Shit I haven't updated in TWO years I'm so ASHAMED of myself. To be honest, I didn't know where to go with the next chapter of this... But I'm not going to give excuses.

Um. You can all torture me brutally because of my lack of updates. If that doesn't make you feel better, I'll just try and end this now just so you all don't have to suffer waiting for me to update.

She had learned before that her powers changed when she came in contact water. (1) Instead of her normal brainblasts, she fired telepathic shockwaves, which, since it worked before and should definitely work again, would break the mind control.

Concentrating on the blast, she steadied her two friends as much as she could under water, and blasted them, hoping it would work.

Seconds later Duck and Ace were blinking their eyes while Lexi grabbed their hands and dragged them up to the surface of the water, allowing them (or Ace) to breathe. She dragged the two, trying to get them to some form of land before the freezing waters caused them to gain hypothermia, and grunted while doing so.

"C-C'mon guys, I-I can't do this alone."

The two, finally coming to their senses, began swimming to land, trying to regain their breath while doing so.

"G-guys, you okay?" She asked her two friends. Ace nodded, giving her a small smile which Lexi returned.

"I-I'm f-f-freezing!"

"Aren't you supposed to be used to the water?"

"Not something t-t-this unexpecting!"

She ignored him, hugging both of them (but mostly Ace, something that Duck should never know), and staring them in the eyes.

"Do you guys remember anything that happened?"

The two shook their heads, saying that the only thing they remembered was fighting some "chick in blue", and nothing else.

Well... this makes it easier for me, doesn't it? She thought sarcastically, explaining the situation to them, from the time they were hypnotized to the time she had figured out Gaze's weakness.

Lexi didn't notice the men jumping down from the cliff.

"So she needs all these guys to protect her, right? Well, if we get rid of the guys, we can get her. All you two have to do," She said, pointing towards Ace and Duck, "is get them all down into the ocean so I can short-circuit her mind control. Got it?"

Duck blinked.

"Let me get this straight. You want us to... push every one down even if they have a chance of drowning?"

Silence ensued, leaving Ace to break it. "... I say we get Rev down here first."

"Yea, good idea."

Finally... everything is back to normal, or it's going to be. I need to stop her before she does it again, before she takes my friends away from me...

Before she takes Ace away from me again.

She was constantly breaking Gaze's mind control, leaving Ace to try and fight her since Ace originally wasn't able to be hypnotized.

I need to get up there.

They had woken Rev up from her hypnosis, allowing him to gather all the people who fell under the water to go back onto land.

I need to finish this quickly.

Her brainblast, now being scattered brainwaves, was a cure for the hynosis that Gaze had put upon the hundreds of men in the city.

Am I done yet?

She knew her impatience was only a cover for what she was really feeling.

I don't want Ace to be hypnotized again.

Tech gave her the signal that she was almost done, but that didn't calm her nerves.

I don't want to lose him again.

I don't think I could live with myself if I did.

Kick, punch, dodge, insult, kick.

It was a routine in his head, something that wasn't common with him. He had been like this ever since Gaze had taunted him with the thought of Lexi, how she had been lonely, how depressed she had felt when she realized that she was all alone, and how Gaze was responsible for it.

"All because of me! Do you hear me rabbit?" She said, smirking as she did so. "I was the one who caused her misery! And no one else!"

Bad thing to say Gaze.

Anger filled his senses as he broke from his routine. He knew it was bad to fight blindly, but he did so anyway, feeling a sense of relievement every time he heard Gaze cry out in pain.

How dare you?

She had taunted him and nothing happened, he played it off easily. He was always able to, so why should this time be different?

But when he had taunted Lexi...

"I was the one who caused her to get hurt, but in reality, it was all YOUR fault! She loved you and you were NEVER there for her!"

Something broke inside him.

She loved him, she loved him?! He was happy when he heard it until she continued her sentence...

"And you were NEVER there for her!"

He wasn't...

He was going to fix his mistakes. He would never leave her alone again. Never would he leave her depressed.

And if beating Gaze and getting revenge for you is what'll make you happy Lex...

He punched her again. "This is for Lexi!" He whispered.

Then I'll gladly be the one to do it.

She flew up there using Tech's jetpack that he had invented for them. To be honest, she was worried for Ace.

She shouldn't have been, she knew. Ace could take care of himself perfectly well, and here she was worrying for him like she was his mother.

But I'm not his mother. I just want to be something else...

No. Not now.

Now, she had a battle to fight. Now, she was going to get revenge for everything Gaze did.

"This is for Lexi!"

She made it up there in time to hear Ace whisper those words.


Ace resumed from his fighting to look at Lexi, who was moving to stand next to him.

"Would you like a punch?" He asked nicely, not telling her that he already knew she loved him.

She'll tell me on her own time.

Lexi smirked. He knew exactly how to make her feel better.

She loved that about him...

"Of course."

Gaze hadn't stood a chance against Ace when he was angry, so there wasn't much for Lexi to do but it made her feel better anyway.

"I was the one who caused her to get hurt, but in reality, it was all YOUR fault! She loved you and you were NEVER there for her!"

She had heard Gaze spill out the secret, but she wasn't about to tell Ace that anytime soon.

I could though.

After all this time, after all they've been through, didn't he deserve to hear it?

But what if he doesn't feel the same way?

The fear of him refusing was what stopped her every time. She was afraid to know his reaction.

"Hey! You could have saved some action for us!" Lexi ignored Duck's complaints and moved to cuff Gaze, while Tech brought up some inpenatrable goggles that were so dark, no one would be able to see them. Lexi had the pleasure of putting them over the struggling Gaze, trying to ignore Ace as well.

He already knows. How embarrassing.

All of them moved to go down the cliff, Gaze in tow, when Ace grabbed her arm and kept her there.

"... Listen." He said when he knew most of them were halfway down the cliff. "You okay?" She kept her head bowed, not ready to look him in the eye. She sighed, looking him in the eye and nodded.

She might not have been able to tell Ace now, but she would eventually, right? And it was the truth, she did feel much better than she was before.


He smiled, making her feel warm inside yet she tried to ignore the feeling.


In a matter of seconds he had managed to gently kiss her on the lips, and a second later he was walking away, ready to fly down. She stood still, not believing what just happened.

He turned around, smirking. "You coming?"

Lexi's face broke out into a grin and she ran towards him.

I guess eventually was now.

(1) - This was from the episode "A Creep in the Deep"

Yea... REALLY late update. Um, I allow all of you to hurt me in whatever way possible. I really deserve it.

Yes I ended it. And it made it longer just cuz if I ended it with nothing I would hate myself. I ended it simply because I really hated making everyone wait, and if I dragged this out into another chapter, I'll gladly go torture myself before all of you do.

SORRY for the wait. I won't burp out excuses, but life has been rougher than ever (both family and school life) but that's not important now.

I'll get to "Stupid Boys" soon (I hope). It's not that I was lazy, its just that I didn't know what to do next. (This has taught me a valuable lesson. PLANNING is GOOD for the SOUL)

