Hand of Gods

Disclaimer & Warning are in prologue.


AN: Thank you Rayvern for beta this chapter.

I had replied to Kazeko regarding to chan. This story is started after the anime, please read the warning in the prologue...that means no relationship with six grade-children. Please no flame on yaoi, it's not everyone cup of tea but I have already stated in the summary.

Immortals/Gods characters for the story are taken from Japan and China mythology

Ryūjin or Watatsumi - Japanese dragon and sea god

Uzume - goddess of joy and happiness and good health

Jurōjin or Gama - one of the Seven Gods of Fortune and longevity

Ida-Ten - god of law and monasteries (Cookies for those who's able to guess who Ida Ten is)


Chapter Three: The one left behind…


Amagasaki (May 1, 2005)

Tsukaguchi Hospital


"Touya-san, I'm afraid I can't let you in there. Please understand, only family members are allowed to be inside." A huge body blocked him from the door, the only way in to see Shindo and that did not settle well with Akira.

"Doctor, I will say it one last time…" his polite voice had gone since his earlier request had made no impact upon the dogmatic man. Akira started to contemplate using force if it became necessary, just like his Igo.

"Doctor, it's alright. You're Touya-san right? My son spoke a lot about you." Hikaru's father looked intently at his son's friend as the doctor moved aside, resigned to letting Touya have his way. Touya's childish yelling scene that he had stumbled on reminded him of Hikaru, his son the loud mouth.

Akira nodded. He had seen Hikaru's father at a distance. The man is striking but up close his face looked friendlier than his father's. May be it was due to the lines of old age around his eyes that showed he has had much laughter in his life.

"I'm sorry to be rude but Shindo…" before he could finish the sentence, the man's hand rested on his shoulder and nodded.

"The operation is successful but Hikaru is in a coma. However, we won't know whether he is out of danger until tomorrow." Akira stood shakily. He had prepared for the worst but he did not expected to hear it so soon.

"Please go inside and stay with him. Maybe by hearing your voice it will help him to fight harder for his life."

"Thank you sir, I'll do my best." Akira moved towards the bed where his rival was resting but stopped in his tracks when he saw Hikaru's mother sleeping beside his bed while holding his hand fiercely.

"Love, let him go. This is Touya-san, a close friend of Hikaru." Hikaru's father woke his wife and helped her out of the chair. The poor woman was surprised to see Akira standing few feet away from her.

"Touya-san, when did you get here?" Hikaru's mother was shocked to see the young man there. Hikaru had brought the boy home once but she knew Touya was special to her son by the way Hikaru looked at him. There were hints of laughter in her son's eyes when they chat about Igo and for the first time that day she realised how miserable Hikaru had become.

"I've been here since the time they brought Hikaru in but I was not allowed to be near him, Shindo-san."

"I'm so sorry dear; it's just too much when we heard Hikaru was hurt in the crash. Otherwise, we would have noticed you sooner." She held his hand in her own palms and said sincerely, "Thank you for being here."

"Let Touya-san be alone with Hikaru, Love. Remember the doctor ordered you to rest." Taking his wife's hand, he led her away as she continued to protest.

"We'll come back later, Touya-san and thank you. I'm sure Hikaru is pleased that you're here." He waved farewell to the young man, who had already occupied the chair where his wife had rested.


Immortal Realm (Present)

The small pond on the ground reflected the mortal world. However, it has been focused on a specific man, who is barely out his teen. The man is nothing special in appearance, except perhaps for a certain cuteness in his expression during his sleep. He did not achieve high academic results in school. Basically he is just an average mortal and yet not all is as it seems.

"He's absolutely amazing!" the delighted cry disturbed his two companions.

"Don't be an idiot Watatsumi. He is still who he is even if he's in that form," a beautiful woman replied, tucking her hair behind her ears while her other snowy hand played with the flowers growing along the side of the pond.

"Hmm, I agree with Watatsumi on this Uzume." An old man nodded thoughtfully at the young man that they have been watching since the moment they heard a disturbance on earth. The moment when their friends reunited in that old shed.

"Pray tell me Gama, what is so significant about him remembering his past?" Uzume pouted and turned to the old man with a glare. She hated it when anyone contradicted her and there was little wonder to that. Who would have disagreed with one as beautiful as her?

"Ah, that's where you're wrong. It is not about him remembering but to do so when he had lived many lives on earth; that is the understatement." Gama was amused, holding out an old scroll and pointing it at Uzume as if teasing her with it.

Uzume rolled her eyes, but she didn't take her eyes off the scroll although she knew the old man would not allow her to read it.

'Heaven forbid the old man is annoying.'

