Author's Note: The idea/concept for this story was based on an idea that a friend of mine, Kawaii Sonikku had as an interesting idea for an adult orientated story based on the interactions between Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy rose from the Sonic games. So please, don't give me credit for the idea itself, but rather her, because without her idea, I would most likely not be writing this. I only want to be known for building upon it and bringing her idea to life. If anything, this is both a joint effort by Kawaii Sonikku herself, and my own self, Kitty Nakajima.

Also, I would like to say that reading Harley Quinn Hyenaholic's 'A Rose and A Thorn' has also inspired me to try my hand at adult orientated Sonic fiction. I believe that the aforementioned story that she is writing is one of her best Sonic related works to date due to the vivid descriptions of the characters, their actions, and the relationships with one another. Thank you for once more for some much needed inspiration.

And now, a more important note: Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, Knuckles the Echidna, Rouge the Bat, Tails 'Miles' Prower, Cream the Rabbit, Cheese the Chao, Vanilla the Rabbit, and any other related Sonic Team characters are all the copyright of Sega Enterprises/Sonic Team. At least 4 of these characters will be placed in sexually explicit/orientated situations, and if you are under the age of 17, it is highly recommended that you leave now, as I (nor the hosting websites) shall not be held responsible for any consequences caused due to partial or complete reading of this story.

Secret Affair

(Amy's POV)

Well, here we are again, in my bedroom, 'making love' as it were. He's on top of me, inside of me, heaving heavily as he's thrusting himself in and out at a steady pace.

I can see that he's pretty much enjoying himself as his emerald eyes flicker open, then close with each solid thrust he delivers into me. Part of me is happy to see that I'm making him happy.

At least he's happy…

Yet the part of me that is thinking this right now isn't so happy, as I can't enjoy it with what I know…

It all started 6 months ago as I was walking home from the grocery store in my part of Station Square. I was carrying my groceries, wishfully hoping…dreaming about the moment that my cerulean hero would soon be mine when I passed by the Station Square Electronics Boutique. All the televisions were running an urgent news report, and I drop my bags when I realize who they were talking about.

My Sonic.

"Special Report Just In: Sonic the Hedgehog unable to save innocent civilian in his fight against the diabolical Dr. Eggman. At about 12:15 p.m. Standard Time, the accomplished hero was engaged in battle with Dr. Eggman and one of his latest technologic creations, The Egg Tank as it was rampaging through South Island. Sonic had managed to alert emergency forces to evacuate the immediate area, but many still remained and were fleeing the site (a regularly flourishing business street) as the two battled on. One of which was a child and his mother, who apparently lost sight of one another amidst all the chaos and confusion caused by the raging battle between the two.

Sadly, the child was run over by the tank before either his mother or our blue hero could reach him. We bring you an eyewitness account from one person who happened to witness it as they were fleeing the scene:

"It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. All you could hear was that poor lady screaming for her child the whole time, which threw off Sonic's concentration from the Egg Tank. It only took a few seconds for the missing kid to come into his point of view, which just so happened to be directly behind the Egg Tank.

Next thing you know, the Egg Tank is backing up, and the kid couldn't have been more than 5 feet directly behind the thing as Sonic tried to slide under it to reach him. A bomb was shot out by the blast tank, dazing Sonic's reaction, in which the next instant was heard a scream the likes of which you never, EVER want to hear under any circumstances.

Kid was crushed to death, and his mother is running over in tears, wailing her child's name while cursing Sonic within the same breath.

The last thing I remember is him trying to say some comforting words to her, but all he got for his trouble was a slap to the face and angry townspeople yelling at him, which I don't think was right.

Even heroes mess up occasionally..."

And that's our special report for right now. Tune into the Station Square Evening News for further developments on the story…

My body wanders out of the intial shock of the news report when I hear a group of screaming people booing and jeering at someone nearby. I quickly gather up my groceries to wander over to the Station Square Municipal Court to find what the crowd there gathered to see.

Once again, My Sonic.

He stood there solemn and serious, something of which I have never seen him be. Even in the midst of a dire and serious situation, he'd crack the biggest smile you'd ever want to see and laugh and joke like there was no tomorrow.

