Ryou and Bakura's Artist: Hello everyone! This is my 1st fan fiction so I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: R.a.B.A. doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh! It is property of Mr. Takahashi.

R.a.B.A: Now on with the fic!

+Swing Dancing+

"No! No, no, no, no, no! And for the hundredth time, NO!" shouted a very pissed of spirit, currently known as Bakura.

"But I can't cancel Bakura. I've already joined the both of use in this dance seminar." Said a Brit to his yami. This boy just happens to be Ryou. "Besides, you need this to have grace and balance."

"But hikariiiiiiiiiii…" whined Bakura, but to no avail.

"No buts 'Kura. We're going and that's final!"

"Alright, I'll do it. But kind of a dance are we doing any way?" the spirit asked.

"You'll see!" And with that last statement, Ryou grabbed Bakura's arm and went off to the dancing studio. Once they arrived, they were greeted by the Pharaoh and Yugi.

"Pharaoh! What are you doing here?" asked Bakura.

"Beets me. Yugi took me here to dance or something. What are YOU doing here?" Asked the pharaoh eying at Bakura suspiciously while the hikaris left to the receptionists desk.

"I'm in the same predicament as you, Pharaoh." And with that, the two rivals just sat in silence in the receptionists' hall awaiting their hikaris to come back.


"So you and Bakura are enrolled here too?" asked a tri-colored hair boy known as Yugi.

"Yeah, besides, he kinna needs this. So what brings you and Yami here?" questioned Ryou.

"Same as why you and Bakura are here too!" Answered the small boy. As they got back to their yamis, they practically dragged them inside the dance room.

/ Ryou, what are they doing here/

/ Yugi also applied for this. Now lets get changed./

The four boys went into the changing room to change into better-suited clothes for their dance.

"Okay, Bakura, take off your clothes."

"Excuse me! Ryou, I never thought you were a hentai! Is this why you brought me here?"

"No, no! I meant take off your clothes so we can put these on!" Ryou held a pair of black, not too loose pants and a tight black shirt for Bakura and white ones for him.

"Oh…" He felt pretty stupid and horny after that.

With Yugi and Yami

"Ok, Yami, strip." Yugi said, not knowing the expression, taking place on his yami's face.

"Yugi! You're words are so forceful!" Yami reacted like Bakura and feeling that his hikari planed his being alone with him just so that they can be nude together. "I don't think that I can do such a commitment!"

(A/N: Ahahahahaha! gasp Ahahahahaha!)

"What? Oh! No, no, no, no! Yami, no! I mean take off your attire so that we can change into these!" Yugi showed him the clothes they were to wear that almost looked like Ryou and Bakura's. But theirs were smaller.

After that, the four got their outfits on and went to the dance room where their dance instructor is. (Ok, in this chapie, their dance room is only for them and Malik and Marik)

And speaking of the two, they just got in and were about to change when they noticed them. "Hey guys. What are you doing here?" asked Malik.

"We were about to dance" answered Ryou, then he asked the instructor. "Ma'am, did you schedule this?"

"Yes, well, since you six enrolled yesterday under me, your schedules are likely the same. And an instructor is only allowed six students so that they can concentrate on them better. And I'm very surprised to see that boys actually want to practice dancing."

So following that talk, the two remaining boys went to change and the lesson began.


R.a.B.A.: So what do you think?

This is just the 1st chapie; second one is about to come soon. So please review!