A/N: Hey guys, I hope that you all enjoy chapter one! And don't forget to review to let me know what you think. ; )

Jedi Knight247

Into the Shadow

Anakin's vision had been blurred as he had slipped in and out of consciousness; but he knew that he had to find a way to save Padme, Sabé, and the twins; he finally gathered all of the strength that he could muster, and tried to stand up. His legs were weak, and since he had just regained consciousness. His legs began to shake until they eventually buckled and Anakin fell to the floor with a loud groan.

He knew that he had to find a way; to him, pain was an obstacle, before regaining his strength, Anakin scooted out of the twins' room, and began to make his way down the hallway. His arm felt as though it was going to fall off, but he continued to make his way to his and Padme's room...he had to send a hologram.


Felix Redblade walked down the corridor with confidence; he had caught his catch of the day. Senator Bail Organa had been accused of trying to start up a rebellion against the Emperor. The poor Senator had tried to run, but it was useless to do so when a great bounty hunter like Felix Redblade was on his tail.

The blond bounty hunter approached the guards who were standing outside of the two massive doors.

"I have to speak with the Emperor immediately," he said with overconfidence. "...about Senator Organa--and the credits that he owes me."

"You will have to wait," one guard said mechanically, "He is currently engaged in a discussion."

"Well tell him that I'm here, alright? And that I'm waiting for him--and my money."

The guards just stood there, much like robots.

"Well, go ahead and tell him! I haven't got all day," he said, getting agitated. Felix Redblade wasn't bothered that a Sith a risen and was trying to wipe out all of the Jedi and their allies. In fact, he didn't mind at all for it kept the credits coming.

"We will not disturb the Emperor; he will be with you shortly."


"Padme Amidala--how unfortunate that we must meet under such circumstances," Palpatine said mockingly. "And who might you be?" he snapped, turning to Sabé.

Sabé glanced at Padme nervously, but she said nothing.

"Speak!" the Emperor commanded.

"I--I'm Sabé, I am her handmaiden," she said in a weak and low voice.

"Why do you have us here?" Padme demanded. "You're nothing but a traitor!"

"I assumed that you would think so. But I have a proposition for you."

"I do not care to make a deal with you--your very presence disgusts me."

Padme and Sabé wanted to get away from Mustafar as soon as possible; but when they were brought to the planet, something bittersweet took place. They were healed by Sith.

Palpatine refrained from his anger, for he knew that Padme would be no good to him dead. "I am assuming that you want to see your children."

Padme instantly froze, but said nothing; for once she let Palpatine continue.

"If you wish to see your children then you will do as I say--it will not be hard."

"What is it that you want?" she finally managed to say.

"You will send Anakin a hologram, saying where you are. It is just that simple."

"Don't do it, Milady!" Sabé suddenly burst out. "It's a trap!"

"I have no use for you handmaiden, so do not think that I will hesitate to dispose of you."

Padme knew that there was some sort of catch, but as a mother she had to see her children, and she realized that she could probably give Anakin a hidden clue that it was a trap. "You have your wish, Palpatine; I will do it."

"Good; I thought that you would say so, now--" he was cut off when the huge doors slid open. "I made it clear that I was not to be disturbed!" he shouted.

The guard quivered. "But my lord, Felix Redblade is threatening to leave with Senator Organa if you do not see to him immediately."

Padme almost gasped "Bail! Oh no!" she thought to herself.

"Very well; send him in," the Emperor said calmly.

The guard stepped outside for a moment, and then returned with a tall blond man; his expression was one of overconfidence and he didn't seem frightened of Palpatine in the least. He wasn't a bad looking man--especially to Sabé, although the sight of his bounty hunter gear made her look away instantly. He had longish hair and he looked to be a man of his early thirties.

Before Palpatine uttered his first words, Felix glanced over at Sabé and Padme; he hadn't seen either one of them before, but he thought that they bore a resemblance to each other. He tore his gaze away from Sabé as Palpatine spoke.

"I understand that you have succeeded in finding Senator Organa; but your impatience continues to displease me."

"For that I apologize, Emperor; I am a very busy man; Senator Organa is in my ship. Your guards can feel free to take him when they wish."

"Good; you will be paid handsomely for your deed," said Palpatine said. Then turning back to Sabé he said, "I have no use for handmaidens; you shall be...disposed of."

A look of fear and dread came across Sabé's face, but she wasn't about to beg the Emperor to save her life.

Sabé looked away from the Emperor, only to meet Felix's eyes; his expression was not an arrogant one anymore; instead it was one of resolve.

"Emperor Palpatine," he began. "Perhaps I could make this a little easier for you."

Palpatine rested his sunken in eyes on the young man. "What is it that you want, Felix?"

"I understand that you have no use for a handmaiden, but I do; I've considered trying to find a partner in 'crime' but I never really had the time, and seeing that you'll dispose of her otherwise, I think it'd be best if she came with me."

Sabé and Padme exchanged glances; Sabé didn't want to go with the bounty hunter, she felt that it was her place to stay with Padme and the twins--no matter what fate she might meet.

Padme knew that even though going with a bounty hunter was dangerous--especially considering the fact that he worked for the Empire, but she was just glad that there was a way that her friend's life could be spared.

Palpatine sighed. "Very well, as you wish; take her and be gone."

"But what about my credits?" he asked.

"She is your payment, now be gone."

Refusing to take back his decision, Felix quickly took Sabé by the arm in a firm yet gentle way, and led her back to his ship.

Before they left the throne room, Sabé looked back at Padme one last time.

When they had gone, Palpatine turned back to Padme.

"It is time for you to keep your end of the bargain, Amidala," he said bitterly.


Anakin had been able to make it to the hologram, and had managed to get in contact with Jedi Master Mace Windu and Aayla Secura. He had briefly told them where he was and what had happened. They did not say their whereabouts though, but said that they were on their way.

Anakin slumped against the wall in pain and frustration. His wife and children were gone. Taken by the Sith; he didn't know what was going to become of them if he didn't save them. Out of frustration, he reached up to the table, grabbed the hologram, and threw it across the room. He watched it as it created a dent against the wall, then fell helplessly to the ground.

He felt as though he was living in a nightmare--one that he would never wake up from.


Peace is only a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.

Obi-Wan awakened; he was lying on a hard rocky hill. He had simply been dumped on the planet with nothing but the clothes on his back and his lightsaber--his crimson lightsaber.

He put his hand to his forehead; he had felt so hot a moment ago, now he felt as though he was freezing. And worst of all, the voices did not stop; they continued to chant the Sith code as though they were trying to mold it into his mind.

He knew that the planet was evil, but he had never thought of anything like this in his wildest dreams. The voices sounded as though they were a thousand ghosts whispering in unison

Peace is only a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.