Disclaimer: I do not own Loonatics Unleashed, although I would like to own
Rev for at least a day. (blushes) Anyway, please no flames on this story,
it's my first attempt at Loonatics Unleashed and I haven't seen every
single episode. But I'll try my best! Please enjoy the first chapter of The


"It's coming? It's the end. There is no hope! Somebody help us! Someone
please! Save us from The Haunting!"

Lexi Bunny sat bolt upright in bed. She panted heavily and wiped sweat from
her forehead. Sometimes she really hated having sonar hearing. She could
feel these people, she could sense their pain, but how could she help them?
The Haunting? What was that anyway? Lexi sighed and lay down on the bed.

"That smell, that horrible smell! It smells like something dead and
rotting! It's the first sign of The Haunting! Oh dear God somebody help us
it's the plague! It's the?"

"SHUT UP!" Lexi screamed clutching her head. She heard the pounding of
footsteps and the door being slammed open.

"Lexi? Are you okay?" Ace asked with concern.

"It's coming?It's coming?The?plague?The first sign?" Lexi said barely above
a whisper.

Ace looked at her confused. "What?"

"I think Lexi has gone off her rocker." Danger said receiving a glare from

"It could just be some sort of a nightmare she's having. It's just an after
shock if anything." Tech replied.

"It wasn't a nightmare! It was real! There were people talking, begging for
help. Something about a plague?" Lexi muttered.

"A-plague?-I-think-you-have-lost-it-Lexi-there's-no-plague." Rev said as
Slam grunted his agreement.

"Maybe?" Lexi trailed off uncertain.

"Yeah, It was probably just some sort of a nightmare." Ace said

Lexi nodded. After everyone else left the voices replayed over and over


The next morning Lexi woke up and realized it was 4:30 in the morning. Not
only did she not remember falling asleep, she couldn't figure out why she
had woken up.


"Shut up, and get out of my head!" Lexi said through gritted teeth. She
stood up from the bed and decided to go downstairs, there was no point in
getting any sleep at this point.

Lexi went downstairs and walked into the living room with a cup of coffee.
She gasped as she noticed blood red clouds swirling around the city of

She looked on in confusion, then she noticed dead bodies scattered across
the street. She gagged. More confusion over came her as she realized
Zadavia hadn't gathered them to tell them to save the city or anything.

She walked into the room and tried to contact Zadavia.

"Yes?" The familiar voice asked. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Zadavia, what is going on? There are dead people scattered all over the
city! Why didn't you tell us?" Lexi asked.

"Because there is no hope." Zadavia's voice turned flat and seemed to sound
like she was wheezing. Her breathing became heavier as she gazed at Lexi.

"What?" Lexi asked nervously backing slowly away from the woman.

"There is no hope, for The Haunting is here. The plague is all ready taking
its course. Anyone who is touched or bitten is taken by the plague, and
there is no cure. All of Acmetropolis will die. Save yourselves if you
can?But there is no hope." Zadavia began choking as her eyes turned blood
red, and she began to froth at the mouth. She almost seemed to be groping
for something, and she kept on reaching. Then she was gone.

As soon as she was gone Lexi gave out a blood-curdling scream as voices
blended together into one.

"My child my one and only child has been taken! I've been bitten! HELP ME
before I? Oh God no! It is the end for all of us. There is no hope and no
help we shall all perish at the hands of The Haunting!"

"LEXI! LEXI! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Ace yelled grabbing hold of her wrist.

"There is no hope! Everyone will perish at the hands of The Haunting?No one
can escape it?No one can live through it?Everyone is going to die?There is
no hope?No?hope?" Lexi said in a hoarse voice before blacking out.

"What the hell was that all about?" Danger exclaimed.

"Something tells me that this is more of a nightmare, I have no idea what
she's babbling on about.' Ace said.

"Hey-what-do-you-know-about-this-haunting-Tech?-Tech?" Rev asked. He gazed
at his friend concerned. Tech had paled and stood completely still as if he
had just seen a ghost.

"Tech? Do you know what's going on?" Ace asked.

