Disclaimer: Yeah… not our characters…

How to Make a Mutt

Ch. 6

They arrived at the kitchens without as much as a single painting disturbed. The two whipped the invisibility cloak off and entered.

"Sirius!" came a chorus of tiny voices

Remus stood to the side as his friend greeted each house elf by name and searched the counters and shelves for something edible.

"So, any chicken nuggets?" Sirius inquired.

"Yes! We has made chicken nuggets just for Sirius Black!" one house elf said with joy.

"Thank you very much Knobby." Sirius took the platter of chicken nuggets the elf had produced to him.

"I should make you chicken nuggets for breakfast every morning, also." Remus smiled. He likes to see Sirius happy. He guesses he would do anything to make him happy. Well, almost anything.

"Remus!" Sirius yelled, waving a flask over his head. It looks a lot like James's flask, only a "B" was carved into it. "Come get drunk with me!"

"You know I can't." This is true. It is impossible for Remus J. Lupin to get drunk. It has even been proven.

"Well, can you at least drink with me while I get drunk?"



"Because then it's no fun on my part, for I will have to get you back to the common room without the knowledge of Filch. And you know how hard that is. We almost got caught last time."

"Alright." Sirius gives his 'pet me, I'm a cute, innocent puppy' look. One last chance. Remus resisted. It was hard and very painful, but he did.

"Would you be happy if I let you take your chicken nuggets back up to the common room with you?"

Sirius perked right up. "YAY!" He jumped up and tackled Remus in a spine-breaking hug.

"Alright, alright. Down boy, before I change my mind."

Sirius let go and went back to his chicken nuggets, which spilled when he leaped up, and started piling them back onto the plate. He then stood up with a giant grin on his face, "I'm ready!"

Remus smiled. There's the Sirius he loves to see. He watched Sirius say his goodbyes and thank you s as he collected some more chicken nuggets 'for the road'. "Let's go," he says gently, picks up the invisibility cloak and wraps it around them.

Needless to say, the nuggets were gone halfway back to the dorm. Remus sighed as Sirius licked the crumbs off his fingers and the plate, grinning wickedly. He nuzzled into Remus's shoulder.

"Thank you Moony McMoonypants!" He said, nuzzling.

Remus shuddered deeply. Nuzzling… warm, lovely, nuzzling. And suddenly – it had gone away. This tore Remus harshly from a dreamy haze painfully, he almost let out a cry, but something was wrong.

Sirius stood stock still, alert. He put a hand on Remus's shoulder, slowly raising a finger to his lips. Footsteps were quickly rounding the corner ahead. Sirius ushered Remus to the hall, looked around, and hurriedly shoved him into a room. It was a very tiny room, completely dark – more like a broom cupboard than anything. The two boys crammed into the little space and slammed the door. They held their breaths as the steps came closer and stopped before the door – as if looking for them – and walked away.

Sirius sighed in relief, filling the room with the smell of chicken nuggets. Remus felt him chuckle a bit, for they were packed tightly against each other.

Remus being a little – well, who am I kidding – a lot shorter then his friend, caused his head, no matter which way he turned it, to rest on the chest of Sirius. Remus blushed.

They stood there for minutes that felt like hours, listening for any more signs of prowling teachers. Sirius was relieved, sighing again so deeply he could feel it in his gut. Remus however, could hardly breathe. He felt the warmth of Sirius's body and the steady, strong beat of his heart. He felt oddly conscious about the proximity of the space. Their heads touched (Sirius was resting his head on top of Remus's), their legs touched, their hips-

NO! Remus's mind demanded. Think of something else!

God, it stank of chicken nuggets!

After another moment, Sirius cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Do you think we should go?" He asked. He was happy it was to dark for Remus to see him blush.

"I suppose…" Remus answered, though his mind screamed NO! and he couldn't tell why.

But then, the door opened, and Sirius wasn't close anymore, it was lighter, warmth gone. And deep inside him, Remus felt the wolf within him dig deeper into his soul. He wanted to die, to cry, to cling to Sirius and for the life of him he did not know why. And beside him, walking quietly Sirius wondered too.

The two boys walked back to their common room, an awkward silence between them the entire way. Each trying to catch the other's eye, to see what the other was thinking, but each failed.

"You both reek of processed chicken!" James yelled to them as soon as they soon as they walked through the portrait hole and took of the invisibility cloak. "What took you so long?"

"'Had to run from Filtch. Hid in the some sort of broom cupboard up on the seventh floor," Sirius breathed.

"Hmm… I've never seen a broom cupboard on the seventh floor," James pondered. He's always on the seventh floor and yet he's never seen a broom cupboard there. "Wait, why were you up on the seventh floor?"

"Moving staircases," Remus replied. "God, I hate them."

"Someone should make a map," Sirius said, more to himself, coming out a daze.

And then it hit them… well most of them… it took Peter a little longer.

"A map!" James exclaimed. "Let's make a map!"

"Why?" Peter still didn't understand.

"To always know where we are!" exclaimed Sirius.

"And we could make a feature that can show the location of others," Remus said, the beautiful prospect of new things to learn rushing through his mind by the thousand like an electric shock.

"A-and they could move!" exclaimed Peter, now catching on.

"Do you know how much trouble we'll get in?" James said the gleam of illegality in his eyes.

"No one will have to know that we're behind it," Sirius replies with that know-it-all tone that he loves, yet never gets to use.

That excited, static feeling jumped from boy to boy – leaping like a jolt of lightning at the thought of the adventures they would have. And then, it dissolved because they were too damn lazy and it was too damn late to begin such a catastrophic task such as this. They smiled, and went to bed.

Author's note: Yes, this ended up taking place over an entire day. How? I have no clue. We have a really bad sense of timing with things. Heh… but it is a good chapter, we finally learn their feelings for each other, though they haven't really realized yet… I guess. The next chapter is one of my favorites, and also very long. We don't have to many short chapters in here… it was written before without the thought of making chapters or putting it online… -Pads