"Let's do it, Fang!" Jase shouted at his rat friend. "Quick attack!" The mouse Pokémon charged at the bird-type Pidgeotto with amazing speed, but the bird lazily stepped aside to dodge. "Don't give up!" Jase encouraged. "Keep going!"

The mouse agreed by continuing its assault. It launched over at Pidgeotto again and missed, but quickly recovered by using the recoil to bounce back. Pidgeotto dodged again, but was not taking the fight seriously. It avoided one more recoiled quick attack, but was hit after the final one.

"Pidgeoo!" The bird cried, flapping its wings and taking to the air. It rose up some, then took a spinning aerial dive at Fang. The Ratatta was able to dodge the maneuver twice, but was struck on the third attempt and sent back. The rat flew into Jase as the bird began to circle them both.

"C'mon Fang! We can't give up until we've won!" He tossed his tiny pal up into the air and called out another attack. "Headbutt!"

Fang did a flip over to his opponent again and slammed his head into Pidgeotto's stomach. The bird wheezed for a moment, but did its own a flip to stun the rat and pecked it. Fang took the hit bracingly, but managed to shove its claws into the bird.

"Yes!" Jase shouted. "Try to stay on, then finish with a hyper fang!" Ratatta did so, and managed to endure more flips and curves without falling while finally finishing up with a hyper fang.

The Pidgeotto let out another cry and tried to shake off the rat, but finally collapsed on the floor. Jase quickly grabbed an empty Pokéball and tossed it at the wounded Pokémon, easily capturing it. The ball shook a few times as the bird tried to resist, but eventually, Pidgeotto became the new member of Jase's party.

"Huh, not bad." Leilany said, coming out from wherever she had been. "You gonna give him a name?"

"Yeah, I think I'll call him… Flack." Jase released his newfound friend, who didn't appear to be the most grateful.

"Pidgeoo!" It screeched, angrily pecking at its new 'master'.

"Hey, cut it out!" Jase responded, attempting to swat the bird away. "I caught you, and you're supposed to listen to me!" The bird didn't seem to care and continued to peck away.

"Come here, little Pidgeotto," Layla tried, using a sweet type of voice. The bird stopped to look at her, calmly inspected her appearance, then perched itself on her arm. "Ha! See, all it takes is...Yow!" The bird had quickly turned on her and aimed a new assault on the young girl. Instantly switching attitudes, Layla began to fight back. "Youn stupid bird!" She called out, agressivly trying to grab a hold of his beak or swat him away.

Jase just let out a sigh and grabbed the pokéball again. "Just come back." He returned the bird and stuck him on his belt. "Well, maybe after I get a boulder badge it will be easier to control Flack."

"Whatever. But why Flack?"

"Huh? I…don't know. I just thought it sounded kinda cool."

"Well, maybe he doesn't like the name."

"I doubt that's the problem. Well, I'll worry about it later. C'mon, Pewter City should just be around the corner."