Title: Bright Eyes

Author: Ice1taru

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

Rating: T


AN: This chapter is long overdue...

(Thanks for catching my mistake, sash!)


- Chapter Two -

"So, what's up with Beryl, man?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act all innocent," Andrew said.

"I'm not acting, Andrew. Tell me what's going on," Darien said, looking up from his Physics book.

Andrew stared at Darien for a moment and then, paused his video game. He couldn't believe Darien. The guy was a genius when it came to books, but completely clueless when it came to women.

"I think she likes you," Andrew said, smirking.

"Yeah, right. We're just friends," Darien rolled his eyes. Leave it to Andrew to sound serious about something stupid like this.

"No, listen to me. I think she REALLY likes you. There's something weird about her... I don't know. I feel like she's some kind of witch or something... I don't know. But, still, she DOES like you. Why else was she with us all day today? She kept on laughing at all your jokes and putting her hand on your shoulder and smiling at you A LOT... What the hell... She almost came home with us today, man!" Andrew said, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"You're exaggerating," Darien said, "We're just friends."

"No way... are you seriously telling me that you did not notcie anything odd about her behavior?"

"Yeah, I'm seriously telling you that I noticed nothing ODD about her bahavior. We're just friends, Andrew. We've been friends for a long time and she just got back form the States, she must be so lonely. I'm just being there for her," Darien explained matter-of-factly.

"Being there for her? BEING THERE FOR HER?" Andrew shook his head. "You spent the whole day with her today. You even brought her to the arcade and you NEVER brings girls to the arcade. Well, except Serena, but she was a different story--"

"Look, Andrew. Don't bring Serena into this, okay? We just broke up, I don't wanna hear about her. And Beryl does NOT like me, we are just FRIENDS," Darien said, annoyed. "Just drop it, okay?"

Andrew rolled his eyes and resumed his video game, "Fine, I'm just saying... I'm just saying that... there's something not right about that girl."


"And she saw Darien with another girl?" Raye asked.

"Yes, twice," Mina said.

"Hmm, so you really think that Darien has moved on?"

"Well, I don't know. They just broke up. He's probably on the rebound."

"We need to find out who that girl is," Raye said, frowning.

"Like I said earlier, why don't we just follow her around. Then, we can find out all about who she really is," Mina said.

"Hmm... or we can just talk to Darien and see what's up."

"Serena wouldn't like that."

"Serena wouldn't like it if we followed him around either..." Raye smirked.

"Yeah, but we need to do something."


Serena stared at the Sailor V poster on her door and sighed.

She was sitting cross-legged on her bed, taking turns staring at different things in her room. For some reason, she could not get Beryl's ringing laughter out of her head. She wondered if Darien really had moved on.

It was weird.

It was weird being alone after being part of a couple for so long. It was weird realizing that the person you thought loved you really didn't. It was weird because she felt cheated and betrayed. It was all wrong and all unfair.

She had to do something. How could one person love you one day and stop loving you the next?


AN: Sometimes I lay awake in the middle of the night and wonder where this story is going...