Chapter 1: You want me to what?

A ten-year-old Mokuba looked at his breakfast in a slight frown. Kaiba noticed it and stopped typing concerned for his little brother.

"Mokuba? What's wrong?" he asked in a gentle and softer voice reserved only for his brother. Mokuba sighed and moved his food around.

"Seto? Will I ever have a mommy?" he asked and Kaiba was shocked but it went away and turned to concern.

"Of course you will Mokuba" he said and Mokuba looked up at him in the eyes, Kaiba was taken back at the sad expression on his face.

"You're already like my daddy, why can't I have a mommy too? Have I been bad?" he asked and Seto shook his head.

"No Mokuba, you're the best little brother ever" he said.

"Then why can't I have a mommy?" he asked sadly and it tore Seto's heart to see him like that, he would give anything to insure his brothers happiness.

"You can and will have a Mom, I…uh…I just haven't confessed to her yet" he said thinking up something quick and he saw Mokuba's face brighten.

"Really? If you love her then ask her already! It'd be the best birthday present ever!" he said and got up to leave.

"Wait Mokuba-" he said getting up too but he had Mokuba launched himself and grab onto his legs smiling happly.

"Thanks big brother! You're the best!" he said and rushed out the door happily leaving a stunned seto in the kitchen. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Whare can I find a wife?" he said and grimaced as he said the last words. He shrugged and set out to school with grabbing his brief case. As he walked out of the Kaiba Mansion he looked at the sky and made a silent promise to himself.

'I will find a good mother for mokuba…and soon' he said and got in the limo to drive to school.


Seto was sitting in a study and was pondering about his choices for a wife…

'She has to be close to Mokuba, smart, talented, elegant, have a sense of humor, and have a motherly fashion. She should probably be my age…I never though I'd be doing this, but it's for Mokuba. Then suddenly he heard a giggle and looked to the right to see Kazuma, a member of the geek squad (Yuugi's group), taking away chocolate from a hyper Yugi. She had brown hair that went to her hips and was a shade lighter than his ,and had piercing crimson eyes. She had a nice figure too, all the guys were drooling at her already. She smiled at Yuugi and he pouted.

"You can have some after lunch, you'll get sick if you eat it on an empty stomach" she said and ruffled his hair in what seemed to be…yes! A motherly fashion! Then a thought hit Seto.

'She's nice, caring, is motherly, has some elegance, got the second highest grades, and was every guys dream!' he thought and it hit him, she could pretend to marry him! But how would she agree?

"Jou, I wish I could help you raise money for Serenity's operation…" she said sadly but Jou waved his hand and smiled.

"It's okay Kazu, I know you are in a financially in a bind. Especially since you moved into Anzu's place. And you already passed graduation….so what are you doing here?" he exclaimed.

"Going to this school is what pays rent, damn I hate waking up to Anzu snoring her ass off!" she said and they all laughed except Anzu who 'humph'ed and looked away. "Besides, my aunt won't shut up about how if I don't marry soon…she's going to engage me" she said and shivered.

"WHAT?" they all shouted together.

"Yep, I have a year to do it or I'm marring some low class suitor" she said. "A guy who gets his money from enheritance! I can understand getting a house from our parents, but to not work at all? Nuh uh!" she said and the girls pouted while the guys smiled and threw their arms over her shoulders.

"That's out girl" Tristen said giving her a noggie and she pushed him away and managed her hair. Then she glared at him and he gulped loudly. Her crimson eyes were kind of scary when angered. Seto watched this with interest…so she could be cold when she wanted too, can you say bonus? That's it! Seto made up his mind! He's make a deal with her after school and she would agree at all costs. Mokuba's happiness depends on it!


The last bell had rung and Kazu smiled at her friends, she quickly guathered her stuff.

"See ya later guys! Got to go to the grocery store!" she said and waved dashing out of the school. She decided to jog to the grocery store and started on her path. As she was jogging she saw a limo on her heals. The window scrolled down and a young man about her age pulled out a drivers license that said he worked for Kaiba Corp.

"I was told to pick up Kazuma Mimori, would that be you miss?" he asked with a smile and she nodded her head. "Mr. Kaiba asked me to bring you to his office in Kaiba Corp." the young man said and she scoffed a little but remained polite.

"Man, I was going grocery shopping!" she whispered to herself. Do you know why Mr. Kaiba wishes to see me?" she asked and he looked thoughtful and put a hand on his chin.

