Title: "After Ecbatana"

Author: Baliansword

Chapter: 1, "Sickness"

A/N: As we all know, Hephaestion died in Ecbatana after being –well, most of us agree he was poisoned. Others say it was an illness, but for this story I'm just going to stick with poison. Hephaestion's death seemed to cause most of the demise of Alexander, because out one, you had none. However –what if Hephaestion had never died? Would it have changed the outcome of history?

I did not know at first whether or not my presence would soothe him. I desperately hoped that it would, for his very presence always soothed me. I entered the room, being as silent as I could, and there I saw my Hephaestion. For the first time, I saw his vulnerability, as well as mine. –Alexander the Great

The king stepped into the room. Being the ruler of all of the known world should have been enough to make him feel strong. It should have given him a power, a presence, which no others had. Despite what being a king should have given him, he was shaking with fear, and sweating all the more. Quietly, holding back tears all the while, he sat down on a chair next to Hephaestion's bed.

"You haven't slept," Hephaestion said quietly. His breathing was still shallow, his lips lightly parted, making it easier to breathe. He looked worse than every man in the palace at the moment, but to Alexander, he was still the most beautiful creature alive.

"No," Alexander admitted. He reached out and took Hephaestion's hand. Even now he seemed to be the stronger of the two. Before Alexander could do anything Hephaestion was rubbing his thumb up and down the back of his hand.

"I worry for you," Hephaestion whispered. "Without me."

Even the suggestion of it was enough to make Alexander himself feel like the world he had known had suddenly fallen apart. He looked at his hand, wrapped in Hephaestion's, and let a tear fall. In fact, he let many tears fall. He then looked back up, at Hephaestion, who had turned his head and opened his eyes. Alexander loved everything about him. Yet if he had to choose but one thing that he loved the most, it would be those cerulean orbs, which never held a lie. They instead held love for only him.

"I have sent for better physicians," he insisted. "The others say that you are in a stable condition, for now. Nothing but water to drink and you yourself may recover before the other doctors get here."

Hephaestion let a soft smile touch his lips, "You will give up nothing will you, Alexander the Great?"

"I would give up everything for you," Alexander said. He continued to hold Hephaestion's hand. He noticed that it was slightly colder than his own, but it should not be, for Hephaestion had had a slight fever since yesterday.

"You go to Arabia in a month's time," Hephaestion continued, and purposely not saying we. For somehow he doubted that he would live to see the day. It hurt deeply, the thought of leaving Alexander behind. Yet at the same time, he knew that he would be waiting for Alexander, and they would meet again. Everything he had ever wanted in life he had, and he had shared it with Alexander, so dying by his side would not be so bad.

"We," Alexander corrected. He smiled softly. "You remember the Bedouins, don't you? I used to dress you as one. By the gods you were beautiful. You still are beautiful, my Hephaestion, and you always will be."

"I don't feel beautiful," he disagreed. "I feel terrible."

"You look it," Alexander said as he kissed his forehead. "Close your eyes now, you need rest."

"So do you."

"Last time I checked I was still King. In being king I get to make the rules. Now rest your eyes. I will tell you a story."

Hephaestion would have argued but he knew that he needed the sleep. Not to mention the fact that he loved any story Alexander had to tell him. As he closed his eyes he hoped that perhaps Alexander would tell him the story of Achilles and Patroclaus, just because it was his favorite. But as Alexander began to speak it really wasn't a story, it was a dream.

"Many think that I'm foolish for desiring the entire world. The wisest of men tell me I will not be able to control everyone. But that's not what I want to do Hephaestion. We freed so many people. And look at them now. People from Persia, and the people of Greece, and Macedonia, they all go to markets together. The cultures are blending Hephaestion.

"Look at the lands we have conquered. The dirt means nothing, but look at the faces of the people. They love us like gods Hephaestion. They praise us higher than gods, some of them. They love you, Hephaestion, as I do."

Alexander looked out the balcony, yet remained inside, and watched as the wind glided against the light blue water. He glanced over his shoulder, making sure that Hephaestion was resting, and then turned back to the view.

"We are the sun and the stars Hephaestion. Without each other we are nothing. Without you, I am nothing. Do you remember when we first entered the palace of Darius, and out of all the men there, the Queen of Persia called you a king? It was because she saw in you what I see. You are far more a king than ever I could be."

He turned then, looking at Hephaestion. "I love you, more than I have ever loved anything in my life Hephaestion. That is why I need you to get well for me. And if this means I must steal you from whatever gods beckon you to be with them, then I must be selfish, and I must have you."

Hephaestion did not hear this though. He had drifted off long ago. Alexander was the only one that could put his soul at ease about anything. Alexander watched him sleep from where he leaned against the wall. He continued to think the same thing over and over again though. Hephaestion, without you I am nothing.