There's no one in town I know
You gave us some place to go.

"I miss her," Cloud said blankly. Aerith half smiled. She laid a comforting hand on Cloud's shoulder. Often at these times she felt like he was her little brother. Maybe that's why their relationship never went any farther.

"I know. I do as well," She answered.

"Remember when we were in The Gold Saucer? After our "date" Yuffie kissed my cheek. I never replied to her, and she slapped my cheek," Cloud said sadly. He touched his cheek with his hand.

"I didn't know that," Aerith laughed. She knelt beside Cloud.

It was then she noticed the tears flowing freely down his cheeks. Tears filled her own eyes, and dropped.

"She cried hard when you died. She helped my stop grieving over you after awhile, cheering us up even when the worst was at our feet."

Aerith fell silent.

I never said thank you for that.
I thought I might get one more chance

"Maybe she'll come back as I did," Aerith shrugged. She stood, and continued. "I begged the Lifestream to let me come back. They gave me another chance. Maybe they'll be as merciful to her."

Cloud threw his head down into his hands. His back shook has he let out sobs. "She died because I didn't come with her to help her. She told me to go, Aerith! She fucking told me!"

"Calm down, Cloud!" Aerith's voice said, but came out as a whisper. Tears flooded form her own eyes, her throat tightened. "She would have wanted you to be happy, not be angry!"

Cloud fell silent, his sobs got stronger. He fell to the cold ground, not getting up.

What would you think of me now,
so lucky, so strong, so proud?

"Yuffie was our light, I know that. She shine for her, don't be like this," Aerith said strongly.

"…I… can't…"

"Then you've failed her," Aerith said quietly. She walked away from Cloud and into their small camp.

I never said thank you for that,
now I'll never have a chance.

Cloud sat still, his tears froze on his face, leaving little icicles.

He began to hum a song familiar to him. It was her favorite song, she used to sing it over and over and over again.

And if you were with me tonight,
I'd sing to you just one more time.

Cloud stood up and brushed the snow off his clothes. He forced a smile, he didn't want to, but Aerith was right. She'd want them all to be happy, never forget her, but not grieve about it five years later.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.

For generic soda, Merry Christmas. Loves you muchly, but I didn't know what coupling you like and crap.

Please review, song by Jimmy Eats World.