Thank you for you reviews and inputs!

Ch 4: The drive

It was Thursday evening and Sesshoumaru was bored. He stopped his piano lesson and glanced at the keys lounging on his dresser. They were hooked to a black lanyard and had been sitting in the same spot for an entire week. He had been thinking about visiting their 'new home' but didn't want to visit it without his soon to be other half. Their date was tomorrow and he reserved the perfect night out. But he also wanted to visit the house.

Making up his mind he dialed her number.





"Oh sorry, hey, I didn't have your number saved yet."

"Are you free right now?" Straight to the point.

"Now? Uhm, yeah I guess so. I'm just reading a book.." she sounded nervous.

"Okay. I will come pick you up now."


"Alright. I'll see you soon."

"Okay. Bye." Her voice was unsure, tiny and... acceptable. She was definitely nervous. He clicked the phone shut and grabbed the keys. On his way down he phoned the valet to pick him up. His damn car was still in the shop and wouldn't be ready until Monday.

He gave directions to the Higurashi shrine and was off. Thankfully she only lived fifteen minutes up the road, but their home was by the coast, unfortunately over an hour south of their Tokyo homes. He figured he'd like to surprise her, and himself since he hadn't been yet either. The same valet driver who escorted them to lunch picked him up this time in a four door sedan. He made sure to request not to be driven in a limo.

"Going to see the young lady again, Sesshoumaru-Sama?"

He just looked at the driver, saying nothing, before slightly tilting his chin up in confirmation.

When he pulled up to her driveway she was already standing outside waiting for him. The car stopped and got out to open the door for her.


"Couldn't wait for tomorrow hm?" She offered him a teasing smile.

"I wanted to look at the house. Might as well invite you along as well, yes?"

"Really? Damn, I didnt even fuckin think about that." She looked at him real quick to judge the potential face he might make at her language.

"I live with Inuyasha. He is much worse."

She laughed at how dirty Inuyasha's mouth could get. He could talk full sentences in curse words and rude slang. "Yah I guess so huh?" She slid into the sleek suv and relaxed a lot more than she did in the limousine.

The ride was spent mostly in a comfortable silence, light chit chat here and there; either of them not sure what to say.

Kagome scooted closer to the window and looked out at the cliff in the distance.

A mile marker passed her view and a sign signaling the area of entrance. Her face brightened and she looked at him.

"Kamakura?! Are you serious?"

She had to remind herself to not drool at what she just looked at. Yes her mother knew her too well. She was a natural soul and really enjoyed her life at her shrine. Her family bloodline was that of priestess lineage and she somehow felt the priestess blood flow through her. She felt connected to nature and she was so in tune to other people and their emotions. That's why she tried to act so gruff on the outside, if she didn't have tough skin she'd let too many emotions rule her life and she was definitely not about that.

"My mother must have really pushed the idea of this area. I love Kanagawa. It's a very historical place home to many shrines and temples."

She smiled a true smile at him and looked back out the window. The remaining sunlight was gone but you could still the see the ocean complete the space onward to the horizon. Their parents did mention something about a seaside paradise. He was kind of excited looking forward to quiet nights awaiting him. No more loud mouth brother or demanding high maintenance father to come home to. Instead, possibly a home. A new life. With a wife. A good life?

Yes. A good life.


Thanks again for the reviews! I have some scandalous-ness approaching!

Reviewer Anon guest: Yes I totally agree. I know it is a little soon but I will be having twists here and there, considering nothing is perfect for too long! I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters!