All I want for X'mas is my Puppy
Part 1: We meet again!
by YYY

A cab driver stops his taxi in front of the Tokyo airport to wait for his next customer. It's X'mas and the radio is playing X'mas song. The driver sings to music on the radio. "Écoutez les clochettes du joyeux temps des fêtes, annonçant la joie de chaque coeur qui bat…"

A young man wearing a baseball cab and navy blue jacket gets out to the airport. He walks up to the cab and says to the driver, "take me to Kaiba Crops."

"Seto Kaiba?" The driver looks up to the young man and asks. The young man is Seto Kaiba--the president of the Kaiba Crops!

Kaiba looks at the driver and sees that it's his high school classmate, Joey Wheeler. Seto grins, "Hey, Mutt. It has been a while."

"I see that you haven't change a bit since High School. Get lost, I'm busy. Go ask someone else to drive you." Joey grunts.

"Come on, you haven't seen me for so long. Don't you miss me?" Seto asks. A couple of years ago, Seto moved to Hong Kong to expand Kaiba Crops into China and Mongolia. This is the first time Seto comes back to Japan.

"I miss you as much as I missed my flu shot. Now go away!"

Kaiba gets on the cab and says, "I'll pay you double."

"Do I look like I want your money? Get out of my cab and go bother someone else! Why do you have to annoy me?"

"But you look so cute when you're annoyed…" Kaiba grins.

"Stop calling me cute and go get another cab!" Joey says.

"It's hard to find a cab on X'mas eve."

"Fine! I will take you, just keep quiet during the ride." Joey says.

Seto tries to say something but Joey turns up the radio. The blonde continues to sing the song that he was singing to. "Près du feu, je t'emmène, Allons nous chauffer dans l'intimité…"

Kaiba snickers. Joey eyes the CEO and asks, "what?"

"You didn't know what you were singing to me, do you? You just said you will take me next to the fire so the two of us can warm up in an intimate way…" Seto says.

"Did I say I was singing to you? It's just an X'mas song so don't get all perverted over it. Even if you are the last human being on earth, I'll never warm up with you intimately." Joey says.

"So, why are you driving a cab on X'mas Eve? Are you tight with money?" Seto asks.

"Not everything is about money."

"I know nothing is about money when it comes to you. I bet your just want to drive people back home to see their family on X'mas, right?"

"Shut up."

"I was right, was I? You want to take people home for the holiday." Seto says, "you still think like a 8th grade fairy tale obsessed school girl. Oh well, I think you're cute like that. Tell me, Mutt. Do you still believe in Santa Claus?"

"Stop calling me Mutt and saying I'm cute or I'll go back there and do you in!"

"I never know you're so attracted to me. First you wanted to take me next to the fire and get intimate with me, and now you want to do me in the back seat of your taxi. Never know you're so wild that you like to make love in the back seat of your car."

"Will you just keep quiet?" Joey grunts.

"So what have you been doing?"

"I have been cerebrating. I was so happy when I graduated High School and don't have to see you everyday. I was jumping with joy that you left Japan and there is absolutely no chance I will run into you. Life had never been so sweet." Joey says, "My life was so wonderful, Why do you have to come back and ruin it?"

"You make it sounds like I'm your ex-husband and we went through a really bad divorce. Do you secretly wish that you were my wife?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Kaiba."

"Seriously, what have you been doing? Where are you going to school now?"

"I'm not going to school. I'm just driving my cab."

"So you're just writing papers on Business for fun?" Seto says as he picks up a report Joey wrote on the taxi floor. Joey likes to put his homework under his seat when he drives his taxi.

"I'm getting my Master Degree in Tokyo U." Joey says.

"No way! You? A businessman? I never think that you will be a businessman!"

"Do I look like I care what you think?" Joey grunts, "this is the reason I didn't tell you I'm getting my degree. You're just gonna laugh at me."

"I wasn't making fun of you. I just thought you would be more into social works since you're always helping people."

"I might not be the CEO from a multi-millions company, but I do know a thing of two about business."

"Okay, Mr. Businessman, tell me what you think about my company's plans on expanding to Europe and America?"

"It's dumb."

"You think?"

"When I saw the news, I was wondering how can you be so stupid."

"So you are checking up on me, huh? You really do care."

"I'm not checking up on you, I was just reading the newspapers. Kaiba Crops has potential to expand to Europe, but you picked a bad partner." Joey says while he looks at the back mirror.

"My partner, the Warrington Crops, is the best company over at Europe." Seto says.

"Warrington has lots of money and power, but they are also very conservative. They doubt you and they are not going to give you the help you need. You should have gone to Lancelot Crop. Lancelot is young, fresh and daring. They trust you and they won't mind giving you all the money and support you need."

Joey pulses to look at the back mirror again. After a couple of seconds, he continues, "if I'm right, Lancelot Crop is gonna start expanding to America. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to take you with them. Kaiba Crops can get into the America market and start…"

Joey stops speaking and looks closely at the back mirror. Seto asks, "and start what?"

"Fasten Your Seat Belt, NOW!" Joey shouts as he steps on the accelerator. There is a black car following Joey's taxi and the car is getting dangerous close.