Disclaimer: POKéMON, POKéMON XD: Gale of Darkness, Shadow attacks and all related characters, places and items are trademarks of Nintendo, Creatures, Gamefreak, The POKéMON Company and Genius Sonority. This story is written with no profit motive.
A/N: This is my first POKéMON Fic so be nice. It's intended to be my little sequel to Gale of Darkness. Should Nintendo, Genius Sonority Etc. decide to do a sequel, I hope it's not like mine.
Jovi's DiaryIt had been three years since Grand Master Greevil had been defeated and Cipher disbanded. The incident had been known as the second shadow incident. Greevil and Eldes had gone to prison on their own will, but were eventually released after serving a 2-year sentence. They both acknowledged their mistake and had both vowed to change their ways. The third person, Ardos, had disappeared after the incident. Nobody knew where he was now, not even Eldes. Greevil had died of old age soon after his release while Eldes became a very renowned trainer. He often had battles with the hero of the incident, but was always defeated. Evice, the villain from the first shadow incident, had still not been released, as he refused to acknowledge his mistake. After the incident, the young hero from POKéMON HQ lab left the lab on his own POKéMON training journey. He had taken all of the Shadow POKéMON that he had purified with him. He did occasionally contact his mother Lily but he never returned to the lab to visit. He had since become a very powerful trainer, and a frequent star in the ORRE colosseum. Chobin was still travelling the whole of the ORRE region, trying to prove that the ROBO Groudon was the ultimate machine. Because of this, Professor Kaminko was always working alone. Because of the success of the ROBO Kyogre, he was working on a third ROBO POKéMON, though nobody knew anything about this new machine. Makan still had the ROBO Kyogre. Although he never used it, he never dismantled it either. Jovi was now the strongest trainer in the POKéMON HQ lab. She had matured greatly since the incident; she now no longer jumped ahead without thinking. She did miss her brother, but she wasn't lonely. She had her two POKéMON Plusle and Minun. The Plusle was female and was nicknamed Plipli while the Minun was male and nicknamed Mimi. It was clear, even to Jovi, that the two POKéMON were more than a little friendly towards each other. She had to keep a close eye on them, and she did this very well. It also meant that they worked much harder in battle situations. Because of this, the two had never lost a double battle as of yet. They were also unusual as they were both able to use the move Water Pulse, which they can't normally learn. This was discovered two days ago, when a trainer using a pair of Geodude's challenged Jovi. When Plipli got hit by a Tackle attack, Mimi leapt to her defence, only to feel the effects of a rock tomb attack. When Plipli saw this, she let out a cry and released a Water Pulse by accident, instantly knocking out one of the Geodude's. Plipli was then pinned to the ground by the remaining Geodude's Take Down attack. Mimi gave a cry of panic and released a water pulse himself. As a result, Jovi was able to win the battle, but she was truly stunned that the two could use Water Pulse, as was Jovi's opponent. Not even Professor Krane was able to figure out how the two could use the attack. Jovi was never defeated in any battle that she was in while she was at the lab. She occasionally left the lab to visit her friend Emili, often ending up in battles at Gateon Port. Emili's mother Acri had finally published a book on the exploits of Jovi's brother against Cipher. Jovi had been given a copy of the book by Emili as a birthday present. She was about to settle down to head to bed after reading another chapter. She now slept in the room that used to belong to her brother. It had been redecorated soon after her brother's departure. It now had a poster of the young hero and a picture of her with Plipli and Mimi. Jovi was much tidier than she used to be, keeping all her books and pieces of paper in files and on shelves. She had also begun writing a diary since her brother left. She always wrote an account of what had happened during the day in the diary before she settled down for the night. She was busy writing in her diary while Plipli and Mimi were sitting on the end of the bed looking at her. They normally slept next to her in bed, while snuggling up to each other. They were busy waiting for her to finish writing in her diary so they could get some sleep.
