Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Code Lyoko. O.o

a/n: This is my first FanFic so PLEASE r&r. I want constructive critisism here peoples! (whippes out a blow torch and aims) Enjoy!


"Ulrich, since detention is full, and what you did was so heinous I want you to work in the office for a week right after school is over. And for every minute you are late it adds on the next day for how long you work and so on. For the first day I want you to work until 8:00. No acceptions! Got it?" the principal said glarring at Ulrich from across his desk.

Ulrich knodded silently and headed off for his room, and on his way he passed the desk that was to be his prison for a week. It was worth it though. He thought as he gazzed upon the bland counter top.


"I'm sorry Ulrich, but I just don't think of you that way. I can really only think of us as friends." Yumi said as she looked down at him with an appologetic look on her face.

"Oh, um, yeah sure. Just friends I guess." he said looking at his shoes. They werekinda dirty.

But, as Yumi was turning away she didn't see the solitary tear drop fall from Ulrich's eye and fall to the tip of the shoe he was starring at through glittering, teary eyes. As soon as he saw the tear drop splatter onto his big toe he reached his sleeve up and forcefully wipped away the remaining pearls that were glittering at the corner of his eye.

So a stupid girl rejected me. I don't care in the least bit, or at leased I won't in a while. God! I have to go and let off some steam. Ulrich thought as he began to walk towards the boys locker rooms with his hands in his pockets.

When he finally reached his destination, he kicked the door open. Almost off of it's hinges, and stormed through. When he walked into anything that got in his way he smashed it to pieces. After about 20minutes of demolishing everything in the locker room, showers, and bathroom he sat down on the ground up against a wall and breathed in deeply. Soon after someone walked in. Actually it was two someones. One was the principal, and the other was Nicolas (one of Sissi's goons).

The principal grabbed Ulrich by the arm and lead him away from all of the mess and destruction.


So, Ulrich headed up to his dorm wherehe was met by his ever persistent room mate, non other than Odd himself.

"Where the hell were you! Yumi said that you had told her that you loved her, but she didn't see you come back at all. So...what happened?" Odd said trying to look at Ulrichs reaction to the mention of Yumi.

Ulrich just walked over to his bed and flopped down not saying anything. After a few momentsof silence he kicked off his shoes, shirt and pants. Leaving only his usual boxers and shirt to sleep in. Odd stood next to him with his arms crossed over his chest and looking at Ulrich with an annoying expectant look on his face.

"Listen, it's no big deal. I was lead on by what I thought were feelings for me, and I was foolish enough to get feelings in return for her. I was stupid and that slut is just a two timming player who wouldn't know feelings if she stepped in them!" Ulrich said getting angrier and sadder by the second.

"She has no compassion whatsoever and has absolutly no idea how hard it is for a person to tell someone else their feelings. Feelings, HA! She has none! Only a black hole where her heart should have been. She led me on Odd...and I believed that I was carred for. For once in my life I thought that I was being carred about." he screamed at his friend, now a full scale waterfall of tears cascading down his face and into the comforter he sat on.

Immediatly after he said this his friend put a hand on his shoulder and put his forhead on his, "Listen to me Ulrich, I know how heartless she is. She is a cold bitch and doesn't deserve your affection, or friendship for that matter. Just don't start yelling at me. I am your friend Ulrich, and you can always count on that."

Ulrich looked up and smiled at his friend and smiled a very small smile through his tears and said, "Thanks Odd, I know I can alwaystrust you."

"Good, now lets get to bed. I heard from someone who heard from someone, that you are serving your detention in the office."

"Alright...and Odd?"


"Thanks again."

"No problem! Now shut up fatty and go to sleep."

Ulrich smiled and got under the covers. Thank god for Odd or else I might have had to go and kill someone. He thought as he slowly drifted off into a dreamless, but fitful sleep.

a/n: That was a good first chappie in my opinion, and the next one will be out shortly! Hoped you liked it! O.o