A/N: This takes place two years later, and Greg and Gin are both fifteen. Some of the things in this part don't really work with younger teens; even fourteen is a little too young. It just works better here to have it be later, and make them older. Oh, and I figure that Greg and Gin haven't really started dating yet, so they know about the basics of dating, but they have no firsthand experience, unlike their older sisters. And because of that, they didn't realize until now that what they've been feeling for each other is different from a completely platonic relationship.

Oh, Hoku Kohana is mine. Also, Gotta Love Pooches is a direct play on Must Love Dogs, which I thought was an absolutely adorable movie.

The Mistletoe Trick: Part Two

Two Years Later, December 22

Greg walked into the park, wanting to have some time alone.To his surprise, Ginwas sitting on the swing set, having cleared the snow from one of the swings. No one else was around. "Hey, Gin," Greg said, clearing off the seat next to her and sitting down. They both started to swing.

"Morning, Greg." Gin's face was pink from the cold and wind (or so Greg thought).

Greg took a deep breath. "Gin?"


"Do you remember that Christmas, a couple of years ago, when you came over for dinner?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I wanted to know...why'd you kiss me?"

Gin stopped swinging, but didn't answer right away. Finally, she said, "I thought it was the right thing to do."

"Oh." Greg stopped, too.


"Just wondering."

A moment later, "You know my sister, Hoku? She told me I should do it."

"Oh. Why?"

"She had told me that's what girls are supposed to do. She'd said girls are supposed to tease and flirt and kiss boys. That it 'drives guys up the wall'."

"Oh." Greg dug the toe of his boot into the snow until he reached the ground beneath.



"Why did you kiss me back?"

"What?" Greg looked at her with confusion.

"I was kissing you on the cheek, but you kissed me on the lips." Gin looked at him pointedly. "You grabbed my scarf, pulled me closer to you, and kissed me."

"Oh, yeah…" Greg mumbled something incoherent.

"What?" Gin asked.

"I don't really know."

"I'd asked my sister about it when I'd gotten home. She told me that sometimes, guys get caught up in the moment, that they don't actually like a girl even though they kiss her. I told her that you like me; after all, we're best friends."

"Of course we are!" Greg replied.

"But Hoku told me that there's a difference between liking someone as a friend and liking them as a boyfriend or girlfriend."

"I've heard June talk about that before. She was telling my mom about this guy that she thought was cute and that liked her, but that another guy had asked her out that she only thought of as a friend."

Gin nodded. "Hoku's had that happen to her, too."

Greg looked at Gin again. "Yeah, and it's starting to happen to us. I mean, my best guy friend is dating now."

"Yeah, so's my best girl friend. I think it's something that everyone goes through."

Greg stood and walked around behind Gin, giving her a push. He'd realized something since that night two years ago, but he didn't quite know how to say it. He breathed deeply, and took the plunge. "But…what if one of us starts to like someone in that way? Will that change our friendship?"

"I don't think so," Gin said. "At least, I hope not."

Greg swallowed hard. "Hypothetically speaking, what if I started to like you, Gin?"

Gin dragged her feet along the ground to stop herself. "Huh?" she asked, turning around to look at him. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I want to know."

"Well, that would definitely change our friendship."

"How so?"

"Well…hypothetically speaking, of course…if I liked you too, then we'd probably start going out."

"And if you didn't?"

"It would be weird, but I think we could still be friends."

"How would it be weird?" Greg asked.

"I think it would be weird because I'd know that you like me, but I don't like you. I might feel guilty because I don't like you, and then I might be angry with you for making me feel guilty, even thought it wouldn't be your fault."

"Oh." Greg lowered his head a little.

"But that'll never happen, will it?"

"No, never!" Greg replied, a little too strongly.

Gin tried to look at him, but he wouldn't meet her eyes. "Greg…what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"…" Gin stood from the swing and tagged Greg. "You're it!" She ran away from Greg, laughing wildly.

With a small smile, Greg chased Gin across the park. Just as he was reaching out to tag her, Greg slipped on a patch of ice at the top of a hill and fell, knocking Gin down, as well. They tumbled down the hill, landing in a heap at the bottom. Greg pushed himself up onto his elbows to see Gin under him, looking up at him.

He leaned on one elbow and gently brushed a lock of hair from her face. He leaned closer to her, and as he did, he felt her breath catch. He was just an inch from her face, now. His heart was pounding.

"…Tag," he breathed, a smile appearing on his face.

A moment later, Gin smiled too. Then she promptly pushed a handful of snow into his face.


An hour later, Greg and Gin were defrosting next to the fireplace at the Carbunkle home. Between the tumble down the hill, and the snowball fight immediately after, both teens were soaked and frozen. Gin was taking a sip from a mug of hot cocoa when Greg spoke.

