There Is

(Re-mastered Edition)

I haven't written this Fic for a while, so I decided to go back and fix a few of those punctuation errors and things first before posting an entirely new chapter (after what seems like forever) So, I hope you enjoy. And thanks for the support with this story.

Chapter One: Back

Hermione Granger gazed out the window of the Hogwarts express in a daydream. The journey always did become tedious and boring after the first couple of hours, and Ron and Harry were also seemingly not in the mood to make conversation.

Hermione's mind (like Harrys. Heck, Maybe even Ron's) was on the events of the Quidditch World Cup. The Dark Mark had been conjured and seen for the first time in thirteen years, and even though Hermione was muggle born she knew what the return of You-Know-Who would mean. Taking her eyes reluctantly off the window she glanced at Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, her best friends.

Harry looked worried and slightly tense. This didn't surprise Hermione, if You-Know-Who was back he would be coming for Harry Potter first. She couldn't stand the silence any longer, and decided to attempt making conversation,

"They must have some idea who conjured it?" She had failed in concealing her worry, "I mean… All that security…" She mumbled mostly to herself,

"They don't have a clue. That's why there so worried. Happened right under the Ministry's nose" Ron said seriously, "or is that noses…"

Hermione rolled her eyes, but didn't remark on Ron's stupidity due to the arrival of the trolley

"Anything from the trolley?" An old looking Witch asked through the open compartment doors. Ron and Harry were scrambling in their pockets for money.

"I'll be right back" Hermione whispered to Harry, though he wasn't paying attention. She squeezed past the trolley on her way out the compartment and made her way to the toilets. When she got there and saw the queue she tutted and rolled her eyes.

"Annoying isn't it?" An unrecognisable male voice said from behind her, not sure if he was talking to her Hermione turned around. Standing behind her was the rather handsome Hufflepuff sixth year, Cedric Diggory.

"Hermione Granger, isn't it?" Cedric extended his hand, "we met at the World cup?"

"Yes, just for a minute though" Hermione shook his hand. He didn't say anything and Hermione couldn't think of anything to say either. She had never really been victim of an 'awkward silence' before, and she made note not to be again. Awkward silences were just that - awkward.

After a few moments (and to Hermione's relief) Cedric spoke again,

"Well, it looks like I can go now" Hermione looked towards the boys toilets. There was no queue there anymore, "see you around" and he strolled off.

Hermione waited again for a few minutes, but then decided to return to her compartment and abandon her attempts to use the toilet. She realised that the dozen or so girls ahead of her would take at least twenty minutes each fixing their hair or make up.

"Where have you been?" Ron asked in a would-be accusatory tone.

"I don't see why I should share my every movement with you, Ronald. But if you are that desperate to know, I went to the toilet" she rolled her eyes (for what felt like the millionth time that day) and sat back down with Crookshanks on her lap.

"We'll be there soon" Harry observed, "we should put out robes on"

The rest of the journey passed without any real incident. Harry and Ron played Wizards Chess obsessively for the next forty five minutes until Neville, Ginny, Fred and George joined their compartment and they began a tournament. Hermione decided to sit it out as she knew her strength didn't lie in chess and watched as Ron won the tournament just as the train pulled into Hogsmeade station.

The sorting was something that Hermione usually watched with interest. But this year she really wanted it to end - and was regretting the decision to skip lunch - she swore the whole of the Great Hall could hear her stomach rumbling. But after what felt like hours the sorting ended and Dumbledore indicated the start of the feast.

Hermione had been rather enjoying the meal, untill Fred (though it may have been George) made an offhand comment about house elves, and how they had prepared the meal! She dropped her fork in horror and despite her hunger, vowed not to eat another bite.

"Slave labour!" She burst, shrilly, "slave labour is what cooked this meal!"

She was enraged, Hogwarts of all places! She thought that Dumbledore had morals! How could he endorse slavery!

When the feast came to an end she wasn't exactly in the best of moods, which led her to snort loudly when Dumbledore started his speech ("now we've all been fed and watered") which she was certain Gryffindor table had heard, at least.

However, the subject of Dumbledore's speech grabbed her attention and she momentarily forgot all about house elves and slavery.