"Dear diary…
It has been 3 years to the day since big brother left on a training journey. Jovi wonders whether he'll come back or not. I do miss him but Jovi's not lonely. Jovi has Plipli and Mimi to keep me company. Krane still has no idea about their Water Pulse ability. Lily recons that their brain patterns may have mutated, whatever that means. Jovi doesn't want to know the truth. Plipli and Mimi are perfect as they are. Emili finally got her first two POKéMON today. She received a Volbeat and an Illumise from Acri. They're pretty cool POKéMON. Jovi looks forward to battling them at some point. After visiting Emili, I went to visit Kaminko. I still don't know what he's working on. All I can tell is that it looks like a long green snake. I also look high and low for Chobin, but can't find him anywhere. Jovi thinks he's run away as he didn't want to work for Kaminko anymore. On the way back, I was challenged by a cooltrainer called Judy. She had a Meowth and a Mankey. I won with my usual combination, Plipli's Thundershock implemented by Mimi's Helping Hand. I nearly got defeated when the Mankey started using Dig but was eventually able to evade with Quick Attack from both Plipli and Mimi. It was funny when the Mankey was shocked from both sides almost as soon as it surfaced. Plipli and Mimi really did a great job in that battle. Jovi has learnt how much they help each other out by watching them battle. When I finally returned to the lab, I found Krane holding the Snag Machine that big brother had used 3 years ago. I always wonder why he won't dismantle it. He says that we may need it again, but Jovi seriously doubts that. Big brother completely disbanded Cipher when he purified that XD001, the Shadow Lugia. Jovi wonders what became of that Lugia. The Purify chamber hasn't been dismantled either. All it's doing right now is gathering dust in a locked room. Jovi thinks the device should be dismantled, as it useless right now. Krane insists that it might be needed again and everyone else agrees with him. Why do people not listen to my opinions? Jovi wishes she knew. Lily promised me a surprise tomorrow. I can't wait to see it. Jovi hopes it's something nice. After having some dinner, I spent the rest of the evening playing with Plipli and Mimi. Today, I threw balls for them to hit with their Thundershock and Water Pulse attacks. Krane wants to experiment on them to see how they can use Water Pulse. Jovi won't allow it because Plipli and Mimi could get hurt or even forget how to use Water Pulse. Playing with Plipli and Mimi was the last thing I did today, but it lasted for quite sometime. Tomorrow I'll see what Lily has got me and will write about it tomorrow night."
After writing in her diary, Jovi finally put the diary on its place on the shelf. That was the average length of her diary entries every night. She was now fairly tired from writing. Plipli and Mimi just watched her place the diary on the shelf and walk back over to the bed. Jovi climbed under the bed covers and rested her head on her pillow. That was when Plipli and Mimi came bounding over to her. They went over to the pillow and lay down next to her head. Jovi turned her head and looked at the two POKéMON.
"Plipli, Mimi, you two have been brilliant today. Jovi's very proud of you."
"Plusle, Plusle!" Plipli exclaimed
"Minun, Minun!" Mimi added. Jovi laughed joyously. She loved her POKéMON as much as anyone. She watched as the two POKéMON snuggled together next to her right hand side. They always slept together, wherever they were. That's why Jovi had to keep a close eye on them. So far, they had been well behaved. That was just how she liked them. Within a few seconds, the two cheering POKéMON had fallen asleep together. Jovi softly stroked them on their heads before looking up at the ceiling. She also glanced around the room and looked at the poster of her brother. She continued to look at the poster, as if she was waiting for it to suddenly come alive. The poster showed her brother in his usual stance, with the Snag Machine on his left arm. His Eevee was with him, as it was before it evolved. Jovi couldn't remember what it evolved into, but it had helped him capture and purify XD001.
"Brother, I wonder where you are now." Jovi said into space. She wanted to go on a journey to find her brother but Lily wouldn't allow it, even though that Jovi had Plipli and Mimi. Jovi had no idea why this was, but was determined to go and find him one day. There was, in fact, a lot that she wanted to do. She wanted to take Plipli and Mimi with her on a POKéMON journey. So far, Lily had not allowed it. All Jovi could do was wait until Lily would allow it. She gave one glance at Plipli and Mimi. They were fast asleep and snuggled together. Jovi always thought that they looked very cute when they were snuggled together. She sighed to herself before falling asleep herself.
That very night, just north of Mt. Battle, a transport train was passing through the region. The train worked with magnets that allowed it to hover above the rails. The train was painted white and red along the side and was titled the Frontline express. It was currently passing through a semi-forest area and was heading towards a large port, larger than Gateon. While the train was travelling through a canyon however, it was ambushed by a squadron of helicopters. The helicopters flew around the train and attempted to slow it down. The train driver was able to keep up the speed until it saw an object on the tracks. The object was roughly the size of a grown human, but as it came into focus, it appeared to have four very thin arms. Not much else was recognisable because the whole thing was as black as the night sky. Without warning, the object thrusts it's arms forward and stopped the fast moving train. Its arms suddenly appeared to fuse together and thicken. Once the train had fully stopped, the object changed shape again, this time sprouting several arms. It then grabbed the front of the train and lifted it completely over its head, forcibly throwing the train driver out of the train. It then took the train into the sky, followed by the helicopters. The train driver just sat on the ground where he was just looking up into the air. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He had to tell the authorities.
A/N: Don't expect a rapid update on this story, as I'm juggling a lot of projects at the moment (mostly college work). I'll update as fast as I can.