"It wasn't hypothetical."

"What wasn't?" Gin asked.

"My question earlier."

"Oh." Gin set down her mug and pulled her blanket tighter around her. She was wearing some of June's clothes while hers were being washed and dried by Mrs. Carbunkle, but they were two sizes too big, and the shirt kept slipping off her shoulders.

"I just thought you should know."

"Thanks. I…appreciate that."

Greg frowned. "Why do I sense a 'but' coming?"

"No, there's no 'but.' I'm just a little embarrassed, that's all."


"Because my clothes are practically falling off."

Being a teenage boy, the double meaning of her comment was not lost on Greg. He laughed, but didn't reply for fear of putting her off. He did, however, open his arms to her, offering her a hug. She gladly accepted, and Greg wrapped both of them in his blanket. He leaned back against the side of the couch, and Gin rested her head on his shoulder. Within minutes, they were both sound asleep.


Later, Jenny walked into the living room, carrying Greg and Gin's cleaned and dried clothes in a basket. When she saw the two teens on the couch, she stopped short with surprise, but smiled widely. She tiptoed over to the couch and gently shook Gin's shoulder. When the blonde girl opened her eyes and saw Jenny, she gasped and pulled herself out of Greg's embrace, waking him up, as well.

Greg said fuzzily, "Huh? What's wrong?" He looked up at his mother. "Mom!" he said in a strangled voice. He looked over at Gin, who was bright pink.

Jenny laughed. "I'm sorry for scaring you, but your clothes are dry." She handed Greg and Gin the basket. "Gin, after you get dressed, why don't you call your parents and ask if you can stay over for dinner?"

Gin looked down at her watch--it was already past three. "All right, Mrs. Carbunkle. I will." Jenny walked out of the room, and Gin started digging through the basket. Once she got all her clothes, she headed toward the bathroom.

"If you need any help, let me know," Greg said, waggling his eyebrows and smiling.

"All right, I will," Gin replied in a soft, husky voice.

Greg looked at her with surprise. "I wasn't serious…"

"Neither was I. But you should have seen the look on your face!" she said with a laugh. Before Greg could reply, she went into the bathroom to change.

After they had both changed, Gin called her parents and got permission to stay over for dinner. Then she and Greg went into the den and sat down to watch a movie.

"What do you want to watch?" Greg asked her.

Gin looked at the collection of movies that the Carbunkles had. "Hmm, I've never seen this one…" She held up Gotta Love Pooches.

"All right," Greg replied. "Then we'll watch it." He put it into the DVD player and pushed 'play' on the remote as they sat down on the couch.

"Wait, isn't it a chick flick?" Gin said, turning toward Greg.

"Yeah…" he said slowly. "What's your point?"

"You watch these kinds of movies?"

"Yeah. I've had to watch them so much, with Mom and June, that I don't mind them. In fact, this movie is one of my favorites."

"Wow, I'm impressed."

Greg smiled. "So, you're not regretting this?"


"Us, I mean."

"Oh, no way! In fact, you're getting better and better." Greg took her hand, and he intertwined his fingers with hers. Gin smiled and leaned against him as the movie started.


It was late by the time Gin got home. After dinner, she and Greg had watched another movie, a horror/thriller that had made Gin bury her face in Greg's chest more than once.

"Today has been the best day of my life," Gin said softly.

"Mine, too." Greg had a feeling of déjà vu as Gin took off her hat and gloves. Greg helped her with her scarf, just like the night before. This time, though, he used the opportunity to initiate their first official kiss as a couple. It was short, but sweet, and lead to another kiss, then a third. Finally, Greg pulled away. "Good night, Gin."

"Good night, Greg. Thanks for walking me home."

"No problem." He gave her one last kiss before going out the door and walking home.

Gin sighed happily, leaning against the door. Hoku walked into the room and noticed the grin on her sister's face. "So…?"

Gin looked over at her 17-year-old sister, who looked almost identical to herself, except for the fact that Hoku's hair was as dark as Gin's was light. With a smile, she simply nodded. Hoku squealed with delight. "Tell me everything."



When Greg arrived at home, his mother and sister immediately set upon him. They doted on him endlessly, making comments about how cute he and Gin were, and how long they'd wanted him to start dating her.

"Mom! June! Leave me alone!" Greg said, blushing.

"Oh, Greg," Brad said as he walked into the living room. "Your mother told me all about you and Gin. I think it's time you and I had the talk…"

Greg paled before falling in a dead faint.

A/N: Well, that's it! I'm finished! I hope everyone liked this story (Especially you, Nintendo Maximus!). I had so much fun with this that I'll probably write more stories with Greg and Gin. In the meantime, watch out for some more Jenny/Brad fics I'll be writing!