Ice and Water: Part One of Two

Professor Ami Mizuno picked her way down towards the shore, the blue haired young woman dressed in black jeans and a jacket, her runners providing good grips on the slick rocks as she left the sounds of a party behind her. In her one hand she carried a bottle of fine wine and in the other was a plastic glass as she reached the sandy shore, standing there a moment in silence while looking out over the waters of Tokyo bay.

Sitting down on a rock outcropping Ami shivered a little, but cracked open the bottle and poured herself a drink as a fine mist splashed up at her from the waves. "Happy new year," she murmured and drank, feeling oddly glad that none of her fellow researchers in marine biology were out here, "here's hoping it's better than last year."

It had been a rough few months for Ami, beginning with the discovery that her long time lover had been cheating on her for nearly a year. Despite all of Makoto's tearful protests that it would never happen again she had moved out of their house, originally going back home with her mother then when she couldn't bear that anymore into a small apartment. The only good thing was that without a relationship to slow her down, she was doing well professionally and had landed this prestigious job studying the effects of climate change on the life in Tokyo bay.

"Hurrah for me," Ami murmured, taking another careful drink, listening to the sounds of birds off in the distance and the lapping waves.

"And what are you doing out here all alone?" the voice asked, startling Ami slightly. Michiru Kaoru smiled slightly as she came around a section of rocks, her green hair flowing around her lovely face as she walked over to Ami's side. "I was wondering where you disappeared to after the office party," she continued softly, looking at Ami with concern.

"Celebrating the new year," Ami shrugged slightly uncomfortably, deliberately not looking at her. Michiru was a climateologist unlike Ami's biology specialties, but they had quickly found they could work well together on their projects. To Ami's surprise she had also realized she was attracted to the elegant lady, but had firmly squelched those feelings.

"You're going to get a reputation as a recluse," Michiru noted as she sat on a nearby stone just beside Ami's. She slim, graceful limbs settled easily, her eyes warm with concern as she continued, "I think Haruka was worried about you, too."

Ami tried not to wince at the mention of Haruka Tenoh's name, but it was hard. Michiru and her lover had been together for several years, and the slim blonde seemed to be her perfect compliment, a strong, outgoing person to balance Michiru's quiet confidence.

"Thank you," Ami managed gruffly, "but I'd rather be alone, please."

Michiru studied her silently, then she reached out to rest a hand on her coat-covered arm. "I was hoping that you'd decide to come to our New Years party tonight," she said quietly before adding hesitantly, "I... missed you."

A flash of guilt made Ami look away from that compassionate gaze, looking out at the waters of the bay. Feeling deeply uncomfortable with her attraction to Michiru she had deliberately pulled back from her growing friendship with the other woman, and only now did she realize how mixed a set of signals she was sending out.

"I'm sorry," Ami said softly, deciding to be at least partially honest with her, "I'm having some personal problems lately."

"Makoto?" Michiru asked. Seeing Ami's surprised glance she shrugged slightly, "I'm sorry, but stories do go around."

'Not quite what I met by personal problems, but it's close enough,' Ami thought wryly, feeling perversely glad about the efficiency of the office grapevine. "I feel so angry about it at times, and foolishly betrayed," she said, adding mentally, 'and that's why I won't put myself in that same position with you and Haruka.'

"I understand," Michiru said softly. She smiled suddenly as she studied Ami, "Were you worried we were going to try to set you up with a date at the office party?"

"Knowing our fearless leader," Ami jokingly referred to Dr. Tomoe, glad that Michiru was changing the subject, "it's quite possible." She ran a hand through her blue hair, "When I noticed the strange ladies with him, I was sure he was setting me up for something."

"Well, I promise no matchmaking," Michiru said as she got up. Gracefully offering her hand to Ami she smiled, "Please come?"

Ami took it, giving in as gracefully as she could manage. "Well, all right," she said, "but I'm not promising to stick around too long."

"Don't worry," Michiru kept her hand as they picked their way up the rocky shore, "it's mostly friends of Haruka and I, and a few work mates."

'That's not too comforting,' Ami thought as they reached the road, a sleek sports car waiting there. Haruka Tenoh leaned against the side, her sandy blonde hair falling into her eyes and a gentle smile on her face. Ami felt a flash of resentment at how good she looked in a casual suit, then firmly quashed the feeling.

"Ami-sensei," Haruka smiled charmingly as she opened the car doors, "good to see my partner talked you into joining us."

"Thank you for the invitation," Ami smiled as she dropped her plastic cup in the garbage before taking the back seat, almost wishing that she could resent the blonde. It would be so much easier to have the sort of feelings Ami did if Haruka was a jerk, but the blonde was so caring to Michiru it was almost revolting.

Michiru gracefully climbed in to the passenger seat, turning to the side a moment to take a good look back at Ami. "You know," she said to Ami teasingly as Haruka got them going, "I thought that Minako was going to spill her drink when you walked in tonight. You don't normally dress so butch, I think it made her see you in a whole new light."

"She's not really my type," Ami murmured, thinking a second of the gorgeous blonde secretary. She handled the paperwork and computer services for most of the lab, and despite the reputation of most blondes she was as sharp as a tack. Sadly, she was very flighty in her relationships, at least according to the office gossips.

"Remind me not to introduce her to Usagi," Haruka murmured to Michiru while she maneuvered them through Tokyo traffic.

"Don't be mean," Michiru chuckled, "Usagi's not that bad."

"So are there going to be couples or singles at this party?" Ami asked curiously. Looking forward she saw Michiru's face alternating in light and shadow from the passing street lights, giving her an almost unearthly kind of beauty.

"Bit of a mix," Haruka turned the car, moving into a residential block, "there's Usagi and her girlfriend Rei, a old friend of my university days, Juri Arisugawa, and Mina from your lab. I also understand a few friends from Michiru's musical days will be coming."

"Seiya Kou will be there," Michiru smiled wryly, "and try to help me keep her away from Haruka, they don't get along." She ignored Haruka's protest and continued, "I also talked Reika Chang into coming, she's making a name for herself as Vision."

Haruka smoothly pulled them into the underground parking lot of a high-rise, getting out then smoothly opening Michiru's door. As they walked to the elevator Haruka smiled wryly, "Sorry to ask you to play referee between me and Seiya, it's the old ex-lover syndrome."

"Eh?" Ami blinked as the elevator arrived with a soft chime.

"Seiya and I dated when I pursued the violin in my younger days," Michiru explained casually as she hit the switch for the tenth floor, "and she's a flirt."

"In your younger days?" Haruka teased, "You sound like a granny."

"I wouldn't pursue that," Ami murmured and got a laugh from both women even as the elevator gently came to a stop.

"You'll pay for that granny remark later," Michiru warned Haruka.

"I can hardly wait," Haruka purred as the doors opened.

'This is going to be a long night,' Ami thought wryly, even though she was enjoying watching the two of them. "If you don't stop that," she mock threatened, "I'm going to have to take steps."

Surprisingly Michiru took one of Ami's arms, Haruka the other and they set off down the hall together. "You know," Michiru leaned close to softly murmur in Ami's ear, "I almost would like to see what you'd do."

"Michiru," Ami blushed red.

Haruka laughed as she opened the apartment door, releasing the sounds of a busy party inside. "You are going to have an... interesting night," she promised as they went inside.

To be continued...