Yes, I know how uncreative the name is. So what? I wasn't up to straining my brain to think of a better one.

Guys, hey, I know I've got a bunch of ongoing fics that have been on the back burner for a long time and need updating, but I needed to do at least one Christmas special. I'm really into Christmas. So stop squawking in protest and just enjoy the ficlet.


Kari: Santa, can I have the legal rights to an anime for Christmas?

Santa: I have a lot of power, kid, but not that much. Take it up with Toriyama.

A Christmas Tail

The moon was destroyed before I was born. I've never seen it. Mom says moonlight was beautiful.

And even though the moon is gone, my tail was surgically removed when I was born. I think it's like someone who's lost a limb, because in a sense I have. People say when you use a limb, sometimes you forget it's not there, and that you try to use it. My tail is the same way, even though I can't remember a time when I had it.

I wish I did have it. Not having it is like this blank spot in my soul, and it feels funny.

ChiChi entered her youngest son's room to tuck him in, and to ask him if he'd finished his Christmas wish list. He was already under the covers. He burrowed further down when she came in.

She smiled, tucking him in. "Finish your list, Goten?"

Wide, innocent eyes gazed into hers, and instead of answering the question, he said, "Trunks said it doesn't matter that we don't have tails."

She didn't know what to say to that. Finally, she said, "If you did, you could turn into a monster during full moons, sweetie."

"But there's no moon anymore, Mom."

ChiChi frowned. Her youngest never argued with her, though Gohan did once in a while. "No, but your father has done his share of planet hopping, and so has your brother. And some of those places do have moons."

"But it feels wrong."

"Well, what else is on your Christmas list?"

"Just my tail."

Changing the subject, ChiChi asked which story he wanted to hear. As soon as the bedtime story was over, she turned out the light, and left. Oh, Goten. Your tail? Why? How can you be so attached to a barbaric race you know so little of?

Christmas Morning

ChiChi had thought it over carefully, and had made a firm decision regarding Goten's Christmas wish.

So when he came bounding down to her and Goku's room, squealing about his tail, she turned over and tried to supress her guilt. She felt horrible, but... .

When something furry wrapped around her wrist and yanked her upright, she couldn't help but scream. Deep as Goku always slept, it woke him. Probably woke Piccolo too, she thought absently.

"Wassa matter Gutten?" Goku mumbled sleepily as he rubbed his eyes.


Gohan stumbled to the doorway of his parents' bedroom, and grumbled, "Goten, if you want to get Mom and Dad up at four in the morning next year, try to keep it down. Some people prefer to enjoy their Christmas at noon. Or later."

Goku grinned. "Aw, but where's the fun in that?"


"WHAT!" screamed ChiChi in shock as she realized what the furry thing wrapped around her wrist was. Then, slowly and quietly, "Who wished for it?"

None of the boys would own up to it.

Thus ensued a phonecall marathon as ChiChi called every one of her husband's friends. None of them would own up to having asked the dragon to give Goten's tail back.

Watching the frantic phoning, the culprit smiled sleepily. Normally he wouldn't mind too much, being up at four since he used to get up to train then, but he'd spent the better part of the night gathering and wishing on the Dragon Balls.

If only she knew, Gohan thought, if only she knew.