"No, don't believe I do Miss. Mr.Kaiba has made an appointment for you already" he said and she nodded. "Will you attend?" he asked and she nodded. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for her and she blushed as she gracefully sat down.

"Thank you" she said and he nodded and blush slightly while heading back to the wheel. And they drove to Kaiba Corp. When she got out two big security guys opened the door for her and bowed. She nodded them a thank you and they smiled kindly. One of the security guys offered her his arm charmingly and she blushed and accepted. They led her to an elevator and lots of business woman looked aghast at her uniform and she looked at the ground nervously. The elevator opened and the guard opened the door and she stepped inside to see Seto Kaiba sitting in his desk starring right at her with his hands folded underneath his chin. She knew she was in a business building so she guathered her corauge and stepped toward him.

"Take a seat" he said and gestured to a seat, being the daredevil she is she chose the one right opposite to his desk and folded her knees gracefully and put her hands on her lap quietly. "Leave Sergio" he said and the body guard gave her a good luck thumbs up and she gulped a little but saw Kaiba smirk and glared at him. They were having a glaring contest, fire vs. ice and she won by raising her eyebrown and he looked away but she held in her smirk.

'She's good…' Kaiba thought and cleared his throat and looked at her in the eyes again.

"I bet your wondering why I called you here…" he said and it was a statement.

"Yes, Kaiba-san. I am indeed intrigued as to why my presence is requested" she said casually.

'Nice Vocabulary too' he thought as and sighed.

"I have a business proposition for you…I may have over heard that you have some money problems and are having a few family issues" he said and she glared at him and bit her tongue not to say anything rash.

"Do you go about listening to people's conversations Kaiba?" she let off the san and he frowned.

"I…deeply apologize for that, it was not my place" he said and her jaw dropped but she quickly gathered herself as he continued speaking. "However, I have a business deal for you…You would get paid one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a month. I will personally see that the mutt's sister get's the best eye-surgery experts free of cost, and you will be staying at Kaiba mansion and can use all aspects of the house hold as you wish. And you would get rid of that pesky family problem you bother so much about." He said and she stared at him in shock but then glared at him suspiciously.

"What do I have to do?" she asked and he sighed.

"Mokuba is lonely in his life and needs a feminine mother figure. You would be free to go as you please and it would be his birthday present." He said and she nodded but stopped midway.

"Mother figure?" she asked and he nodded. "Wait a second what are you saying?" she asked getting angry.

"To get rid of your suitor you need to marry someone of you will go to an engaged marrige with the nerb-boy. I need a wife, you need a husband…we could pretend to get married and your life would be perfectly bliss…" he trailed of and looked back at her to see her eyes as big as dinner plates.

"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?" she screamed and Kaiba took out his earplugs, he had been expecting this. "What the hell?" she said panicked but Seto stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders and gently helped her sit back down.

"It would be a benefit to both of us and I'd get more publicity, besides don't you want that girl to see again?" he asked and she slumped in her seat and put a shaky hand on her face.

"More than anything…" she whispered and looked back at Kaiba to see him push a contract near her.

"I normally don't do this but Mokuba has been so dipressed lately, it worries me" he said softly looking out the window. She took the contract and skimmed through it. No fine print…he was serious. She sighed grabbed a pen and was about to sign when she paused.

"Will we have to have a wedding?" she asked and he nodded.

"It doesn't have to be big, just a Las Vegas kinda thing" he shrugged.

"As much as I hate to say this, it's nice what you're doing for your brother and I promise not to get in the way a lot" she said then signed it. "Thanks for helping make my friends dream come true" she said and gave him a small smile. "On the bright side, I'll have plenty of money, can make my friend happy, and have a sort-of-weird family." She said softly and his eyes widened and he looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?" he asked as she smiled a sad smile.

"Parents died right after I was born and I had evil stepsisters" she said then grinned. "Well, see ya kaiba! Can me and tell me whens the wedding!" she said and walked out but before she shut the door she heard him say something and turned around.

"Call me Seto" he said and she smiled and nodded.

"Then call Me Kazu, I hate Kazuma" she said and he rolled his eyes.

"Kazu at home and Kazuma in public" he said and she nodded and was about to shut the door when she heard something.

"Thank you…" he whispered and she smiled and closed the door behind her.

"You're welcome Seto…" she said smiling and exited the building and the cheuffer drove her to Anzu's.