Finding Sakura

Summary: What would you do if your best friend was there one day then the next she has disappeared? Well this is the story of the adventure that takes our favorite Konoha Ninjas to find their friend Haruno Sakura. Why did she just suddenly disappear? Couples: SasuSaku ShikaIno NaruHina NejiTen

A/N: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters!

Two girls sat in a bedroom of a two story, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, home. It was a lovely day, no clouds, bright sun, birds singing. Everyone was in a good mood you could say for it being March 11th. Back to the girls.

One has short bubble gum hair and the prettiest emerald eyes. Her figure is one of a goddess and her kindness is one like an angel's. Her face is beautiful, men in Konoha would love to have her heart, but only one will she give it to and he does not care for it, so he claims. Haruno Sakura is her name, she is training as to be head Medic Nin in the village she lives in Konoha, she is not yet eighteen, so lives with her parents.

The other has long blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes with a black lining around them. Her body is one also of a goddess but her stubbornness is one like a bull's. Her pretty face is one that men look at but she has yet not found a man willing enough to deal with her stubborn attitude. Her name is Yamanaka Ino; she is planning on taking over her parents' flower shop while also being a Jounin. She is eighteen and lives in her parents' attic.

The two girls have been friends since they were young, but they were once rivals. Rivals in love they would say both dying to win the heart of Uchiha Sasuke, an avenger, once a traitor, black hair that spikes, and dark black eyes. Now though Ino has gotten over him, but not Sakura. The girls promised to be friends through thick and thin since they don't have to worry about fighting over a guy now.

This is their story.

We both sit in Sakura's room talking away if we were still schoolgirls. We've been sitting on her bed for hours talking about our past missions. She was on team seven and I was on team ten. She was on Sasuke's team; I was on Shikamaru's team, a big difference. Her team was not lazy unlike mine, but that was the past.

She giggles and looks at me. We were talking about her moving out which she will be in a few weeks. She's excited that she will be able to for her parents don't approve of her feelings for Sasuke because he was a traitor. She wants to be able to be around him and her parents won't allow that when she is living under their roof.

I know she really likes Sasuke, but since he left our village for the Sound I wasn't able to forgive him and don't think I ever will. "Sakura, you are so naïve," I tease poking the side of my head.

She looks up at the ceiling. "But Ino that is where you are wrong," she proclaims. She looks at me. "I am not naïve but just blinded by love."

Blinded by love? I know what she means since I 'loved' Sasuke once. I nod and look at her ceiling too. "Sakura…do your parents know about your plan?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "I haven't told them yet," she answers. She closes her eyes. "They would try to stop me and prevent Sasuke and I from ever being together."

I nod this is true. Her parents would not allow it what so ever. I stand up. "I have to go home, Mom wants me to help with the shop see you tomorrow," I state.

She nods and we walk down stairs. She stops halfway up and waves. "See you then." She runs back up and I exit the house.

While I'm walking home I notice a rather creepy looking guy walk passed me. He's wearing a black drench coat, a cap that covered his hair, and a mask halfway up his face like Sakura's old sensei Kakashi. I look at him from behind awhile then start jogging home; I'm probably late.

I enter our family flower shop and run up to my mother. "Sorry that I'm late, Sakura and I got into talking and I…" My mother cuts me off by putting a hand in my face.

"Okay Ino, just go and clean the back," she instructed. I nod and go to the back. I think about the past while doing so and the weird feeling I have in my gut. I pick up a box and another stacking them upon each other.

"Ow," I mumble as something fell off of one. I look at the object that turned out to be a picture in a frame. It's a picture that we took after Sasuke was returned he of course did not want to be in it, but Naruto, Lee, and Sakura held him down along with Kakashi. I smile and put it back. That whole night I stayed in the back. Sometime around midnight I went up to my room to sleep. I noticed on the caller ID I missed Sakura's call, but weird she didn't leave a message. That was it for the night.