"The Triwizard tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year" there were murmers of great interest around her, especially from Fred and George. She listened intently as Dumbledore explained how shortlist of students from the participating schools will be arriving at the end of October. "However, due to the dangers of competing in such a tournament there will be age restrictions. You can only put forth your name if you are aged seventeen or older"

"That's rubbish!" Hermione distinctly heard Fred yell. There were other obscenities being thrown around also. Hermione thought this ridiculous, like anyone under seventeen would be capable of competing anyway. But to her surprise Ron and Harry both seemed quite annoyed by this,

"It's for the best really…" she began tentatively, "people have died. No one under seventeen would be able too…"

"Give it a rest Hermione!" Ron spat. She was taken aback, her and Ron had bickered before but he had never said anything that cruelly to her before. She didn't have time to ponder his treatment of her though, as Dumbledore had restarted his speech.

"I will explain the selection process when the delegations arrive. But until then I bid you all a goodnight!"

There was a great shuffle as everyone tried to leave the Hall. Hermione was still rather annoyed with Ron however, and decided to hang back a bit and wait for the majority to leave. When she did make her way to the marble staircase she was surprised to see Ron waiting at the bottom of it.


He suddenly noticed her presence and had obviously not expected to see her. Hermione got the distinct impression he was hiding something,

"'Mione, what are you doing here?" He asked twitchily. Now she was sure he was up to something,

"I could ask you the same thing" she said coldly, still hurt by his earlier outburst.

"I'm not breaking any law!" He snapped, in a similar tone he had used earlier. Hermione wasn't really in the mood for this.

"You know what Ron? You can be a right git sometimes!" And she stormed up the staircase before this turned into a full blown row.

"Shit!" She cursed when she reached the portrait of the fat lady. She didn't know the password. She instinctively blamed Ron for this. Even though she knew that was irrational.

"Its balderdash" a quiet voice told her

"Ginny!" Hermione had never been more grateful to see her. The portrait swung open and they entered together and headed for the dormitories. As Ginny's was first Hermione bade her goodnight and continued to her own. She hoped she would be able to get into bed without having to talk to Parvarti or Lavendar. But no such luck.

"Oooh have you and Ronny fallen out again?" Lavendar cooed. Both of those girls were always so desperate for even the slightest bit of gossip. Hermione knew this so never confided in either of them.

"No. I'm just tired. Goodnight" she ignored their giggles and climbed into her bed, closed the curtains and after a lot of tossing and turning, eventually fell into a deep sleep.

Hermione surprised herself by enjoying her first day back immensely. Despite the problems the night before with Ron, they had just been acting like they normally did in situations like these. Formal and polite, in fact not even mentioning it at all. Hermione would have preferred them just talking out their differences, but she knew form experience that Ron couldn't handle those kind of talks so she just took his lead in not talking about it.

The last lesson of the day happened to be Potions; Ron and Harry's least favourite class. Hermione secretly rather enjoyed potion making in spite of Professor Snape's obvious bias toward the Slytherins, and his disparaging remarks toward Harry and on occasion other Gryffindor's too.

It was during this lesson that her relationship with Ron really returned to normal. He had failed spectacularly in making his potion so had endured taunts from the Slytherins and Snape. Hermione consoled him by squeezing his hand (although she did this discreetly to aviod anymore unwanted attention) and she saw him blush a slight pink.

Hermione had suspected for nearly a year now that Ron's feelings for her may be more than just simple friendship, and she knew that her feelings were also something more. But she wasn't completely sure and didn't want to risk their friendship by attempting some form of romantic relationship quite yet, she knew they both just weren't ready for that.

That evening Hermione decided that she would do her homework in the privacy of the library. She always enjoyed Hogwarts library - not only for the mass amounts of books- but just for the peace and quiet it offered, which you couldn't really get anywhere else in Hogwarts (with the exception of down by the lake)

She completed her homework rather quickly, and was pleased as that wasn't the only reason she was there. She scanned the magical creatures section until she found what she was looking for. With a triumphant smile she took 'Enslavement: A History Of House Elves' off the shelf and took it back to her table and began to read.

After around half an hour of intense reading, she was interrupted (to her great annoyance) by a now quite familiar voice,

"Mind if I join you?"