Gilmore girls

Another Logan & Rory adventure

I do not own any of the characters, settings, movies, or music mentioned in this story.

A little background knowledge before you read: Everything did indeed happen, but Rory returned to Yale instead of waiting it out. It is her and Logan's final year at Yale and they both have apartments off campus. Logan is sharing with Finn and Colin while Rory shares with Paris and Stephanie. Their apartments are in the same building, just different floors. Logan and Rory are together, Doyle and Paris are together, and Colin & Stephanie are together.

This is the Rogan I promised you without further ado let the story begin:

Rory had just finished un-packing her final box when she heard a knock her bedroom door. She groaned but pushed aside the pile of clothes that were on her floor and opened in. In walked Logan Huntzberger carrying a bouquet of flowers in one hand a balancing two cups of coffee in his other.

"Well thank you Logan." Rory said giving him a kiss and taking one cup of coffee from him and the flowers. "I will need to get a vase for them." Rory said thinking out loud. Logan smiled and closed the door behind him.

"I have a question, more of a request." Logan started. Rory sat down in a chair in the corner to listen to him and he sat on the floor next to her. "I am wondering you would join Colin, Finn, and I on a little trip?" he asked in a hopeful voice.

"And just where may I ask is this trip located?" Rory asked as she sipped her coffee. Logan smiled.

"Australia. Finn wants to go see his parents and introduce us to some of his friends." Logan explained. Rory nodded.

"And how much time do I have to pack?" She asked with a knowing grin. Logan smirked at her. She knew him so well.

"We leave next Tuesday. It will only be for a week so you won't miss much. I promise to have someone get all of your homework to you some how daily and take notes for you. Lots of notes and good ones." Logan replied. Rory smiled at him.

"Okay I'll go." she said simply. Logan smiled and pulled her up from the chair to give her a hug.

"Do you need any help un-packing?" he asked looking around. Rory shook her head.

"I think I can handle it. I might need you later to help me hang a few things up, but other than that its covered." Rory explained. Logan nodded.

"I need to get going then. I promised the guys to help set up the poker table." he explained. Rory nodded and gave him a kiss goodbye as he walked out the door. Then she sat back down in the chair pulling her legs up and putting her arms around them. It was going to be another adventurous year at Yale.

Okay I know this is short, but I want to know if you all like where I am going with this so far? I just came up with this and started typing letting the ideas flow. I'm not sure how I like it, but I will let you all be the judge of it. Please review and I hope you all like it. I will update soon. Happy Holidays!