he had something to show me?"

"Oh of course, come in dear, if you're a friend of their's, you're always welcome here," Delia smiled at the younger boy who was shifting his weight nervously from one leg to the other. Smiling gratefully, he stepped in and was promptly dragged away by Max, out of earshot from the others.

"You said something about your sister, Max?"

"Yeah, I'll transfer this to your Pokegear."

As the image loaded on Drew's handheld device, he could feel a smile tugging at his lips, but quickly hid it as he approached the dining room.

"Hello Ash, Brock, May, and... erm... I don't think we've been introduced."

"I'm Misty, nice to meet you! I gather you're Drew?"

"How'd you know?"

"We heard you from the door."

"DID MAX CALL YOU?" May demanded as she leapt from her seat and grabbed Drew by the collar. Taken aback, as he could normally hold her off at arm's length, Drew merely gulped and nodded.

"I AM GOING TO KILL HIM. What'd he call you for?"

"Said he had something to show me? But he already did that the moment I stepped in. Don't kill him by the way."

"Are you going to stay for lunch dear?" Delia asked as the two teens looked like they were on the brink of an Ash/Misty-scale fight.

"Oh, um, no thanks Mrs. Ketchum, I've already eaten. Anyway," he continued, turning back to May, "I'll be beating you at the next contest, so you better be practicing. It's no fun beating a pushover."

This time he was prepared for May's assault and calmly held her off by the forehead. Pulling a rose from nowhere and tossing it to May, he politely thanked Mrs. Ketchum for having him over and disappeared down the road. Attached to the rose was a note:

"Your brother has good taste. P.T.O"

"link & link, enjoy."

Hiding her blush, she swivelled around to face Max, and quickly remembering the score they had to settle, Ash and Misty clambered up to face Brock. Knowing the worst was to come, both boys only had time to mutter a small "heh" before taking off down the road.

"You think we have a chance?"

"There's two of us and three of them. Not to mention it's my sister! NOT A CHANCE."

"Okay then, just keep running!"

Misty handed each of her companions a mallet from thin air, and cut to the chase as they headed toward the Pallet sunset.

Delia stood on the porch watching in amusement as the five kids had their fun. "Some things never change," she mused.

---End of Story---