But I could tell that wasn't going to happen this time.

Next to him stood the mayor of Station Square, as well as the commissioners of both Station Square and South Island's Emergency Squad. There was also the president of South Island, who was standing behind a podium. He motioned for the crowds to quiet themselves down before he stated this:

"People of the world, I, president of South Island have met and conversed with both Sonic the Hedgehog himself, as well as the law enforcements of South Island and Station Square to decide on whether any legal ramifications should be taken towards events that occurred on South Island, resulting in the untimely death of an innocent civilian.

We have both congregated amongst ourselves, and along with Mr. Hedgehog himself, and have come to the conclusion that the death was indeed an accident. According to several eyewitness reports, the civilian was quite close behind the vehicle which Dr. Eggman was operating, so even with his extraordinary speed, Mr. Hedgehog would have been barely able to reach the civilian and pull the both himself and the civilian out of harm's way.

It was also established that the Doctor had dropped a very powerful explosive in Mr. Sonic's way, deterring his reaction time to the point where it was simply too late for even him to have been able to save the civilian.

So with these facts in mind, we admonish Mr. Hedgehog as a factor in the cause of death and any other wrongdoings associated with this tragic event. We also would like to establish Dr. Eggman as the sole party responsible in the cause of death, as it was his vehicle that caused the death, and he was both consciously and willingly operating said vehicle at the time of death.

I will now give the floor to Mr. Hedgehog, as he feels he needs to say something given the circumstances. Thank you."

And with that, Sonic takes the stage:

"I don't have much to say in my defense other than it was purely an unwanted accident. When I'm out there facing danger, I do my best to make sure that it's only myself out there. If I see anyone else out there, I do my best to help them first before I go back to the mist of the chaos…but this was one of those times where I was unable to, no matter how much I wanted to or tried.

And for that, I'm truly sorry becau..

"MURDERER!", came a voice from the crowd. That one word was enough to make Sonic tremble in his shoes as I took notice of it. Soon, more people were shouting other things besides 'murderer', moving closer and almost encompassing Sonic to the point where he wouldn't be able to speed away without hurting someone.

I pushed my way through the crowd, many of whom looked as if they were going to lynch him on the spot. I didn't care what any of them though of him for that one action…that one mistake. He was still a hero in my eyes….

"Sonic!", I finally manage to yell at him. I struggle to rearrange my groceries into one arm as I use the other to wave frantically to him. His eyes finally see me, because he stated next "AMY! You shouldn't be here!", in a condescending tone of voice.

But, his actions prove otherwise as he jumps down from the steps of the courthouse and suddenly scoops me up into his strong arms, speeding away from the crowd of nonbelievers.

We eventually arrive in front of the door to my Station Square apartment, at which he puts me down. I thank him for taking me away from that crazy crowd and half expectedly knew that he would speed away to his own business elsewhere.

But when I opened the door to look back, he was still there, and doing something that I had never seen him do in all time that I had known him.

My Sonic was crying.

I quickly drop the groceries beside the door and usher for him to come inside and stay awhile for dinner. He slowly nods his agreement as he steps inside, trying to wipe away the tears that had already fallen from his face. But he soon gives up and allows them to fall freely as I offer him my handkerchief and say, "It's alright. I understand."

I tell him he can stay awhile and relax while I get started on dinner. He blows his nose as he goes to sit down on the loveseat in my living room. To think, my Sonic was actually sitting in my living room…though somewhat listless as I could tell.

But he was there nonetheless, and I wanted to strive to make him feel at home and welcome…

..But most of all, wanted and loved…

If this had been like it was in my dreams, I would have had the meal of a lifetime ready for him in an instant. But as this was so unexpected, I just reluctantly placed two TV dinners inside of the microwave as I wanted to not waste any time in making him feel better. I also filled up my kettle and placed it on the stove so that I could make a cup of tea for the both of us. The moment that's all done, I place the drinks and food on a tray and make my way to the living room to take a seat right next to him. Tears are still coming from his eyes, but he's also trying to put on one of his trademark smiles, as if to make me (and not himself) feel better.