I wake up with the sun burning my face. I wince and stand up yawning. I noticed the time it's ten. I stand up and get dressed after showering and brushing my teeth. Sakura and I were going to meet Hyuuga Hinata at the mall as well as the weapon mistress TenTen.

I walk down stairs and grab a mug filling it with coffee and go. I walk taking sips and notice the Nara house hold, no doubt that my old teammate Nara Shikamaru was sleeping in.

I walk a little longer till I reach the Haruno's. The curtains are shut? I quirk and eyebrow. Did her parents sleep in? I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. I wait for a minute before ringing again; this time I wait at least two. The weird feeling returns to the pit of my stomach.

I ring a few more times till I have been staying out here for ten minutes. I put my hand on the knob and turn. The door opens. If they were a sleep wouldn't they have locked it? I push the door open and step in. "Hello!" I shout. I blink, not taking another step. "Sakura? Mrs. H? Mr. H?" I take another step and look into the living room. My eyes widened.

Nothing. There was nothing in this room the couch, her father's chair, her mother's books it was all gone. I don't bother shutting the door as I walk in further. I walk into the kitchen, empty. I turn around and run up stairs. I don't care about the other rooms. I open Sakura's bedroom door and peer in. My mouth drops open.

It has nothing what so ever it was like a tornado had ran its course in here and swept it clean. There is something though a pile of pictures in frames. I walk up to them, there was the one of team seven, all of us, her and I, just the girls, just the guys, Sasuke…and her and Sasuke? I put them down and stand up. I run to her bathroom and swing open the door everything is there. I run out of her room to her parents…it's just like hers, everything is gone. I walk out closing the door. I run through the house checking every room left…there was nothing. It doesn't make sense. If she were going move she would have told me. I snap my fingers, Naruto would know…she told him and Sasuke everything, I thought she told me everything as well, but it looks like she doesn't.

I run out of the house to Naruto's apartment. Out of breath I knock on the door holding my stomach trying not to vomit. The door opens and he's still wearing his goofy sleeping cap, he rubs his eyes and looks at me confused. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a rather rude manner. "It's early." He reminds me of the forth Hokage, well I've only seen pictures of him but you know what I mean. He's taller more built, has the same goofy hairstyle, he'd be a heartbreaker if he wasn't so childish.

I take a deep breath. "Did something happen to Sakura?" I ask.

He blinks. "What?" he questions. "Is there something wrong with Sakura-chan?"

I look at him. "You don't know? Did she move? Go on vacation? Something?" I ask.

He looks at me like I'm a freak. "I don't know did she?"

I growl and grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Do you know anything!"

He shakes his head. "No…why? What's wrong?"

I have a confused look on my face. She didn't tell Naruto. Something isn't right she would have told someone that she was leaving. I look back at him. "She's gone…so are her parents. I went to her house this morning cause we're going to the mall, but when I went there I found nothing, it was like her house was robbed," I explain.

He's gone for a minute then comes back without his cap. "Let's go," he says.

After I show them the house. We stand outside of it looking at the scene. He has no idea either. He looks at me. "Well what do we do?" he asks.

I shrug. I'm getting nervous. This isn't your usual thing; a family just disappears from their home. It was odd. "We have to tell the others…they might know something."

He nods. "Why wouldn't she tell me though?"

I growl. "I don't know maybe you can't keep a secret or something, why would she tell you anyway? Just drop it Naruto."

He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest as we continued to walk. We aren't walking very long till we see TenTen and Hinata walking toward us. Hinata blushes as she spots us.

Hyuuga Hinata as well as Sakura and I have a beautiful body. She has her hair the same short style and has become taller as well. She has gotten over her stuttering problem unless she is around Naruto. She is very pretty I have to say, Naruto doesn't know what he's missing.

TenTen, I'm jealous of her. She has a gorgeous face with those chocolate brown eyes and a wonderful figure fit for a loveable queen. She's still the best weapon mistress with her fast throwing skills and her quick movements. She still has her hair up in those two buns, but once in a great while they come down.

They both jog up to greet us. TenTen sighs. "So Sakura isn't coming?" she questioned noticing that our talkative friend isn't with us.

