Thursday morning Warrick and Catherine woke up late. They had been up most of the night talking and working through the things that needed to be said. They talked about Lindsay, about the baby, and lastly about Nick and Jamey.

She had every intention to wake up early and get to the hospital, but as the early morning sunrise greeted the two of them she found herself slipping into a fitful sleep. The truth was she was glad to have something other than herself to worry about. She didn't wish hard times on anyone, but to think about something other than the loss of her daughter was a distraction she needed. She had tried Nick's cell phone at least ten times. He was either ignoring her or it was shut off.

She awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee. Rolling over, she looked at the empty side of the bed where Warrick's body had been and realized just how lucky she was to have him in her life. He had taken her back with no questions asked. Told her he loved her and the baby and that he would be with her forever. Words she'd needed to hear. She couldn't have moved on until she was sure of what he'd wanted.

A new chapter. A new life. A new baby.

As scared as she was she found herself wondering what this child would look like. Would it be a boy or a girl, and would she be able to love it as much as she had Lindsay? As her stomach growled she pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind and threw off the covers. She padded down the stairs, barefoot and into the kitchen.

Warrick was at the stove pouring what she could only imagine was pancake mix into a frying pan. There was a plate of bacon on the counter and a full pot of coffee ready to be drunk. She walked up behind him and slid her arms around his middle, rested her head on his bare back.

" Morning."

" Mornin' baby." He greeted. " Sleep good?"

He tried to turn around but her grip on him tightened. " I love you." She murmured against his flesh. " I've always loved you. Even when I didn't show it. I'm so sorry that I hurt you."

" Catherine." His voice was soft as he set down the spatula and bowl on the free part of the stove. He turned his body, kept her hands around his middle and buried his hands deep into her hair "You don't have to keep apologizing…..I know. It's ok baby. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. It's all gonna be fine." He leaned down and planted a kiss on her nose. "Now go sit your ass down at the table and get some coffee into you."

She stuck her tongue out at him, a sure sign that her feistiness had returned, and strode over to the table. She sat, tucking her legs beneath her, elbows on the table. " You sure are bossy today, Mr. Brown."

" That's right woman. Get used to it." He brought over a steaming mug of coffee and set it in front of her. " Know why?" He asked.


" Cause there's a lot more where that came from."

She snorted. " Ya? Well, bring it on."

He went back to the stove and tended to the pancakes while she opened the paper and began to look at the real estate and want ads. After a few minutes of companionable silence she looked up. " I want to move." She stated.

" What?" He frowned as he piled the pancakes on a plate, grabbed the maple syrup out of the fridge and the bacon and came over to the table. " You serious?"

" Yes….I mean, I think so…." She pushed her long hair behind her ears and secured it into a messy ponytail, grabbing an elastic from around her wrist as she spoke. " I just feel like I can't live here anymore….too many memories and I want something new….a place that neither of us has lived before…"

He sat down and chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully. " I dunno, Cath." He placed two pancakes on her plate and then put four on his own before continuing. " Don't you think it may be a little too soon? I know you're hurting now….but what happens when you sell this place and then you change your mind?"

" I know…you're right." She sighed and took a strip of bacon. " But I've thought about this and I know that this is right for me…and I'm hoping that it will be right for you." She watched for his reaction while grabbing another piece.

He set down his fork mid chew. " Babe, whatever is right for you will be fine with me. Hell, I don't care where we live. As long as I'm with you and the baby I won't have a care in the world." He picked up his own coffee, took a big gulp. " But this is where Lindsay grew up. Are you sure that you want to leave this behind?"

" I have my memories. They'll be with me wherever I go." She looked around the room and smiled sadly. " You know, I keep thinking that if I look hard enough or long enough that she'll just come down that hall or call my name. It just doesn't seem real to me that she's gone….but I can't sit here day after day and hope and wish that she'd come back. Every time I come through that front door I expect to see her….on the couch…in here….upstairs." She stopped and sniffled as her eyes filled. " This house reminds me …every… second …that I'm here…that she's not. So, yes. I want to move."

He took a deep breath. " Okay. We'll move."

" No problem?"

" None." He stood. " More coffee? No more sad talk this morning."

" Please." She finished her pancake, pushed her plate away. The thought that had been nagging her for sometime was on the surface of her brain and she couldn't wait any longer. She had been thinking about it for months but never had the chance or the nerve to bring it up. " Since we're not talking sadness anymore, what do you think about marriage?"

He stopped and turned to her, an expression of total bewilderment on his face. " What do I think?"

" Keep pouring." She instructed, pointing at him. " Ya…what's your view on the whole thing?"

"What's marriage?"

" Warrick!"

" Oh….marriage…" He pretended to barely understand. " As in a man and a woman? Or a woman and a woman…or a man and a man?"

" Warrick, I'm serious….I'm just wondering what you think about it….if you think about it……maybe you hate the idea….maybe you don't." She rolled her eyes, feeling silly. " It's a perfectly respectable question, you know."

He brought the mugs over to the table and set them both down. He slowly lowered himself into his chair and eyed her thoughtfully. " What do I think about marriage?" He ran a hand through his hair. " I think that people who want to get married….should."

" And have you ever thought about it?"

He nodded. " I have." He took a sip. " And you? Have you thought about it?"

" Yes….I do think about it….sometimes."

" And what do you think when you think about it?" He grinned at her. "Do you think for a long time or a short time?" He was drawing it out and playing with her and truthfully, he was enjoying it immensely. Little did she know that he had an engagement ring for her. Had had it for a long time. Now was probably the time to give it to her but there was no way in hell that he was going to let her propose to him.

She scowled at him. " You're making fun of me!"

He raised his eyebrows. " I am?"

" Yes…you are.."

" How?" He raised his hands in a helpless gesture. " Tell me how? I just wanted to know if you think about it long or short or when you're in the shower…." He rambled on. " Why do you want to know how I feel? Tell me how you feel about it, pooky-poo."

Her mouth fell open, formed an 'o'. " You didn't!" She reached over and slapped his bare shoulder. " I hate that name! You know I hate that name!"

He laughed. Damn, it felt so good to laugh again, even if it was at her expense. " I thought you liked that name."

She stood up, annoyed. " You know what? Never mind!" She rounded the corner of the table before he stood up and grabbed her around the waist.

" I was…don't be mad." He kissed her neck, felt her relax in his embrace.

" I just wanted to know what you think, that's all.."

" I know….I was just havin a little fun." He released her. " Hold on a minute…"

" What now?"

He ran upstairs, grabbed the ring and came back down. He found her staring out the patio window. He came up behind her and embraced her again. " Catherine?"

" what?"

He turned her around to face him. " I bought this for you a long time ago." He opened his palm and in it was a shiny diamond. " Marry me?"

It only took her a second to respond. " Yes….YES!"