As I always write a Christmas story, I thought I'd continue with the tradition. I hope you enjoy this story. Don't worry, I'm still working on Danger Zone!


By Lingren.

Category: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance.

Pairings: Jack/Sam.

Season: A/U 9

Spoilers: None that I can recall at this moment.

Summary: Jack returns to the SGC hoping to spend Christmas with his friends.

Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate SG-1. No copyright infringements intended. Just borrowing the characters for a bit of fantasy and imagination.

Author's Notes: This story is part of the O'Neill saga, and includes Jack's younger brother Mike, a character I created years ago, and who became a Tok'ra called Maldek. Sorry I haven't written anything with him in sooner. I meant to have written another story including him but it got shelved as I need to work on the plot a bit more. Hope you enjoy this one though.


by Lingren.

Chapter 1 - Arrival

Major General Jack O'Neill was for once, really looking forward to Christmas. He looked out of the window of the small executive jet at the patchwork of snow covered fields below and smiled to himself. He had three whole days to spend with his former team-mates in Colorado Springs.

They had bullied him into accepting their invitation to drop by. In reality of course, he didn't need to be bullied but it gave them pleasure to think they had won him over.

He pulled the little velvet covered box from his jacket pocket and opened it. The sight of the diamond and sapphire engagement ring glistened in the sunlight now streaming in through the little porthole. His grin widened and wondered what the love of his life would have to say when he finally popped the question.

The tacitly understood 'thing' between him and the now Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter had finally come to a head with his move to Washington. They had been in love for years but were unable to resolve the issue due to the Air Force regulations on fraternisation and both were unwilling to jeopardise the other's career to risk breaking the rules. He wouldn't put Sam through that, she had so much going for her. Her promotion prospects were far greater than his. At least that's what he had thought at the time. He never in his life imagined he'd be where he was now; a two star General, for cryin' out loud! For years they had been content to work along side each other. The attraction between them was never spoken of, but it was clear that once, one or the other had moved on, or the enemy had been defeated then they would resolve the situation so that they could legally be together.

Jack sighed ruefully and put the little box away safely. He recalled another velvet box, the contents of which Sam had shown him. It was her engagement ring from Pete Shanahan. He winced with remembered pain.

That day in the elevator when Sam coolly announced that she had found someone else who could give her what she needed was one he would never forget. She had forsaken him, and the repercussions of her casual announcement that she had found someone else had hit home like a staff weapon blast to the chest, and he knew just what that felt like. He didn't know if she realised the full implications of what it had done to him or not, or even if she had let that fact bother her, but it was the blackest day in his life since Charlie died, and it hurt just as much. He'd tried to be pleased for her, wanting her to have a future that made her happy, but he just couldn't formulate his brain round to her way of thinking.

Since her father had died and he had moved to Washington, they had become firm friends once more, in fact more than just friends now that she was no longer under his direct command. He just hoped that this feeling wasn't only on his part, that she too would realise there was nothing stopping them now. Pete was a thing of the past now too; she'd been hiding behind the regulations thinking that was all there was, but Jack had waited for what seemed a lifetime for this day, and would wait no more.

He hadn't planned on asking her in public, hell no way! He wanted to ask her over a quiet dinner for the two of them, if it could be arranged, but if not, then he didn't mind if Daniel and Teal'c were there to witness it; in fact, knowing how they felt about it, they'd probably cheer.

The pilot's announcement that they were approaching Peterson AF base, roused him from his thoughts, and Jack buckled up ready for the landing. He could have taken a commercial flight but didn't want the hassle of dozens of excited kids screaming their heads off to disturb his thoughts; beside, he would have had to wait for another twelve hours and he hadn't got the patience to hang around or queue with everyone else.

He looked round the well appointed aircraft and smiled. Good old Uncle Sam. Being a Major General in the USAF had its perks and advantages.

The touchdown was smooth and gentle and worthy of the eagles on the pilot's shoulders.

As soon as the aircraft came to a halt, Jack stood and pulled on his dark Airforce overcoat and perched his cap on top of his silvering hair. He shook hands with the pilot and thanked him for a relaxing flight.

At the foot of the few steps there was an official car ready to take him straight to Cheyenne Mountain. His bag was loaded in the trunk and he slid into the comfy back seat, sighing with relief, and looking forward to seeing his friends once more.

He had missed them all, mostly Sam though; and if the truth were known he had envied them. They were still out there exploring, fighting, discovering and making new friends and allies among the stars. There were some days he wished that he was still leader of SG-1, but he knew his knees were just not up to it these days. He'd be holding them back and endangering their lives because there was no way they'd ever leave him behind if it came down to a fight for survival. No, he was better off out of the firing line for their sakes.

Working at the Pentagon had its good days and bad, but at least he was more or less his own boss, reporting directly to the President. The biggest perk of course was the fact that there was no more Kinsey to drive him to distraction with his bullshitting crap.