I sigh, a hint of worry crosses in TenTen's eyes, as I look hurt. "She's not there," I inform hoping they would all understand.

Naruto nods. "Everything is gone…it's like her parents as well as herself vanished. Do you know anything about it?"

TenTen shakes her heads. "Sorry I don't." I can tell we are all worried as it becomes quiet.

Hinata looks up. I can tell that she has something that is going on in his mind, but knowing her she doesn't know how to say it. Minutes pass and we don't say a thing. What can we say?

"What is this? A party?"

We turn around, Lee, Neji, and Shikamaru. I know who made the smart-ass remark and glare at Shikamaru. "No…we're trying solve a mystery genius. Mind helping?"

Nara Shikamaru, he's taller than I am, always has, lets see at least a head taller. His hair is in the same boring ponytail, most likely the same length, I'm not sure. He still always wears that boring expression on his face, he's gotten kind of attractive but you didn't hear that from me.

Hyuuga Neji, I think you get the point that they're all taller. He has his black hair long as always, the same it used to be. He's still a strong ninja, one of the best in Konoha. He's has more muscle than he used to, but I think most of the guys do. Let's just say he's got someone drooling over him I'm just not allowed to say her name.

Rock Lee, yeah him, he still has though bushy caterpillar eyebrows and he kept his hair in the bowl shape. He's gotten a whole lot better last time I check and kicks major ass, so I don't plan getting on his bad side, but I'm sure he won't hurt any women. He still has a little thing for Sakura, but they're just going to be friends, he totally understands. He's still one of the tallest.

TenTen looks at the guys. "Sakura's gone missing and we don't know where to? Do you guys know?"

We all look at the guys with hope, but they frown.

"Sakura-san's missing?" Lee questions shocked. "How? Why?"

"We don't know fuzzy eyebrows or we wouldn't have asked you," Naruto snapped back nearly biting the poor guys' head off.

Neji crosses his arms over his chest. "Any clues?"

Like he cares any way, I shake my head. "Not a thing, not a damn thing!" I hiss stomping my foot on the ground.

Lee looks like he's on the break of tears. "A note?"

I shake my head lightly sighing. "I wish, but not a thing like I said. It's like they vanished."

TenTen scratched the back of her head. "Well why would they move? Konoha's a great place, I thought her parents were happy here."

Shikamaru yawns. "Maybe something came up," he mumbles under his breath.

I ball my hands into fists. "No! No way! Don't you think she would have said something!" I bellow; oh I'm pissed.

Hinata plays with her fingers. "S-Sasuke-san."

We all look at her.

"What does that bastard have to do with anything?" Naruto asks hissing it out. We all know he hasn't fully forgiven the raven-haired Uchiha.

"He…h-he m-might…know s-something," she stutters looking away.

My eyes widened. Sasuke? Why would he know anything about this? Why would he care? Then I start thinking…he left without saying a word…well he said words to Sakura, but no one else. Could he know? Could he have something to do with this? "You might be right Hinata-chan, he might know something. If he cares." I snort, rolling my eyes, I could careless about him, but if he knows something about Sakura then I'll pull some strings. "So off to his place?"

Naruto growls and looks away. "Fine, but it better not be a waste of my time," he spits as we start walking.

It's silent as we walk to Sasuke's place, which is an apartment downtown. We walk into the building and ring his doorbell.

Neji leans against the railing. "He's not going to care," he states crossing his arms.

I know he isn't. The door opens and he looks at all of us. "What do you want?" he asks looking over everyone.

Uchiha Sasuke, still Konoha's heartthrob, but I've gotten over him. His hair is longer and still spikes; his eyes are still dark and mysterious. He as well as everyone else have grown and are more muscular. I'm happy to say he doesn't look like his brother, I don't think he would look good that way, my opinion. His bangs are the same length and over shadow his eyes if he looks in a certain direction. His black locks don't quite reach his neck, but they're close. As Sakura and most of the girls in Konoha say, he's hot, but that's their opinions.

