You Don't Know What It's Worth
Chapter 4: Names in the Cup

A/N: I'm to try and fit this story back with the book a bit, so I'm skipping ahead to near Christmas. I don't plan too much Fluff for Herm-Own-Ninny and Vicky in this chapter! Maybe a bit! Mostly plot building. Wanna try and hit 3,000 words? Lets!

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As Months went by the Triwizards Tournament was announced to start the day after everyone returned from Christmas break, for now it was time for everyone of appropriate age to place their names in the goblet of fire. Dumbledore paced around the Great Hall explaining the details of the torturous and somewhat deadly game. The students seemed to hang on every word of the Headmaster's but Viktor and his fellow schoolmates had heard the lecture a thousand and one times from their own school dean. To make the new schools more comfy, they had been given their own long table along with Beauxbatons

"Now," Dumbledore said lightening his tone and the moment. "Eat up! And get a good night's rest, some of you," His eyes scanned the likely candidates, "Will need it." Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody searched the crowd as well, his eye rolling about. Viktor's eyes settled on Harry Potter and for a moment got a sneaking suspicion about him and the tournament. As the fest commenced Viktor's mind seemed to go from the worries of the tournament and focus on the beauty that Hogwarts had. His dark onyx eyes scanned the ceiling, in a peaceful state. Noticing his spaced-out stare his friend, Vlad punched him in the arm.

"Viktor, concentrate, you've been spaced out lately." His friend had a stern look on his face and raised an eyebrow, "Karkaroff vill be on your case soon enough if you do not get it together." His friend warned him whole heartedly and pushed a plate of creamy chocolate pudding. "Here, it's good try it." Viktor glanced over at the Gryffindor table and noticed the bushy haired fourth year slowly eating the pudding with a delighted look. He picked up his spoon and rolled it around on his palm before digging into the pudding as well. Three of his friends paused their eating to follow his stare.

"Is that the girl you vere valking vith by the lake?" Asked Spinter, examining the brown eyed bookworm. "She is young, yes?" Still no response from Viktor, Vlad piped up. "you like her? Tell her." He mumbled, "Maybe then you can focus on the tournament." This comment made Viktor sneer.

"Hov do you knov I vill get the champion part,huh? Just because I am a seeker? Or the vhole vorld knovs my name?" He hissed lowly at his friends. "I just vant to be left alone." Viktor excused himself from the table and walked out to the Gryffindor Common Room, ignoring his headmaster's glares for leaving so suddenly.

Sometimes, being the world's youngest Quidditch star, and popular at school wasn't always the best. Grabbing a thick spine book from his duffle bag, Viktor noisily slumped down into the big plush chair by the fire. The common room was still, only the flames dancing shone movement. Viktor sighed deeply, as he turned a page in his novel.

'This boy is stupid.' Thought Viktor to himself, 'Stupid to believe he was everything when he really had nothing.' Long ago Viktor's mother had taught him the meaning of love after his father, cold as ice, abandoned them to join the dark side. Not too soon after did he come back and kill his mother, Viktor being at school was safe. Knowing this Viktor was always a tad suspicious of Karkaroff and his true intentions with the Triwizards Cup. Viktor's eyes scanned the text once more, drifting him farther into the story land then in the Hogwarts' Realm. The heroine in the book reminded Viktor greatly of Hermione and her strong willed attitude, he smiled then frowned, they had been having less and less encounters over the months, and he still hadn't got enough courage to tell her how he felt. He was so caught up in the thought of the main character being stupid and letting the love of his life leave, rather than chase after her and not fight in the war, that he didn't hear the portrait door swing up. A small 4th year Weasley peeked around the wide framed chair and stared straight at the Quidditch player.
Viktor glanced up and caught her eyes and looked at her. Ginny blushed deeply and gave a tight smile, "This came for you..Mr. K-"

"Viktor." He interrupted. "My name is Viktor." Ginny just nodded and handed him the letter. "It came for you in the Great Hall but you weren't there. It was delivered to the Gryffindor table." Ginny bid Viktor a good night and walked swiftly out of the common room. Once again the room was empty, Viktor said the book open on his lap and starred at the letter cautiously. Through out his years of opening fan mail and other things, he became on his guard. Viktor held the letter up to the light then tapped it with his Dragon Heart string cored wand. Revealing itself he read

Good Luck.

