Hey all!

So this is the first fic I have posted on here I hope you enjoy it.

This is a short piece that I wrote for the RP I'm a member of. I play Sakano in the RP and his lover is K. I don't honestly know why I decided to post this here.

Dunno what else to say, so onto the fic

Sakano awoke from the dream and sat up in bed. He wrapped his arms around himself and silently sobbed, he looked to his left hand side and felt the pain clench at his heart again. K wasn't there with him.

The dream had seemed so real, and it tore Sakano apart. He felt like he had just lived his worst nightmare. Having his love taken away would kill him, he doubt he would feel any reason to live. His mind drifted back to the dream, it had all seemed so wonderful to begin with.


Everything was perfect, the dinner was in the oven keeping warm, the champagne was set in the ice bucket keeping it cool, strawberries and cream were ready in the fridge for desert and the livingroom was bathed in the light of what seemed like a hundred candles. The atmosphere was very romantic, and he had done it all for K. Michael was staying at home with the babysitter this evening, so Sakano decided to prepare Ks favorite meal for him and then spend a romantic evening...just the two of them. He called his lover to make sure he was still okay to come over for "pizza and movie". K said he was just outside in the car and would be up in a moment.

Sakano rushed into the bedroom and stripped himself down to his boxers, he then threw on the deep red silk housecoat and tied the sash around his waist. He heard the door open and K calling for him. Sakano thrust his hand into the housecoat pocket, the little box was still there, he smiled.

The producer made his way to the door leading into the livingroom and leaned against the doorframe, he still hadn't looked up at his lover yet.

"I've been looking forward to this all day my love, finally I have you al..."

The words died in his throat when he looked to see a shocked looking K, holding Michael in his arms.

"Michael! What you doing here? Thought you were with babysitter tonight?" he said in broken English. Sakano pulled the housecoat around himself tighter, making sure he was well covered up.

"The sitter didn't turn up Mr. Sakanu, so Daddy said I could come over to eat pizza with you...Why are you dressed like that Mr. Sakanu?" The boy was suddenly speaking Japanese, Sakano found it strange but was relieved all the same.

He blushed and smiled down at the young boy. "Because I just got out of the bath and haven't gotten dressed yet" he answered

"Oh, so why do you have lots of candles lit?"

"B-because the electric went out and I couldn't see"

Michael walked over to the lightswitch and flicked it on "The lights seem to be working fine now"

"Oh! Well that's good" Sakano exclaimed as he rushed to blow out the candles that sat on the window ledge.

"Daddy I need to go pee-pee!" The boy said before rushing into the bathroom.

Sakano turned to face K, trying so hard not to cry. "K, what happened, why didn't the sitter..."

K cut him off by holding up a hand.

"Sakano...I called the sitter and told her not to come, I've been doing a lot of thinking today"

Sakano felt like the walls were closing in around him, he prayed to god K was thinking good things all day.

"I talked to Michael today, I asked him how he felt about gay people and how he would feel if I was gay. He told me he didn't like queers and that he didn't want two daddies, he wanted a mother"

Sakano winced at the word queers, K said it in such a harsh tone, he sounds almost disgusted.

"So I've decided that I'm going to give Michael a mother, to be more precise I'm going to give Michael his own mother back, I'm moving back to LA again and me and Judy will be getting married again"

Sakano couldn't believe what he was hearing, his heart was shattering

"I quit my job as Bad Lucks manager today, you shall take up that position starting tomorrow"

He couldn't stop the tears now, they streamed steadily down his face.

"It's over Sakano, I don't want to hear from you ever again, I won't have any queers upsetting my son, after all, he is the most important thing to me. He is my world"

Michael came bounding back out of the bathroom and took his fathers hand, K looked down at his son and smiled.

"Come along now Michael, Mr. Sakano doesn't want our company this evening, he wants to be left alone"

Suddenly the room was plunged into darkness and Sakano was left alone, sobbing in the middle of nothingness.

End Dream

Sakano was sobbing hard now, was his dream a vision? Is this how his relationship with K was going to end? He reached out to his bedside table and picked up his cell phone, with a shaky hand he typed out a small text to K and sent it.

"I love you"

With that done Sakano buried himself back under the covers and attempted to drift back off to sleep.

Hopefully his next dream would be a little happier

A/N: Well what did you think? Love it? Hate it? Please leave a review and let me know If you do I'll give you a cookie

holds up a cookie jar

Pandora Zellas