Summery: How do you make a mutt? Take one cup fluff, one cup hotpockets, and one cup hot men and most importantly: Love. And you've got it! Not Mpreg, Remus Sirius love

Disclaimer: The characters and everything else but the plot DOES NOT belong to us. They are the rightful property of J.K. Rowling.

How to Make a Mutt

Ch. 1

"It's raining."

"Duh! You just noticed that?"

"Well it wasn't raining when we got on."

"Yeah, but he could've heard it. Or at least have looked out the window."

A scarlet steam engine roared through the pouring rain. The train carries students between the ages of eleven and seventeen from King's Cross Station to their School.

In one compartment, there were four boys of about fifteen year of age.

Peter pressed his head against the cool, foggy window pane. "I hate rain," he whined, sinking into his seat.

"It's not like wet. Or too wet anyway," Sirius muttered, running his fingers through his thick, shaggy mane of hair. He put his feet up on the seat across from him into James's lap.

"It ominous," said Remus, peering up from his battered old book for the first time since the train took off.

"You're ominous!" retorted Sirius.

"You don't even know what ominous means!" James put in.

Sirius stuck out his tongue in reply.

It did seem true to him, though, ominous. In his mind, ominous was a mystery, a dark feeling of unknowing. It worked. Ominous Moony, looking up only to give some dark phrase. Ominous, ominous, ominous.

Sirius shook his head. Peter sighed. "I'm afraid of drowning," he said.

"What brought that up?" James asked, scooting into a spine-curving position much like Sirius.


"You're afraid of drowning in the rain?"

"Yes. When I'm small."

"You can't drown in rain."

"Yes you can. If your mouth is open."

"Then close your damn mouth."

Remus sighed.

"What if I'm under a spell?"

"What spell?"

"An open-mouth spell."

Sirius noted Remus's left eye was beginning to twitch.

"There's no such thing!"

"Yes there is!"

"Your brain is drowning!"

"No it isn't!"

"Even rats have enough sense to close their mouth!"

"Not unless they're under a spell!"

"What kind of spell?" Sirius asked, getting in on it.

"A mouth-opening spell!"

"THERE IS NO SUCH THING!" Remus shouted, jumping to his feet. His friends stared, awestruck. If there was one thing that could drive Remus J. Lupin to shouting, it was the misinterpretation of knowledge.

He stood there panting as Sirius tried to hide a snicker.

"I suppose this is a bad time…"

Remus turned around, slowly. In the doorway to their compartment was the candy lady. Remus turned a bright shade of scarlet and quickly sat back down.

"Nice one, Moony." James smiled, giving him a slap on the back. Sirius handed him a piece of chocolate. He took it, still blushing. It was in great contrast to the scars rushing across his face.

The next five minutes passed by in silence. Sirius, James, and Peter were shoveling down their candy while Remus nibbled on his abnormally big piece of chocolate.

Sirius was first to break the silence. "So, Prongs, planning anything for Evans?" he inquired.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. I know you were planning something for her over the summer."

"1: How would you know if I was planning something if you were always out? 2: Even if I was planning something, how would you know if it was for Evans? 3: Even if I told you about it, you would most likely do something stupid to mess it up and/or make me look stupid."

"1: Well, every time I asked if you wanted to go out and do something, you always refused and locked yourself in your room. 2: It's obvious that when you're planning and we're not included, it's for Evans. 3: What makes you think I – me of all people – would make a fool of you in front of Evans?" Sirius replied.

James opened his mouth to reply, but Sirius cut him off.

"Oh and 4: Don't number what you say. Ever."

Author's note: I feel it was a weak beginning. It gets better, I promise! Please reveiw if you like! -Pads