Sora plus Popsicle equaled Pure torture.

This particular equation was driving him insane. Sora should not be allowed to eat Popsicles. The very thought of it should be illegal. Banned. Barred. Punishable by death.

Riku sighed as Sora licked a bit more off of his icy treat. Licked. Licked. Who licks Popsicles? You're supposed to suck –

Whoa. Stop that train of thought.

"Are you sure you don't want one Riku?" Sora asked, tilting his head to the side. "I have plenty more in the fridge."

Riku suppressed the urge to sigh again. "Not hungry." Blue, why did he always get the blue ones? Was it the flavor, or the color? Sora loved the color blue, that was for sure, but his favorite treat was the blueberry pie his mom always made… so, which was it? Maybe he knew that blueberry Popsicles were terribly sexy. More so than red (strawberry), orange (duh), or green (watermelon).

"Positive?" The brunette asked again before sticking Popsicle into his mouth.

Oh yeah. It was definitely more sexy than orange. Must be the color.

"Uh, just a little. But not hungry enough for a whole Popsicle."

Sora shrugged a bit before turning his gaze back toward the ocean. "Your loss."

Maybe it was the flavor.

Suddenly, Riku smirked. Rapidly, his hand snapped foreword and snagged the Popsicle stick from Sora's unsuspecting fingers. The protest could scarcely leave Sora's mouth before gave one long deliberate lick up the length of the Popsicle. Sora's complaint seemed to falter for a moment before it came back in full force.

"That was my Popsicle jerk. Go get your own," he pouted.

Riku snickered before sucking on the tip. "Would you want me to waste and entire Popsicle when I could just take a little bit of your own?" Sora paused and blinked, seeming to actually ponder the question.

"I guess not. But still…" He crossed his arms over his chest, careful to prevent his sticky fingers from touching his clothes. "Now your germs are all over it," he muttered.

"You never minded my germs before," Riku responded casually. Sora couldn't prevent the blush from crawling up his cheeks.

"Sharing juice boxes when we were three doesn't count Riku. We didn't know better."

"We still don't apparently," Riku retorted, examining the Popsicle from an angle before taking another bite.

Sora stuck his tongue out. Riku burst out laughing, nearly choking on the Popsicle stick in the process. "What's so funny?" Sora asked irritably.

"Your tongue is solid blue," Riku choked out.

"Well, so is yours!"

Riku only laughed harder and threw the bare Popsicle stick down at Sora's feet. "Well, it seems your Popsicle has disappeared."

Sora gaped at the stick before glaring at Riku. "I thought you said you weren't hungry."

"I wasn't. But when I saw how much you were enjoying yourself, I just couldn't resist."

"How I was enjoying myself. Not anymore." A firm pout settled itself on Sora's face as he turned his nose to the air.

"Well, we could always get more Popsicles," Riku said in low tempting voice. Sora's face heated up like a Christmas light.

"Only if you get your own," Sora returned shyly. Riku looked surprised for a moment, but he grinned.

"No way. You always take all the blue ones. I'd rather share."

"That's because the blue ones last longer. Duh."

"Last longer? What does that mean?" Riku asked suspiciously.

This time, it was Sora who smirked. "I'll race you!" Swiftly, Sora got to his feet and was racing back to his house at top speed. Riku rolled his eyes and followed.