You Don't Know What It's Worth
Chapter 1: Arrival

A/N: I know you're cursing me for starting a new story when I have so many to finish, but I'm inspired and just now getting back into writing after my two year break. This, I warn you, is not my normal Draco/Hermione ship but a Viktor/Hermione story. I got the idea after seeing the fourth movie, the Yule Ball scene was just TOO adorable, not to write an alternate version to go with the time of the Goblet of Fire. So, this story will take place in the beginning of Hermione's fourth year. I'm also going to try to keep the character's in character as much as possible, none of this madly in love thing after the first chapter. Where's the fun in that? Suspense I say!

"Blimey, Harry, he was just amazing! Best seeker there is! Krum!" Ron was still ecstatic over the little of the world cup he got to see, and Harry just chuckled at his friend. Hermione rolled his eyes.

"Ron it's just a game why don't you find something more interesting like this." She tossed, 'Hogwarts, A History' into Ron's lap as his face twisted up in distaste.

"Why should I read this thing Hermione when you could just audio it to us?" He said looking at the book as if it were a wild hippogriff in his view. Harry grabbed the book off Ron's lap and flipped through it. "Just how many times have you read this book Hermione?" Hermione snatched the book out of his hands and sneered,

"Enough times to know way more than you two." With a screeching halt the train stopped and the conductor announced the students had arrived at Hogwarts. Ron and Harry stuffed the candy they got off the trolley into their pockets and jumped to get off the train. Hagrid was standing outside the port as always to escort the first years to the right boat.

" 'Ermione! 'Arry! Ron! Over here!" A tall bulky silhouette of their friend waved to them from a small bank. "Hurry up! Professor Dumbledore has a very important announcement to make!" Once everybody was ushered into the Great Hall, first years sorted and seated, Dumbledore clinked his wand on a glass goblet.

"First of all, Welcome to another fine year at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am very pleased to announce it will be the home to three other schools as a result of The Triwizards Tournament from which Hogwarts will be sponsoring." Many whispers of excitement flooded the hall and was silenced from a bellow from Dumbledore. "Let me be honored to introduce Madame Maxime and her girls from Beauxbatons." The towering doors of the Great Hall boomed opened and a line of beautiful graceful girls seemed to float over the ground with their Headmistress in tow. The guys of Hogwarts gapped at the site of the silver flowing hair and the bright blue uniforms. The girls smiled sweetly as they all bowed to Dumbledore. Hermione elbowed both Harry and Ron in the sides to get them out of their trance.

"They're just girls." Ginny Weasley hissed at her brother. Ron, with a stupid grin on his face merely nodded. Professor Dumbledore smiled at the girls and announced Drumstrang as the next school. With a surprising noise the boys of Drumstrang military marched into the Hall, behind them their headmaster and to everyone's surprise world famous seeker, Viktor Krum. Ron's mouth fell open at site of his idol walking the ground of his school.

"H-Harry it's-'s V-Viktor Krum!" Harry nodded along with Ron but widen his eyes when Viktor looked straight over at the Gryffindor table at Hermione. Viktor's lips curled up slightly in a small smile for the know it all bookworm, a fluorescent blush shone on Hermione's cheeks as she gave a timidly shy smile back. Ginny almost jumped out of her seat with a loud whisper,

"Hermione Granger! What was that?" She asked with a squeal and a tug on Harry's arm to see if he saw it to. Harry laughed,

"Yeah he looked at you 'Mione!" The blush still hadn't faded from her cheeks when she excused herself from the table after Dumbledore's speech and headed to the library. Harry watched her leave and his gaze lingered over to Viktor Krum's who was as well watching the Gryffindor girl walk out of the room.

Hermione walked down the silent corridor books in hand as she opened the door to the library. She took her seat at her normal table and greeted the librarian with a smile. She dropped her books on the table and scooted her chair back to a comfortable length. Her cinnamon eyes scanned the library for noise and found it deserted. With a gleeful thought of studying, Hermione picked up her copy of Potions: Year 4 and turned to the first page. Halfway into reading the seventh chapter Hermione her a collapse of massive giggling. Annoyed at the sound she turned to see what the ruckus was all about, she caught the site of twelve flushing girls with Viktor Krum merchandise everywhere. "Will you please be quiet." Hermione snapped at the fan club and they gave her a sharp look ignoring her with yelps of 'There he is! There he is!" Hermione rolled her eyes and picked up her books brushing right passed the Quidditch star on her way out.

"Ms." The famous seeker called after her, picking up one of the books she dropped. He raised an eyebrow at his fan club at turned around to leave. Looking around the ill-lit hallway Viktor searched for that familiar outline. "Krum!" Viktor turned his head to see a fellow schoolmate waving him down. "Come on! Ve haff to get to the Gryffindor common room, Deatheaters vere spotted close by and their locking us dovn in the common rooms of different houses. Ve've got Gryffindor. Let's go!" Viktor nodded and followed his friend to the portrait of the fat lady.

"Bubble gum." A third year Gryffindor said and opened the portrait for the members of the other school. "This way." She instructed. Viktor and his mate followed the girl until they reached the crimson and gold common room. The colors made Viktor feel a bit at home, and his eyes scanned the room. Gryffindor and Drumstrang students were packed and sitting around Professor McGonagall. She in took a deep breath and pulled her fingers away from pinching the bridge of her nose. "A town only fifty miles away from here was attacked by Death Eaters only thirty minutes ago. As of this moment EVERYONE is to remain in a common room and not to roam the halls, for safety measures. The Tournament could be postponed depending on what happens we'll see tomorrow. For now, everyone get some rest, play a game, just stay in here." With that said she turned around and exited the common room to meet with the other staff.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry were crowded together in a corner by the fire, the boys playing a game of trying to balance chocolate frogs on their nose and get them to fall into their mouths. Hermione sighed at their immature antics and flipped a page in her book.

As eleven rolled around slowly everyone had ventured up into their dorms. The Drumstrang students were split up between the boys dorm's and crammed together. A few opted to sleep in the common room. Seeing most were gone to bed Hermione crawled into a big plush chair and made a vocal note of her comfort. Viktor was laying down on the couch caddy corner to the chair and kept Hermione in his view. With a quiet get up he rummaged through his bag and pulled out her book.

"Excuse me ms.." He said in his thick Bulgarian accent, "You dropped your book in the library." Hermione jumped, startled by his voice and she looked up to see Viktor Krum starring down at her. She could already feel the color creeping its way to her cheeks as she slowly grabbed the book, her fingers brushing with his rough calloused ones.

"T-thank you." She mumbled quietly and gave a smile. Viktor return it and glanced into the fire. "Tis a terrible thing those death eaters do to those poor people." Hermione nodded sadly, "Oh, My name is Viktor Krum, but I'm sure you already knew that." Hermione held out her hand,

"My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"What a beautiful name Herm-o-ninny." He coughed at the butchering of her name. She laughed.

"Her-my-own-nee" She helped with the pronunciation ang glanced at the clock. "Well Viktor Krum it is getting late and I have to prepare for classes tomorrow. See you in the morning."

"Good night Herm-o-ninny." Again he winced apologetically, she smiled with acceptance.

"Goodnight." And with that both went to their bed and fell into a good night's sleep.

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