Bloody Love


Kitty Taisho (me): 19 years old, 5'9", gray eyes, long waist-length black hair, small black wolf ears on her head, and a black wolf tail

Evee Osaka: 20 yrs old, 5'9", blue eyes, long shoulder-length black hair with one blue streak in it,

Hiei: 20 years old, 5'4", crimson eyes, black hair

Youko Kurama: 20 (300 years old), 7', gold/hazel eyes, silver hair, large silver fox ears, and a silver tail

Ch 1: Wolf and Dog Meet Again

The waterfall loomed high and the water roared loudly. The water was freezing as I sat on a rock underneath the waterfall, the water beating down on my shoulders. I only had on my white yukata, which I used for when I meditated under waterfalls.

The white yukata always clung to my wet skin and it was see-through as well. But I didn't care. This was what I needed to do for my training. Beat feeling uncomfortable in see-through clothes, beat the ice-cold feel of the water, and master all my powers, especially the four elements.

I had already mastered water and air, I only needed to master fire and earth now.

I opened my eyes and jumped off the rock swiftly, landing on the shore of the river gracefully. I removed my yukata and put on my normal clothes again.

My normal clothes were red and black. A black sleeveless shirt with red blood-dripping claw marks on the front and back, and black pants with the same red blood-dripping claw marks on them. I also wore black fingerless gloves on my hands. I had two katanas, which I was now fastening on.

They were razor-sharp and deadly in my hands. I had not lost a battle with anyone up till now, and it was thanks to my katanas and claws that I had not. This did not mean I relied on them solely to win a fight, no, I had many other powers and strengths.

I was a skilled fighter, and if I ever lost my katanas and my claws were rendered useless, then that's when I'd start fighting barehanded. I could stop a blade, no matter how sharp with my hands, although I only cut myself slightly.

I had been trained efficiently by my master named Yakedo. He taught me and my older sister, Evee, everything he knew. He taught us in the art of the ninja.

He told us he was once the best ninja-assassin in the Kamisori no Ha, but he quit after his 40th mission to kill. He retired and helped those in need now, which was how he came upon us.

Both me and my sister were wounded severely from a fight with a huge bear demon. We were only 6 and 7 at the time, so we didn't know how to fight yet. He took us in and took care of us. We persuaded him to teach us everything he knew, and in the end, he did. We were 15 and 16 when we left his home to seek our own lives. He had been the closest thing to a father we had ever had.

My sister and I worked together for a while, and then we entered the assassin jobs. My sister was taken in immediately, leaving me behind, and I took longer to be taken in. Eventually, they let me in, although I had put some conditions that they had to agree to.

Condition #1: I was to be allowed to travel, yet still available for any job.

Condition #2: They had to let me be alone on the jobs, no having a partner.

And Condition #3: If I ever failed a mission, they'd give me one last chance, before they threw me out.

They reluctantly agreed to these, seeing that I was stronger than my older sister and needed someone like me. So, I was accepted into the Kamisori no Ha, the Razorblades. My sister had been accepted into a different group, the Ryuu group, the Kamisori no Ha's sworn enemies.

I never saw my sister again after that, but rumor has it that she's been thrown out of the Ryuu group, and is seeking revenge on them.

I gripped my katana tighter and moved on.

"Hey Kitty!" said a voice from above.

I looked up, and saw Taifu, another member of the Kamisori no Ha. He had bright, sparkling blue eyes, his hair was blue, and he wore nothing but blue, except when he had a mission.

He was smiling and jumped down from the tree he had been on, landing in front of me. I asked, "Does the Kamisori no Ha need me now?"

He smiled again. "Yep. They sent me to tell you. Come on, let's get going!" he said in his strangely happy voice.

I sighed and followed him, using magic to send my yukata away, until I needed it again. Taifu was zigzagging back and forth, stopping occasionally to let me catch up. No one knew his real name, but everybody called him Taifu.

I was the best in the Kamisori no Ha, which was why they gave me the difficult assignments all the time. Everyone called me Kagemusha (shadow warrior) because of how fast and silent I could move. None of the Kamisori no Ha used my real name, except for Taifu and Hana. And my once best friend, who quit the Kamisori no Ha, Hiei.

Hana was the only other girl besides me in the Kamisori no Ha, though she and I were not as close as you'd think. Taifu was the only one who talked to me directly, everyone else avoided me most of the time.

Taifu finally announced that we were near the new camp that the Kamisori no Ha had made. He pulled back some tree branches and let me pass first before he led me to the chief's tent.

He went inside and said, "Chief, Kitty is here to get her new mission, as you commanded."

He bowed and went back out as the chief nodded. I went in, and stepped in front of the chief's desk.

He smiled and said, "Ah, it's nice to see you again Kagemusha. We have your new assignment. You have to kill someone."

I rolled my eyes. "I always do sir. Is that not my job?" I asked coldly.

He resisted the urge to yell at me, knowing it would not affect me anyways, and said, "Yes, it is your job. Now, the name of the girl you must kill is-"

I interrupted. "It's a girl this time?" I asked.