I hand him one of the chicken TV dinners and a cup of tea before I actually say something to break the long moment of silence afterwards. Something foolish to the effect of, "I don't know how you liked your tea, but I definitely know sugar and honey is soothing at a time like this…"

I watch as he takes a small sip of the honey flavored tea before finally gulping the entire cup, and gesturing the empty cup out for a refill. He also must have finished his TV dinner, because it was there one moment and gone the next, with the exception of a few bones scattered on the plastic tray.

At least I know that his appetite hadn't been affected by the goings on that day…

I offer him my own slightly nibbled dinner and watch as he earnestly polishes off that as I bring over the kettle and more tea bags with honey and sugar to refill our cups. I finally take a sip of my own tea, taking a momentary pause to say things that I felt in my heart and should be said to him in his time of need.

"It's not your fault, Sonikku."

He shakes his head. I can tell that he holds himself 100 responsible. "Amy", he states solemnly. "It is. If I had just been a little bit faster..quicker…he still might be alive…"

"Sonic", I start up. "Please don't blame yourself. If you continue to blame yourself, you won't be able to help others like you've done so many times before. People need you…" I gently place a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He shivers a little, but soon relaxes a bit as he continues:

"I don't blame people for hating me for what happened. Even though a bunch of politicians said it wasn't my fault, I know it is. I'm supposed to be a hero to everyone…and responsible for anyone in the way of danger."

"Sonikku…", I murmur, in an attempt to correct him. He's absolutely wrong about that – I for one don't care if he's the reason I often find myself in trouble. He's the one who's always bailing me out of messes like that...

But he still continues: "It's to the point where I almost don't want to go and risk it out there anymore…knowing that someone could get hurt or be killed like that kid because of me…knowing that I could lose Tails and our other friends because of my recklessness..knowing that I could even lose you as a result of it…"

"It's just too much…"

By this point, I'm on the verge of tears…he's actually afraid of losing me because of what he does? That makes me both happy and sad at the same time; not once would I wish for him to give up what he does, knowing full well that it's what makes him Sonic. I could never ask him to give up what he loves to do; even if I was uncomfortable with it...he wouldn't be the Sonikku I love...

I couldn't hold back my emotions from that point. My soft and gentle grip of his right shoulder had become a full blown embrace as tears started to stream from my own face. I could no longer contain the emotions associated with knowing how I felt about him and how he felt over losing me or any of the others…

and I wanted to show him that no matter what, he would always have me to come to as a friend…lover…whatever he desired for as long as the both of us lived…

You can pretty much say that's when our 'relationship' went from one sided affection on my side to a more sensual and erotic level for the both of us, because the next thing I knew, he was returning my comforting embrace and adding a grateful kiss upon my forehead...

well, actually a lot of grateful kisses, down from my forehead, and finally to my lips…

And it becomes a blur; it all started with one grateful kiss on my forehead…

to playful fondling and foreplay…

and finally, the both of us losing our virginity to one another.

It was a weird feeling; Rouge had told me several times how my first time would hurt like no tomorrow – how it would hurt and get better immediately after. How I would probably go on and on and enjoy it the times after the initial breaking had been done.

She was wrong – it hurt like a bitch. It's not some barrier breaking inside of you; more like your vagina was set on fire by the object penetrating it. And the soreness lasted for days afterward to the effect of making me vow that only Sonic, and him alone could see and take me in that light...

I'd also go so far as to give her the fact that it did feel good, even though I didn't orgasm. Women don't have 'orgasms' like men do, and she also told me it takes a lot of experience in the area to find out what personally would help you achieve it. But it feels good all the same; I still gush over how the first moments of ecstasy crashed over my body as we both began to adjust to being connected with one another…

It didn't take too long for him to reach his limit and climax inside of me, embracing one another tightly before finally drifting to sleep in each other's arms…

I can also remember the conversation we had the morning after:

"Oh my gosh...Amy..." he started. He clearly was feeling guilty over what we did last night. Which hurt, since it was something I had always wanted to do with him...

