Liz – Well we're back and so is the crazy's.

Tiffannie – You shouldn't talk about yourself like that.

Kyo- She's right you know.

Liz- Shut it you two, go back and play on you're stupid Paly Station.

Alyssa – Which by the way was spelt wrong.

Liz- I'm well aware of that.

Alyssa- Okay, just making sure.

Liz – Yes well...

Tiffannie – Liz does not own fruits baskets, or me the Gohper Master. So even if you do sue her, all you'll get is pocket lint and maybe a few pennys.

Liz- So true... \pulls out empty pockets\ oh dear. \sighs\


Chapter three – Ox at the Playground.

Haru hummed quietly to himself as he walked down the road to Shigure's house. He raised an eyebrow as he saw an old Play Station burning in the middle of the lawn. Shaking his head he walked into the abnormally…quite… house…

"Why is there a gopher eating a watermelon?" The ox asked as he watched Tiffannie sit on the table a large watermelon in front of her. Half of it was gone and there was a pile of seeds beside her.

Tiffannie looked up at Haru and raised an eyebrow (again the eyebrow thing). "What?" she asked. "Everyone's out at the store or away somewhere. Cept for that poor dude who we stuck in the closet."

"Poor dude?" Haru repeated going over to the nearby closet. Opening the closet something shoved its face out at him.

"LEAVE! This is my closet." Chibi Ayame shouted. "The voices can't find me here. Go away!"

Haru stared at the door that was slammed in his face and the wind from the door hit him blowing his hair sideways. "O-k…. right then…" he turned back to face Tiffannie who had managed to scraf down another quater of the watermelon. "So..."

"hm? Yhea..." the gopher master looked up at Haru. "Wanna do something?"

"OK." Haru agreed having nothing better to do.

Getting to her back paws Tiffannie wiped her front paws on a nearby cloth. "Okay lets go."


Looking around Tiffannie shrugged. "Where ever i guess."


With that Haru headed ut the door with Tiffanies his shoulder. Ten minutes later found them at the park.

"Wanna push some one off the jungle gym?" The gopher asked turning to the ox, whose look had changed. His eyes were dark and he looked evil.

"LET'S GO GET SOME CREPES!" Haru shouted now bvisously black.

Tiffannie raised an eyebrow but nodded. "You're buying. Then after that i wanna push some one off the playground."

Haru bought the crepes and handed one to the small animal on his shoulder. "Okay, now who are we going to push off?"

tiffannie looked around before spotting a brown haired boy pushing a golden haired girl on the swing. "How about him?" Black Haru asked.

"Fine with me." Tiffannie laughed manically throwing away the wrapper to he treat. She jumped off the ox's shoulder and ran beside him charging at the younger boy. The smashed into him maing him fall to the ground. Tiffannie however lost her blaance and fell over onto the smaller boy. There was a puff of white smoke causing the gohper to cough.

"What the?" Tiffannie cried as the smoke cleared and she found herself standing on a small... "Sheep?" she asked. "Whats a sheep doing here?"

"Oh Hiro!" the girl on the swing jumped off rushing over to the boy. She bent down and picked up the sheep before glaring at the gohper. "Why you!" Setting Hiro aside An Over protective Kisa picked up the gohper master and chucked her across the sky. She stuck her tounge out before turning way and stroming down the road with the sheep in her arms.

Haru stood cluelessly in the playground looking around. "What was i doing again?" he stood there for a few more minues before deciding to visit Shigure.


Okay so this one is kinda short but oh well i donno why i made Kisa act like Kagura does to Ko but she will most likey remain that way at least for a while.

Kyo – oh gawd, just what we all need... another Kagura.

Liz- fine, Kagu-chans going to be in the next one.

Kyo- Epp!

Liz- lol, haha, okay people see ya later. R&R first though.