He nodded. "A girl. She's been troubling us to join but when we refused she began pulling tricks on the Kamisori no Ha members. Two have died. Hana, and Keiteki. You have to stop her, or kill her, before she hurts or kills any more of us."

I nodded. "Her name? Her location?"

He sighed. "Her name is Evee Osaka. She is in the forest, hiding."

My insides had gone cold at the name of my sister. My heart seemed to have stopped.

'Evee?…You're alive…..?' I thought.

I forced my tears back. I would not cry in front of my chief. Assassins do not cry.

I nodded and said, my voice back to its cold nature, "Understood sir."

I turned and went out of the tent, and walked out of the campsite, ignoring Taifu as he tried to ask me what my new mission was.

I went into the forest, and jumped into a tall tree. I climbed up onto the tallest, sturdiest branch, which was above all the rest of the trees, and stood there, one hand resting on the tree trunk, surveying my surroundings. I looked around, then lifted my head and let out a loud, long, mournful howl.


Evee looked up, hearing the howl. Her clothes were black and blue, only she wore a black cape with a blue sign on the back and the claw marks were blue.

Her insides turned cold, her breathing became labored, and her eyes widened.

'There's only one person I've ever known that howls….Its…it's Kitty….my little sister…..she's alive….but how?…' she thought as she stood up from sitting on the floor. She climbed up the tallest tree she could find and looked around, trying to pinpoint where the howl was. She noticed a small figure on the tallest tree and instantly knew who it was.

She jumped swiftly to the next tree, landing on the branch, and hurriedly ran/jumped her way through the tree branches towards the howl, and her sister.

Back With Me

I howled for about three full minutes before I finally lowered my head. Tears were glistening in my eyes and I furiously wiped them away.

I heard a rustle below and looked down. There stood my sister, looking up at me from the ground.

I jumped straight down, landing gracefully in front of her. She stared at me.

"You're alive Kitty…" she whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

I stared back at her, but I held my tears back. I would not cry, assassins do not cry.

I unsheathed my katana and said coldly, "You've been troubling the Kamisori no Ha. Either stop or die."

Her eyes widened. I was threatening to kill her? Her! It wasn't possible…

She rubbed her eyes and unsheathed her own katana. I followed her movements, unsure whether she was going to fight me, or kill herself.

She smiled weakly at me and said, "I'm sorry Kitty…I wanted to be with you in the Kamisori no Ha…but they refused me…So instead I went to the Ryuu. They took me in…But threw me out…I returned for another chance but they wouldn't let me in…I lost control and killed two of your members…I'm very sorry…You're right…I have to stop….or die….and I know I won't be able to stop…my rage cannot be contained…"

I still stood with my katana raised and said in the same cold voice, "Then take your rage out on me. Then you'll stop…Go ahead…Attack me…Bring out your rage and attack!"

She shook her head, tears coming into her eyes again. "I can't attack you! You're my own flesh and blood!" she yelled.

I smirked. "You can attack me….You just don't want to…There's a difference between can't do it and don't want to do it…Look it up in the dictionary." I said mockingly.

Her tears of sadness, became tears of anger, her katana was shaking in her hands.

I asked, "What's wrong sister dear? Afraid to hurt me? Ha, you've hurt me worse than any wound I've ever, and will ever, have, and that's saying something."

She lunged forward at me, her katana raised. She swung it down on me, and I blocked it with my own katana. There were sparks from the two swords before I pushed her off, and darted forward, slashing her shoulder.

She gave a cry in pain and grabbed her shoulder. She looked at me then lunged forward again. This time, she swung her sword at my feet. I raised my left foot and swiftly brought it down on her sword with such force, that I broke it in two.

Evee gasped and fell onto her knees. She raised her head up as I placed my katana to her throat, my eyes cold and emotionless.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she stared into my eyes. She said, "Kitty… go on… I deserve to die…I left you all alone…I only cared about myself…Go on! Kill me! Get it over with! If I can't have your forgiveness, then there's no reason for me to live anymore!"

I stared at her then lowered my sword. I sheathed it and turned away from her. "There is a reason for you to live Evee. The reason is to gain my forgiveness. Not just ask for it. Another reason is to find your true love. There's someone always out there for you. You just have to look hard enough. Me…well…I don't think there's someone for me, who would love a cold-hearted assassin? No one that's who." I said without looking at her.

Then I teleported away from her, leaving her there to think.

I teleported to my campsite and went straight to the chief's tent. I looked at him and said, "Evee won't bother the Kamisori no Ha any longer. I must be on my way now sir."

The chief looked at me surprised and said, "You've finished this quickly? You're not covered in blood! You didn't kill her!"

I looked at him coldly. "No, you said either stop her or kill her, I stopped her. So there was no need to kill her sir. Good day to you sir." and with that I turned and teleported away.

I teleported to a path leading to a village. I sighed and walked down the path, unaware that I was soon to get another big surprise.

End Chapter

Nex Chapter: Fire Meets Dog

So, how'd ya'll like my new Yu-Yu-Hakusho stry? Bad? Good? Dreadful? Horrible