I'm not a big fan of Scheris, but I do respect her. That is why I wrote this tribute poem about her and her sacrifice. Also, I should warn you that there is a lot of mentioning of Scheris/Ryuhou in this poem.

Disclaimer: I don't own s-CRY-ed.

Ode to Scheris

A slightly annoying girl

With a heart of gold

Who cared deeply for

A man named Ryuhou

He saved her from

A place of terrible strife

So Scheris vowed to protect him

Even with her life

She wanted to be by his side

And to see him every day

Even if Ryuhou

Didn't quite feel the same way

She didn't like the fact

That Mimori tried to steal away

The same man that

Made Scheris' heart sway

She wanted Ryuhou to love her

But Scheris couldn't foresee

That the unfortunate truth was

That her dream would never be

When Ryuhou was defeated

By the alter from the other side

Scheris knew she had to do something

As Ryuhou began to die

Scheris knew what to do

Her vow would not be broke

So she used her alter

Called Eternal Devote

She would save Ryuhou

But it came at a price

For her to use her alter's power

It would cost her life

Scheris stared at the man

With whom she wished she could stay

And gave him a passionate kiss

As she began to fade away

Sure, Scheris had her faults

But you must give her credit for the above

Would you be willing to give up your life

For the one you love?