The letter was not signed nor had any type of clue on it to reveal who it came from. Annoyed, Viktor tossed it in the fire and continued reading his book.
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Hermione, Harry, and Ron made their way to the Library so Hermione could help them with Transfiguration homework. Ever since the party upset in the Common Room, Professor McGonagall had been especially hard on the partygoers, which of course, made the Slytherins' quite amused. Walking into the library the noticed a bunch of books shoved in corners, tape blocked off aisles and house elves were running around like crazy. Hermione, who was about to have a heart attack over the working house elves, looked around frantically. "What's going on here?" A sixth year Hufflepuff stopped moving books, her prefect badge shinning in then dim light, and wiped sweat from her brow.

"We have a big prefects meeting in a few hours and need tons of space and research. So we're blocking off a section of the library! It's more work that it looks!" She sighed deeply and realized she was breaking. "I'm sorry! Must be off!" Harry and Ron sighed in relief of not having to carry the books and Hermione just chewed on her inner cheek. "Oh! The common room has this marvelous sections on t-fig. C'mon!" She grabbed both her best friend's hands and ran up to the common room, robes flowing behind them. When they turned the corner to go up the stairs they ran straight into Karkaroff and Professor Snape, who both glared at the trio. Snape's lip corner curled into a smirk. "Well well, if it isn't the dream team, where we heading to? Not too fool around in the Goblet of Fire I hope." He got eye level with the students, "Because if you will be found out, and severely punished" With that said, Both tall gangly men moved through the trio and continued on their way.

"Well that was weird." Said Harry turning his head to look after them. Ron nodded his brow furrowed.

"He was awfully concerned about the Goblet!" Hermione smelt a new detective case coming on and before the wheels in their head could turn anymore she continued to pull them up to their Common Room. Upon entering she noticed the fire going and a silhouette of a person sitting in the chair. She walked over to the bookcase not taking another heed to the person in the chair. Book after book she began to toss them in a stack on the floor, each new edition to the pile made Harry and Ron want to run out the door, and after the tenth book. That's exactly what they did. "Alright boys, I've got every edition of 'Terms of Transfiguration' out and-" She looked around and blinked.
"Where'd they go."

"Vell I think they vere speaking ove Quidditch ven they left." Viktor snapped his book shut and stood up. "Something about an important game tomorrow." Viktor noticed Hermione's shoulders slump as she exhaled deeply and went to pick up the first heavy edition. "Let me helvp you?" He took the book from her hands and placed it on the shelf in it's correct place. "You hand them to me and I'll put them up, yes?" At this point of the day Hermione didn't even try to argue, it was almost ten p.m. the boys ditched her, even after she voluntarily offered to help them and their slipping grades. Once again she felt used. The spark in her eyes drained and the pink cheeriness faded from her cheeks. "Vant a cup of tea?" Asked Viktor holding out a steaming mug, he had brought two for himself earlier. Hermione nodded and smiled lightly, taking a seat on the sofa. For what seemed like hours the two sat in silence just starring into the fire, and in Viktor's case at Hermione. Neither of them budged when someone would come in and make their way up to bed, or stopped to talk about the juiciest gossip. As the fire was about to die Hermione yawned. "Well Viktor, I think I'm going to go to bed. Sleep well." Viktor got up to walk her to her dormitory door, then quickly sat back down as she quickly receded.
With a sigh he checked the clock, it flickered 11:09 pm, time for him to enter his name into the cup. As he was walking out of the Common Room
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Viktor made his way through the warm lit corridors and thought how much more homely this castle seemed then Durmstrang where no one smiled or hugged each other in the hall without getting odd glances from everyone else. Turning the corner into the room where the cup was held he watched the age line, and carefully walked through it. Quickly scrawling his name on a piece of parchment he placed it into the blue flame which sparked with excitement. Viktor looked around scared he'd done something wrong.