"I still say otherwise. Let us help him. I hate it when I see him suffering like this…"

"Uzume!" a powerful voice barked out from nowhere and cut off her speech.

"Ida Ten." She shivered at the coldness that seized her, a warning that she should not take his command lightly. She appreciated why mortals feared him.

"Will you curse him to live another life on earth again, Uzume?" the voice chastised her. "Let it be. He will return when the time is right." The voice disappeared along with his mighty presence.

"One would have thought they were not friends." Uzume sniffed when she was sure he had left.


"Whatever, I'm going…no point being here if I'm not able to do anything." Uzume vanished before the sentence finished, leaving two men behind.


Kyoto (Past)

"Kyoto is beautiful as always. Home at last," Hi murmured as he appreciated the landscape leading toward the city.

Hi was just happy to be home after spending so many months chasing the bandits. The meals were always cold and the ground was too hard to sleep, but most of all he missed Sai.

The road to the Court Yard was flocked with people, standing at the sides and cheering for their hero's return. The triumph and proud samurai soul swelled in his heart at that moment and even Shadow, his horse, snorted out loud as if Shadow too understood what was happening around him.

Hi was amused at Shadow's displays but not enough to keep his eyes from wandering off in search for Sai. His happiness evaporated quickly as there was no sight of the man welcoming him home. The only possible conclusion was the Emperor had ordered Sai to stay with the other Courtiers.

His steps quickened when entering the Royal Chamber, where the Emperor meets his Court everyday. Tanaka General who was standing ahead of him started to kneel down and bow respectfully to the Emperor. Hi nearly tripped over in his haste in kneeling but thanks to his training exercises, he was able to maintain his balance before he became a jester of the Court.

When welcomes were made, Hi was allowed to wander off looking for Sai. His heart squeezed tightly when he found no sign of his beloved anywhere. The truth hit him hard, and he shook with grief at his loss. He began to understand the omens; instead of his life it was Sai that Fate has taken away. Hi was so overwhelmed with sorrow that he did made a fool of himself and collapsed on the floor meters away from the Emperor.


"Tsuyujima-sama, you're awake," The girl- servant exclaimed. Hi looked at her wearily as his memories flashed back and his face became paler.

"Sai, I've got to see him."

"You can't get up. The doctor had ordered you to have a few days' rest, Tsuyujima-sama."

The girl tried preventing him from moving from the mattress. His body shook with anger as he finally understood why he was ordered to rest for he did not even have the strength to push the girl away. Unable to move, his eyebrow rose and he glared at her, indicating that she has overstepped her boundary as a servant. The girl blushed as she turned away but continued nagging him.

"You must rest sir. Your father wished to speak as soon you're awake. I'll go and get him now."

Hi hands reached out to stop her, shaking his head for that the last thing he wanted to do at the moment.

"No, I don't want to see him now." Hi gave up with a sigh. It looked like he would not able to get anywhere with this girl; she has been well trained.

"What's your name?" Silence greeted him at he stared at the girl's bewildered face.

"My name is Hona Kiko, Tsuyujima-sama," the girl politely answered.

"Kiko, how long have you been working here?" Hi smiled charmingly at the girl, and knew it was working as the girl flushed redder. He started to realize the girl is pretty but she is still nothing comparing to Sai.

"It has been a year now," she mumbled.

"I haven't seen you before," he stated while he tried to recollect if he has met her before but the headache was worsening and to continue thinking was a futile task.

"I was working in the kitchen until last month, before being promoted to housemaid, Tsuyujima-sama."

Hi nodded and felt tired suddenly. He could not keep his eyes open and wanted to drift off to sleep again but his nagging thoughts over Sai stopped him in time.

"Sai!" he whispered to the cool air.


"Kiko, please could you go and get Sai for me. I won't able to close my eyes before seeing him." 'I want to be sure that he is still alive.' His thought finished off the sentence that was left unsaid.

Hi's eyes dilated when he saw the moisture in her eyes, gleaming with tears.

"He is gone, sir."

"Gone…what do you mean by gone?" He felt the strong urge to slap her insolent face, the violence that boiled inside stunned him so much that he stopped in time. He had never condoned of physical punishment, especially to a servant who had no strength or power to retaliate. He did not want to become his father.

"He has been banished from the capital," a voice said. Without turning, Hi knew it was his father at the door.

"How? Why?" He was lost in his mind and did not see the girl had slipped out of the room like a rabbit being hunted.

"I'll tell you when you get better. Congratulations on your return as a hero." His father frosty voice trailed off as he was no longer able to stay awake and drifted off to unconsciousness. In his dream, Hi had willed himself to believe Sai hadn't died and that he had only left the Capital.



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