I place a hand on one of his cheeks and kiss his lips softly. "Sonikku…don't worry. Don't feel sorry…", I whispered. "I wanted to make you feel better last night…"

"I also wanted to show you how much I cared as well..."

He softly nuzzled my hand and continued: "But don't you think it was a mistake for us to get into bed like this? I mean…"

"I don't feel like it was a mistake. And I don't think you do either, right? Otherwise, we would have stopped at any point..."

I know he felt the same way I felt, because he said jokingly: "Well then, I'd say it's my favorite mistake", before rolling me over on my back and kissing me deeply…

And that's how it all started. I wanted to go public with it, but Sonic insisted on keeping it under wraps. Can't blame him after how strongly he feels about losing me or someone else because of his actions…

But now, It would seem as if I would have to lose him. The things that I know and feel now since we've embarked on this secret are not making it so that I have more secrets of my own…

Like what I recently found out 2 weeks ago…

It's flu season down here in Station Square, so I never gave much thought to the occasional headaches or fatigue that I had been feeling of late. Just brushed it off as the flu trying to fight its way through my immune system, and upped my dosage on Vitamin C in the ways of more orange juice in the morning. Had some temporary relief, but not by much...

Then there came the nausea. And always at the same time each day. Sonic would be sound asleep in my bed and not notice as I would jump with a start after the alarm rang at 5 a.m. to run and quietly place my face in front of the toilet seat for the impending vomiting fit…

It also was a bit strange that I had somewhat of a more than healthy appetite after such episodes of nausea…

It only seemed to get worse from there, and Sonic insisted that I go to the doctor for a flu shot. But once there, once they heard the type of symptoms I'd been having, they insisted upon something else…

"We'll need you to produce a sample of urine for us.", they'd tell me. Something about urine being able to determine whatever it was that was making me 'sick'.

Well, didn't turn out that I had influenza, or whatever type of sickness that people usually have during the winter months.

I'm pregnant.

I don't know what to do or what to say to him. And I doubt that being told that he's going to become a father will make him love me any more or any better than he already does now…that is, if he loves me…

I remember Rouge telling me something about how even the sweetest guy can become an absolute sex addict if it's

a)readily available

b)given to them without the slightest protest from their partner

I've managed to do both for him; there have been times where we've just hung out together at my place and not done anything. And I wish there were more times like that. But it's been more and more about sex lately than actually spending time to enjoy each's other's company.

There have even been things that I've been unsure about doing and have done because he wanted me to at least try it. Like when I gave him…head…or rather, fellatio being the proper term as Rouge puts it.

Plus, if it really is about sex, I doubt he'd want to step up to the plate and take responsibility. Hell, he'd probably go and blame me for the whole thing happening in fact. In the midst of it all, we never really thought twice about using protection to prevent something like this from happening…

And that's just the worst case scenario. He might actually be thrilled and be ecstatic that we're expecting. But then, that goes back to his fear of losing people – I'd hate to see him feeling guilty because our child was put in harm's way by what he does…

Or the fact that we're having sex when one of us knows that I'm pregnant. I don't know if having sex will hurt the baby…or even if the baby is aware and can actually see what we're doing…

But whatever the reasons, it's all the same resolution:

I have to break it off with him…

"Sonic?" Amy said after a long silence. Sonic's thrusting suddenly came to an abrupt halt as the azure hedgehog looked into the emerald eyes of his sakura partner. "Yes Ames?", he asked curiously.

"I don't know how to tell you this...", she started slowly, "but I've been thinking and I think that you were originally right about this being a mistake to be like this…" At that, Sonic simply raised an eyebrow as if to ask, "What are you talking about?"

She continued: "I don't think it'd be best if we slept together or spoke to each other for awhile…I need some time to sort out my feelings about this…"

She could tell that her statement had gotten to him, because he was out of her the next moment, and out the door the next. She slowly withered up into a fetal position and began to cry, slowly wrapping herself in the blankets on her bed that were still warm from their lovemaking.

I'm scared…

And that's the end of this chapter folks. Stay tuned for the next chapter that will be told in Sonic's point of view regarding Amy breaking it off with him. Hope you enjoyed it thus far. :D