This is set about 15 years in the future of season 7. It mainly focuses on Chris an Paris getting together. Piper and Leo are still together (Leo is human) and have Wyatt, Chris and a daughter named Melinda.

Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed or any of the characters except for Paris who is my character.

Paris looked up at the manor and smiled. It was the only place that felt like home since she moved to America to attend Magic School 2 months ago. She remembered the day she was told she was a witch, and remembered knowing her life wouldn't be the same again.

Paris was walking to the train station , she hated walking in the dark on her own but she had had a fight with her boyfriend and had stormed off. Suddenly a large man appeared out of no where right in front her, she tried to scream but nothing would come out.
'Come here witch' the man screeched
Did he just call me a witch she thought he must be insane. This is when the man charged at her she threw her hands up in defence and fire flew from her hands and hit the man square in the chest. He screamed in pain and exploded in flames. She panicked. ' OMGD OMGD I just killed someone. I'm a murderer!'
This is when Chris had arrived and explained her new destiny as a witch. She was so grateful to Chris he had kept her sane. He wasn't just her whitelighter an friend she loved him, but he obviously doesn't know that.

She knocked on the door and was greeted by a smiling Piper

'Paris Hi, sorry to rush but we are running late as usual' she said quickly 'LEO' she yelled
Leo came from downstairs Paris smiled at Leo as he greeted her. Suddenly she heard someone scream her name she turned towards the stairs an saw Melinda running towards her and hugged her

'Hey Sweet Pea how ya doing'
'I orbed today' she said excitedly, 'all on my own'
'Well done bet your brothers were proud'
'Chris was, Wyatt got annoyed cuz I kinda orbed in on him and his girlfriend' she said with a cheeky grin.
After Piper and Leo left for their night out, Melinda watched Paris excitedly as Paris turned fire into shapes of animals. At this moment Chris orbed into the doorway and smiled, Paris was babysitting again. He loved it when she babysat his little sister it meant he could spend more time with Paris. He had only known her for a short while but they had become great friends but what she didn't know is he liked her more than a friend. He loved her. He loved everything about her. The way her long dark hair fell over shoulders, the way her dark chocolate brown eyes sparkled when she was happy, and what she was doing right now, making people laugh. His thoughts of Paris were interrupted as a demon shimmered in behind Paris.

'Look out' Chris screamed
Paris turned and saw the demon she threw him across the room with her telekinesis and told Melinda to put up her force field. Melinda sat inside her force field looking frightened as Chris and Paris battled the demon. With one last flame throw from Paris the demon finally exploded. When Melinda knew it was safe she let down the force field and ran up to Paris and hugged her.

'Don't worry Sweet Pea he's gone' she said soothingly

Melinda loved it when Paris uses her nickname she made up for her. 'Come on it's time for you to go to bed . She lifted Melinda up and carried her to her room. After Paris read Melinda a story she quietly closed her door and walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Chris was cooking.
'Smells good' she said
'Pasta your favourite thought you deserve it after a hard night of demon vanquishes'
'That's a sentence I thought I'd never hear 2 months ago'
' You should never say never especially now your a witch' he said with the smile that always gave her butterflies.

After eating Paris and Chris were clearing the table, when they both reached for the same plate and brushed each others hands. They both looked at each other and leaned forwards, when they heard a door slam shut they pulled away quickly feeling embarrassed not sure what had just happened. Piper and Leo entered he kitchen smiling. 'So how did things go' Piper asked.
'Well we had a guest but we vanquished him, luckily Chris was here' Paris explained with a smile
'Are you guys ok' Leo said concerned
Chris gave his dad a look 'No dad it was truly awful, I have never vanquished a demon before' he added with his trademark sarcasm
'Don't start with the sarcasm Chris, why don't you orb Paris home'
'OK Dad' He held his hand out his hand to Paris and bowed ' Your carriage awaits Madame'
'Stop fooling around Chris' Paris said giggling and they both left in a swirl of blue orbs