The car drove through recognizable streets, and Jack sat back enjoying the view, seeing new stores where familiar ones had changed hands or like one or two, had been replaced by gleaming office blocks made almost exclusively from glass which reflected the buildings around it.

They passed his old home district and he wondered what the new owners had done to the place. He knew they had children and he could only hope they had brought the place to life. It had needed children. He had kept it clean and tidy, but it was a house, not a home. It suited him, but his team were always on to him to decorate the place at Christmas. He'd done it for them, made the place look seasonal and put on a good show, but it wasn't the same. Christmas had never meant the same after Charlie had died. His son's tragic death had killed any Christmas spirit he'd had.

The only highlights he'd had was when he'd had Suzie and Johnny over and Mike had turned up. That had been good. It was a nice surprise for Suzie when Johnny had led his Dad into General Hammond's sitting room.

The car pulled up at the security gate and the guard checked his ID, saluted him and let him pass.

This felt so familiar and yet so strange. It wasn't often he got to visit the SGC these days. He felt like a stranger now, even though everything was as just as he'd remembered it, he'd moved on and nothing felt the same any more. He climbed out of the car and took his bag, dismissing the driver with a salute.

The checkpoint behind him, he stood in the elevator and watched the numbers counting up to the twenty-eighth level. So far he hadn't seen anyone he recognised, unfamiliar staff stepped into the car and out again, saluting him without recognition. The SGC's latest recruits, only seeing the stars on his epaulettes, and not the man he was, snapped to attention and saluted him in passing. He idly wondered if they actually knew who he or what he was before.

He rounded a corner and came face to face with Daniel.

"Jack!" Daniel cried, pleased to see him. "You're here!"

"Ya think?" Jack quipped back. Of course he was here.

A piece of paper escaped the pile in the younger man's hands and fluttered to the floor. Jack watched it, but made no move to retrieve it. Instead Daniel made a grab for it, spilling others in the process.

"Darn it," Daniel muttered. He dropped onto one knee and started to pick them up. And Jack sucked in a regretful sigh and envied the younger man as he balanced on his knee, wishing he could still do that.

"I see you haven't changed Daniel."

Daniel looked up and with a free hand pushed his glassed back up his nose looking confused.


Jack waved a hand towards the now untidy sheaf of papers in Daniels' precarious hold.

"That Daniel. Why don't you use a folder?"

"'t find one," Daniel muttered softly hoping that Jack didn't pick him up on it. Too late. Jack heard.

"Now there's a surprise," Jack grinned with irony.

"O'Neill!" The deep voice boomed along the corridor and Jack looked up to see Teal'c beaming at him. Well, as much as the Jaffa ever did, because Jack was familiar with the Jaffa's facial nuances.

"Teal'c!" Jack grinned back. It was good to see his brother warrior.

"It is good to see you again O'Neill," Teal'c stated, dipping his head in his usual greeting.

"That's nice. Thank you Teal'c. It's good to see you too," Jack replied snidely looking at Daniel who looked surprised that the barb was aimed at him. "I'm glad someone is pleased to see me."

"Jack...! I's not..."

"Daniel. It's okay. I understand," he murmured, pretending to suffer the hurt of rejection.

"Oh funny, Jack!"

"Think so? Haven't lost my touch?"

Daniel looked over at Teal'c who raised an eyebrow at his young team-mate.

"It must be working at the Pentagon that does it," Daniel sighed with exaggerated patience.

"Indeed!" Teal'c agreed.

"Hey! I can have you for insubordination ya know!" he cried, pouting slightly.

"No you can't," Daniel retorted.

"Can. I'm a General."

"No you can't. Yes, I know. And I'm not in the military Jack."

"No!" he said dryly, looking Daniel up and down as if he wouldn't pass muster for entry into the service. "I can tell."

"Hey!" Sam's voice called as she rounded the corner, and effectively stopping the banter mid-stream before it got out of hand, knowing Jack had arrived because she had heard him and Daniel conversing in their usual method from down the hall.

Jack turned his full attention to her, his face lighting up with pleasure.

"Carter," he greeted her. "How ya doin'?"

"I'm fine sir. How're you?" she replied, a wide smile splitting her face as she neared him.

"I'm good!" Jack replied with a crooked smile. He felt even better now he'd seen her.

"Shall we all go to my lab?"

"I'm kinda hungry," he whined. Could a General whine? Obviously, he smirked.

"The commissary?" she asked, knowing he'd agree.

"They got any cake?"

"I think so sir," she grinned. She'd missed him so much. "In fact I do remember cook saying that as you were coming, he'd bake a chocolate cake just for you."

"Excellent!" Jack exclaimed, rubbing his hands together with anticipated glee, "After you Carter."

Teal'c picked up Jack's bag which had Jack's eyebrow raised, but as Teal'c refused to comment he shrugged and followed Sam who led them all along the hallway.