"It's suppose to do that." A small lone voice drawled from the darkness. A house elf appeared at his feet. "Dobby saw it many times before, fun fun don't you think? Dobby does sir! Is there anything Dobby can help with Viktor Krum? World famous star? Viktor Krum is there?" Being on his last nerve, Viktor just shook off the annoying house elf and decided to head to bed. "I just need sleep." He murmured to himself and walked to the empty classroom near the Gryffindor portrait which was transformed into a room of comfy cots and faculties for the smooshed foreigners.

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"Gryffindor Scores! Fifteen points! They're now tied with Ravenclaw!" Luna called from the announcer stand making her memorable announcer skills even more put forth. The crowd ooh and awed and the swift dives, nerve racking hits and severe flying skills. The Durmstrang player's stood on the outside of the Pitch watching the game, Viktor's eyes intense, searching for the Snitch out of habit. He followed Harry Potter for awhile and noticed him using some of the tips he taught him. Of course, Viktor would never reveal all his secrets to someone who could someday very well be a worthy opponent. His eyes scanned over the stands quickly looking for a certain bushy haired Gryffindor. As soon as he did that a sickening crack was heard and a Gryffindor player fell out of the sky. The Beater's teamed up and caught the player only then did everyone see who was bleeding massively, no other than the boy who lived.

Professor's raced out onto the pitch and husked Harry out to the Hospital Wing. Viktor glanced back up as the Ravenclaw seeker spotted the snitch and caught it. "Ravenclaw WINS!" Declared Luna but half the people were already gone from their seats waiting to see what happened to Harry.

Viktor continued to walk to the Great Hall and bumped right into Harry's red-headed friend. "Vhat happened with Potter?" He asked putting a hand in front of Ron to make him stop. Ron's eyes winded and jaw dropped,

"I uh he..his skull split. Nothing they can't handle but we'll need a new.." just then something click. "Hey Viktor, How would you like to help us win some house points back?" Viktor stood for a moment,

"So you vant me to be a seeker for your house team?" Ron nodded,

"Just until Harry is better! It could only be a game or two."
Just then they were interrupted by the sound of a bodily hit then a shrill hex being called out. Peeking around the corner Ron and Viktor saw Malfoy and Hermione, Hermione much like the year before had Malfoy backed into a corner her wand drawn.

"Vhat is going on here?" Viktor asked stepping out bravely. He got in-between Hermione and Malfoy, pushing Hermione's wand down. "Don't Herm-Own-Ninny. He's not vorth it." Malfoy was not gritting his teeth at all three of them.

"Next time.." he muttered and pushed through Hermione to leave. Hermione 'hmp-ed' and smoothed out her skirt and rubbed her tie flat.

"Bloody prat." She mumbled to herself then remembered the situation. "Oh Ron! How's Harry?" Ron kept glaring the direction where Malfoy left.

"Oh he's going to be fine we just need a new seeker for tomorrow's game." Hermione must have had the same idea as Ron for her cinnamon eyes turned on Viktor.

"Viktor. I don't mean to sound rude, but Harry would really be honored if you'd take his place while he was gone." Viktor's eyes softened at the distraught Hermione.

"Of course I vill." He said before he even thought over what Karkaroff was going to say, or his shipmates for that matter. Hermione leaped and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Viktor!" She said her arms around his neck, luckily she was too busy hugging to notice the slight pink that tinted his tanned skin. Harry had decided to keep it quite about Krum being the Gryffindor's stand in seeker, to give everyone a rush of surprise.
The Great Hall was buzzing with anticipation of everything coming up. The names of the champions to be pulled within days, the Hogsmeade trip, and even the dances.
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Whew! Exactly 3,000 words! Longest chapter yet! don't expect all those chapters to be that long! Anyways to answer reviews:

Emi-Bum- Thanks for the review! Here's your update!

Cherrisoda- Your newbie typing amused me winks Thanks for reading! Hope you liked this update

!TomFeltonsWife!-It took me awhile to think Stanislav Ianevski. Atfirst I didn't notice it then I was like Woah, he's kinda cute!

Cherrychanlay- Thanks for the review!

Lazyllama101- Teehee, I think they need to make Viktor plushies to sleep with! I'd buy one!

Fluffymello- Thank you!

Hope everyone liked this chapter, please be sure to review if you did! Ciao!

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