"I?I've heard of The Haunting before. It happens once every one hundred

"What is it though smart one?" Danger snapped.

"Can it Duck!" Ace snapped realizing it was a very serious situation.

"It has happened all ready, look at the sky." Tech said pointing.

The rest of the Loonatics turned to see the blood red clouds swirling
around all of Acmetropolis.

"This is The Haunting? Ooh I'm so scared! Red clouds, how terrifying!"
Danger said sarcastically.

"Do you not see the dead bodies?" Tech hissed dangerously. They all looked
again to mangled bodies on the streets below.

"Jeez! Why didn't Zadavia tell us?"

"Because Zadavia was taken by the plague." They all jumped to see Lexi. She
pushed away from Ace and stood up shakily.

"I want answers, what is The Haunting?" She snapped turning a cold gaze on

"I don't really know much about it, I just know the gist of the story. Back
in the late 1500s and early 1600s there were witches. Witchcraft is studied
today and is a very scary thing to ever witness. I believe around this time
it was the time of witch hunting. Many of these witches were furious at
these mortals for killing their kind, and for fifty years they created a
curse. The way that they looked at it was, you kill our loved ones, we kill

"The first sign of The Haunting are the blood red clouds and the plague. It
is said that a dark spirit sent by these witches chooses their victim, this
victim then walks around with this infection and spreads the disease. It is
spread through biting, scratching, and possibly by touch. You can always
tell when someone has been hit by the plague when their eyes are blood red,
and they're frothing at the mouth, and they seem to be reaching for
something. When this dark spirit feels that this victim has spread the
disease around, it kills everyone that was infected by it and chooses a new
victim. This is not the end of The Haunting."

"The second stage is when demons of unbelievable power are sent down from
these clouds and destroy everything, they tear down buildings, and rip
people apart who were not hit by the plague, one of the most common of
these demons is Stitch Face. Stitch Face comes from the shadows of these
clouds, and offers a tired person inside a car, when they have reached this
person's stop, Stitch Face kills his victim."

"The third stage is when all hope is lost. The demons are destroying the
city, people are constantly attacked by the plague, Stitch Face kills
innocent victims, and then the Gravedigger comes. The Gravedigger is a man;
no one has ever seen his face that buries those who have died of The
Haunting. He buries them two feet to three feet down, so that they can feel
the rain. When they have caused enough destruction, they leave with
tortured souls and wait another one hundred years for their next attack.
The people who have died, are the tortured souls, and come down in the next
one hundred-year as a demon and kill. Anyone who is attacked by this is
forever a prisoner of The Haunting. You can not defeat them you can only
hide, for they can not die. Very few people can survive the plague, and
those that do remain in their destructed city." Tech finished.

"But why Acmetropolis, that part doesn't add up, wouldn't they just go back
and attack the same place?" Ace asked.

"No. These witches wanted the Haunting to spread. That is why they never
attack the same place twice. Anyone who lives is blessed, and stays in the
same town so that they don't end up getting attacked again. You know, if
they go to another town and that's the same place the demons strike? It's
not likely they'll ever run into it again since they only come every one
hundred years, but it's a possibility. Then once they've attacked every
place in the world they just begin all over again."

"Isn't there some way to defeat them?" Lexi asked.

"No. And Zadavia has now become a tortured soul, and a demon of the

"There has to be something we can do!" Lexi exclaimed.

"They're too powerful. We can only hope that they won't attack us."

"If we don't go and get food we'll starve!" Danger exclaimed dramatically.

"I can try to create something that will bring us food whenever we need it
so that we don't have to leave." Tech said.

"But?But?How long does this thing even last?" Danger snapped impatiently.

"We could be in here for a while. The plague lasts from one to five years."


I thought that was a great place to stop. I don't think it was too bad.
Sorry if not all of the characters were included that much, but if you
review this story you'll see more of them in chapter two! I really hope
I've got you in suspense. I don't own Stitch Face, he's a character from a
book I read, and I don't own the Gravedigger, I took that idea from the
song Gravedigger. Anyway please review!