Naruto growls. "Do you know where Sakura-chan is?" he doesn't look at the Uchiha.

An eyebrow rises on Sasuke's face. "Why don't you check out her place?" he questions.

I snort rolling my eyes. "Listen here, we don't want to bug you so just answer the question. She isn't at home neither are her parents. Everything in her house except some pictures are gone as well, they vanished. Do you know where they went?" I question, my hopes sliding away.

"No," he answers stepping out of his apartment. "Why would I know where they went?"

"Just thought asking everybody," TenTen mumbles under her breath.

I turn on my heels. "Now where do we go!"

"Tsunade-sama, we might be able to find something out, she knows everything," Lee informs somewhat smiling.

"WHAT! YOU DON'T KNOW EITHER!" Lee shouted in disbelief as we gathered in Tsunade-sama's office.

"I'm sorry Lee, but I don't know where Sakura and her family could have gone. They didn't tell me they were leaving, neither did Sakura," Tsunade explains sighing.

"She's your apprentice Tsunade-sama if she were to leave she would tell you right?" Lee questions walking to Tsunade's desk.

The fifth Hokage nods. "Hai, she would."

"Then where is she Tsunade-baa-chan?" Naruto asks slamming his fists on her desk making her look at him with an evil glare.

I shove Naruto out of the way and walk up to Tsunade's desk. "I'm sorry about barging in here like this, but we really are worried about Sakura," I state.

She nods. "I understand that, but I can't help you as you can see I'm busy," she informs pointing to the pile paper work on her desk.


I turn around seeing Shikamaru walking up to the desk.

"This is going to kill me, but if I can arrange a team, may we start a search for her?" he asks sighing.

Tsunade rubs her chin. "Hmm, this is the first that you're suggesting a mission and not turning it down Shikamaru, I suppose you can, how long do you think it will take?"

I smile weakly at Shikamaru. He's a great friend when he needs to be.

Shikamaru thinks. "A month and fifteen days unless we need it to be longer," he proclaims.

I look at him. A month and fifteen days? Seems long, I wonder why he thinks he'll need that much time?

Our fifth Hokage covers her face with her hands. "You're pushing it Shikamaru," Tsunade mumbles in her hands. "I'll do it seeing in how Sakura is one of my best disciples…I'll let you do that, pick out your team and come back here."

Shikamaru nods and turns around. "Thanks Tsunade-sama." We all walk out and I notice Sasuke waiting outside the door.

I look at Shikamaru. "So…this 'team'?" I question.

Naruto raises his hand. "I'll do it!" he shouted.

Shikamaru mumbles. "I already planned you. Neji, what about you?" he asks.

Neji shrugs. "I have nothing better to do."

Shikamaru counted his fingers. "Chouji, Kiba, Shino, they'll do it."

Lee smiles. "I will too!"

Shikamaru nods and looks at Sasuke. "And you?"

Naruto growls. "Like he wants to help? He'd rather run off himself!"

Sasuke glares at Naruto then turns to Shikamaru. "Count me in."

Naruto crosses his arms over his chest. "You just want to show off."

"Don't think you're leaving me out on this one as well. Sakura is my friend I tend to help find her…I'm on the team," TenTen claims smirking.

Shikamaru mumbles while sighing. "Fine…fine whatever."

I look at him as well. "You're not leaving me out either…I'm going with you," I hiss.

He looks at me. "Fine." He looks at Hinata. "And what about you?"

Hinata looks at him and nods.

"Good it's settled, we'll all go," Naruto states putting his hand up in the air.

And that's how it started, our mission, finding Sakura.

A/N: Yawns, darn that took me a long time, I had to redo it a few times too. This chapter is the only one that is in first person so no worries the rest won't be. Just to let you know the real real exciting stuff we'll be later on. Oh I can't wait till then! Hehe!

This idea came from my heart. My best friend was there then she wasn't and you know what she hasn't called me to tell me where she is, I'm worried, but anyway don't mind that, tell me how I did.

Please review me and tell me what you think! Please! Thanks!
