Disclaimer: I own nothing. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. It all belongs to SquareSoft, or SquareEnix, or whatever the hell they're calling themselves now.

A/N: This just popped from my head like Athena popped from Zeus! (Or maybe this fic came out the other end...review and tell me which...) Though I don't think this baby is up to goddess standard. By the way, if you're in a bad mood, by all means flame. Just, if you don't apologize at the end of it, expect a PM from me flaying you alive.

Watch the baby. Watch him as he wails and cries. Watch him as he grows into a little boy. Watch him as he hates his father.

Watch the little boy. Watch him as he cries. Watch him as his father leaves, and his mother dies. Watch him as he cries.

Watch the little boy grow, grow into a big boy. Watch the big boy grow famous because of his father and the boy's own art in his sport.

Watch the big boy grow, become a young man. Watch his fame, watch him cry.

Watch as the monster destroys his home.

Watch the young man as he cries.

Watch the young man as he finds a friend, a long-lost friend, who helps him. Watch the young man fight the monster.

Watch the young man get taken into the monster's body, and be transported forward, forward in time. To a place where the monster is common and sacrifices are made to rid the world of it.

Watch the young man make friends. Watch the young man as he sees a beautiful young woman.

Watch the young man as he protects the young woman as she goes on her journey to sacrifice herself for her world, to rid it of the monster.

Watch the young man as he cries.

Watch the young man when he falls in love with the young woman, and sets out to save her from her doomed fate.

Watch the young man as he discovers that he is merely a dream, your dream. Watch him as he cries.

Watch the young man—your dream—save his love from her fate. Watch him as he meets his father again. Watch him as he cries.

Watch him as he defeats the evil with his friends, watch him as he grows to a man in an instant. Watch the young woman as she grows, becomes a woman in that same instant.

Watch him, as a little later, the man tells them farewell. Watch him as he cries, as she cries. Watch their sorrow and grief. Watch as the man tries to embrace her, as best he can when he is nothing but illusion. Watch them, in love, though sorrow weighs heavily on their hearts. Watch him walk through her when the time is come.

Watch him dive. Watch him dive from the ship, right into the Farplane. Watch him as he sees his dead loved ones.

Watch him cry, cry for the woman he loves. Watch the woman he loves cry for him.

Watch your dream become so much more than a dream.

Thank you, for your time and attention.