Charlie: hey, everybody. it's Charlie. This as you've already know is a sequel to My Crazy Secretary. hope you enjoy this story as you've enjoyed the first one. I will not be having any character with me today. I'm gonna bring in someone. This someone is unknown. It's the Narrator. You've never heard him say anything before. He's actually a nice guy when he's not being bitchy.

The Guess Who? is coming into this story too. I would like to make something clear, if you're gonna give me flames can you maybe not put so much insult into it.

Disclaimer: Do not own Inuyasha. So if any of you sue me, I'LL SO KICK YOUR ASS AND MAKE YOU REGRET YOU WERE EVER BORN!

So anyway, let this story begin:

My Crazy Secretary

Chapter One: Wedding Invitation

In every relationship, there is always some kind of conflict, rising action. As you know even the perfect couple can't be perfect all the time. It's nice to let your thoughts out a little while, plus its fun to watch them fight. But even though they have this big argument about this small problem, they always make up.

In life, tests are lain out for you. You never know when or where. It just pops up whenever it wants. This story is about a connection, so strong no one can break it.


What if it's carefully planned? What if the person is crazier then a demon? A mind which is more complicated then any you've ever seen?

"GODDAMNNIT!" a loud shout came from inside. A crash that shouted like something breaking soon came after.

"Having trouble?" a feminine voice teased.

"Shut up!" The one shouting was a tall young man. He had long black hair and very-well tone muscle through his tight black shirt.

She sighs and walked over to a bunch of paper on the floor. She picked up a crumble paper and unfolds it. An alphabet that went no longer then M by a messy handwriting was on it. She raised an eyebrow in disbelieve. "You've gotta be kidding me? Come on, Inuyasha, it can't be that hard?"

Inuyasha glared at her. "I've never been good with my penmanship, okay?" He snatched the paper away and threw it in the trash.

They stood like that for a while until she asked, "Need help?"

"I don't need your help, Kagome," he said, protecting his ego.

Kagome roll her eyes. "If you don't learn how to write by the end of this month, your dad is going to take away your part of the inheritance."

He groans and slump in his chair. "Don't remind me. What am I going to do?"

She walked over to his desk and pull out a book. The book was no thicker then a pencil and it was titled, "Mother Goose". "You can start by reading this."

He stares at the book with a scowl but opened it anyway and began to figure out the words.

A man with the same black hair walked down the hall. He was dressed in a black suit. A voice stopped him. He followed it to a study room. He looked through the creak in the door and smirk.

Inuyasha spoke every word slowly and carefully. Kagome had a ruler in her hand and she would smack him with every word he got wrong.

"How's the reading lesson going, little brother?"

They both looked up to see Sesshoumaru. Kagome smile while Inuyasha glared bloody murder at his elder brother.

Kagome walked from behind the desk and over to Sess. She gave him a peck and asked, "What are you doing here?"

He wrapped his arms around her. "I was just passing by. Thought I drop in and see how the lessons are going," he smirked at Inuyasha. He turns his attention back to her. "And also to tell you we've been invited to a wedding." He handed her a pink card.

She opened it and read it carefully. She handed the card to Inuyasha. "Here's an assignment for you. Figure out what it said and be there."

Inuyasha stare at card in disgust and confusion.

Sesshoumaru smirk again. "No need to worry, Inuyasha. It doesn't have any big words." He led Kagome outside before Inuyasha started throwing things.

Outside, Kagome scolded Sesshoumaru for teasing his brother like that.

"Like you didn't?"

"Only once," she held up a finger defending herself.

"Whatever you say, Mrs. Takahashi," he said as he open the car door for her.

She blushed but didn't argue. Once inside she was tackle by a small figure. "Good afternoon, Rin."

"I missed you. Why didn't you come see Rin yesterday?"

Sesshoumaru came in and smile at the sight. "She did come, but you were asleep, Rin."

She pouts at him. "That's not fair. Otousan got to see Kagome-chan, but I can't."

"I'll wake you up next time, okay?" he said, defeated.

She nodded her head with a smile.

Kagome follow the conversation. It was really nice to watch them talk sometime and kind of sad. She never knew her dad because he died when she was young.

"What's wrong? You look sad?"

She turns to face Sesshoumaru and smile at him. "No, just thinking about some stuff."

"The past again?" he wrapped an arm around her for some comfort.

"Yes, but not the past you're thinking."

"Should I interrogate or think about it for days until you decide to tell me?"

She smiled, sadly. "I was thinking how you and Rin remind me of my dad."

Sesshoumaru squeeze her shoulder to tell her he's there for her. She lean into him and watched as Rin sat on the ground of the limo, playing with her toys.

Kagome suddenly remember the wedding invitation. "Sess, can we skip the wedding?"

He looked down at her with a frown. "Why? I thought you like going to weddings?"

(okay, though it was not mention in my other story, yes she does like weddings, the parties and all that stuff.)

"Yeah, but I just don't want to go to this one."

"And the reason would be what?"

She groans, "Oh, nevermind."

"Come one, Tsuyu needs all of our support."

"I thought you didn't like Tsuyu."

He didn't say anything for a minute. "Oh, yeah. Why that little-?"

Kagome cut him off and pointed to Rin.

"-polite lady," he finished.

Kagome couldn't help, but laugh at him.

The wedding was grand and held outside behind of a church because of the amount of people. Vines hang on every tables, etc. etc. Flowers of all sorts fill vases and fence.

Inuyasha had figure out what the note said and came in time. Sango and Miroku had come to only on the account of Miroku.

The wedding was of Tsukumo Tama and Tsuyu Kai. No one had ever known of their relationship or even if they had met. The thing was they never did. It was an arrangement between Tsuyu's aunt, Midoriko Shikon, and Tsukumo's aunt Keade Tama.

It was before the death of Midoriko and Keade. Midoriko died of an illness and Keade was found stab in her house. They later found the culprit and he even admitted it, but then after the court meeting, he was found hanging in his cell. The police say that it was suicide.

Back to the wedding, in the invitation, made by Tsukumo, the only invites that came out were for people of high status. None of which are friends.

The only one who didn't have a high status was Tsukumo's assistant, Nobunaga Amari, though no one knows why he's there. They just assume he and Tsukumo were friends or something like that.

Tsukumo Azuma is a biologist on the study of toads, basically. He's lab is a secrecy every media wants to be the first to solve, but no one has. That's one of the popularity, another is he was the first ever to develop a medicine using an extraction of a toad's vital organs and necessary toxic.

The story continues after the ceremony where everybody is celebrating in the outdoors.

Miroku had managed to snag a kiss from the bride before being pounded to a pulp by Sango. They're going out since last episode as you've read.

Tsukumo talked with the guests, not paying much attention to his new wife. She didn't even seem to notice his lack of attention. She sat there and only speaks when spoken to.

Kagome watched from afar. She pitied Tsuyu because she was forced into a marriage and her being academically challenged didn't help much. Maybe the most pitiful of the marriage was that she was married to a slim like Tsukumo.

"I don't think such a sad look should be on a beautiful face such as you," said a strange voice.

She snapped out of her trance and turn around.

Charlie: Have you guys ever heard of Princess Ai? It's a manga about an angel princess who came to earth. She lost her memory and recovers it while meeting new people.

the narrator hasn't come on much, has he? Did you know he was gay?

Narrator: I'm right here

Charlie: oh, yeah. almost forgot. anyway, please review and keep a look out for the next chapter.

GUESS WHO? (I know this is old and all that, but if you'll answer it anyway.) Who is the person behind Kagome?

You know what's after that.