New Girl

I'm kinda new at this stuff so don't be mean to me when you guys give me reviews plz!

There was a girl called Haruno Sakura, and it was her first day at Konoha High. The clan 'Haruno' uses witch-craft and wizardry, but in a good way so isn't a bad witch.

When she arrived at her new school in the playgrounds, she heard people whispering things about her like, "Isn't she from the Haruno clan that uses magic?", "She's soooooooooo hot! I wanna go out with her!", or "Look at that ass of her's, it's so big!", she hated it when people talk about her like that.

When she got to her classroom, all the boys crowded around her saying, "Go out with me!", "Marry me!", and all that shit... Then suddenly a teacher came in and noticed Sakura being surronded by boys , so he told them to sit down, then said, "Looks like we have a new student here today, come down here to introduce yourself to the whole class.".

When she went down at front she said,"I'm Haruno Sakura, I think you heard rumors about our clan that uses witch-craft and wizardry...well...they're true...", then there was silence in the whole classroom, until the teacher spoke up, "I'm Hatake Kakashi, you'll be sitting next to Uchiha Sasuke, Sasuke raise your hand so Ms Sakura can see you.", then a boy raised his hand in the air, he had dark raven hair and onyx eyes, Sakura sat next to him, but never talked to him.

When the bell rang a blond girl with a long pony-tail came up to her with two more friends, one of them had purple hair with white eyes and the other girl had two hair buns on top of her head that was brown like her eyes. "Hi, I'm Yamanika Ino, This girl with white eyes is Hyuuga Hinata and the one with two buns is Tenten, do you want us to show you around the school?", "Thanks! I thought I would'nt be able to make some friends this quick!", "How?", all three girls asked Sakura,"Because people tease me about my hair colour and how big my forehead is...", "Oh...But that doesn't matter now does it! We'll back you up whenever you're in trouble!", Ino had said with a promising voice. So they they went out to show Sakura around the school the whole break.

"We are the most popular girls in this school just to tell you, as you can see behind us...", then there were fan boys behind them shouting, "I LOVE YOU HINATA!", "I LOVE YOU INO!", "I LOVE YOU TENTEN!", the four girls sweatdropped. "We haven't introduced you to the boys yet, they're the most popular boys in this school like us.", Ino, Hinata and Tenten went up to the boys to introduce them to Sakura.

One boy has his hair up like a pinapple and looks VERY bored, one that has long hair with the same eyes as Hinata, a boy that has blond hair like Ino's but a bit darker and has sky blue eyes and lastly was Sasuke."Hi guys, this is Sakura, Sakura the boy with a head that is like a pinapple is Nara Shikamaru-kun, the boy with long brown hair and has eyes like Hinata is Hyuuga Neji-kun, the boy with blond hair is the idiot Uzumaki Naruto-kun and obviously you know Uchiha Sasuke-kun.". the boys looked up to see the pink haired witch and said 'hi' in a very bored tone as other boys would.

Then in the distance, you can see A LOT of girls coming their direction shouting,"SASUKE-KUN, SHIKA-KUN, NEJI-KUN, NARUTO-KUN! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!", in high-pitched sqeals of delight, but horrible for boys. They all ran for it in a different direction, but Sakura stopped while the others kept running, "What are you doing Sakura-chan, you'll get stomped on!", but Sakura chose to ignore it, then she streched her arms out and a big see-through blob came out and the girl couldn't get through it, the popular boys and girls had wide eyes as they saw what Sakura just did, but chose to ignore asking her questions.

They went to their next class after the incident when Sakura used her magicto help them escape from rampaging girls at the cafeteria, then a door slid open and a teacher that had a ciggerate in his mouth, the teenagers in the front were coughing like mad since he stood in front for a while the said,"Hi minna-san, I'm Asuma, I don't know what subject I'm gonna be teaching, so you students can just talk while I...yawn...go to sleep...", then Asuma dozed off to the dream of worlds...maybe not...

To the girls

The four girls were just talking about which boy they like in the school,"Ino-chan, which boy do you like?" asked Tenten,"I REALLY like Shika-kun but he's sooooo lazy, what about you Tenten?" Ino said devilishly," N.neji-kun..." replied Tenten with a whisper while blushing, Ino, Hinata and Sakura was like 'Ooooooooooh!' and stuff like that,"We all know that Hinata-chan likes Naruto-kun, he's just too dumb to notice it. What about you Sakura, which boy do you like so far?" said Ino with a wide evil grin,"I don't really like anyone at the moment, who do you think i could be with?" replied Sakura in a curious tone,"Hmm...I know! You can be with Sasuke-kun, he's hot and cool don't you think so Sakura-chan?" Ino said,"I think I agree with Ino-chan, you guys would look like a cute couple!" said Hinata with a happy voice, Sakura turned away and blushed a bit,"You think?"she said while blushing harder than before.

To the boys

"Oi, guys! Who do you like out of those four girls over there!" shouted Narutoto his best buds, "I kinda like Ino, she's so pretty but bossy. Who do you like Neji?" Shikamaru asked Neji who had his eyes closed,"I guess Tenten is kinda cute with two buns but I wanna see her hair down since no one has ever seen it down before.", the four boys nodded their heads in agreement "It's obvious that Naruto likes my cousin Hinata and blushes when he sees her." Neji said, then asked Sasuke, "Who do you like Uchiha, I think you can match up with that Haruno over there." he said pointing at the pink haired girl with her friends, then Sasuke replied "I dunno, I certainly would not pick any of my fan girls, that's a fact, but she does look a bit cute though...", "I think the cold-hearted Uchiha Sasuke might be in love!" whispered Shikamaru to Sasuke's ear, "URUSAI!" Sasuke shouted that attracted everyone's attention to the four boys (not the teacher).

Then suddenly the four boys were throwing school stuff at each other and the rest of the class were fighting aswell (also the four girls).Then a paper aeroplane has hit the teacher and woke him up, he didn't look to happy, looked VERY angry. "EVERYONE SIT DOWN NOW, WHO STARTED THIS RACKET! ANSWER ME NOW!", then everyone pointed at the four boys and girls that are still throwing things, not listening to a word he said, "YOU EIGHT STUDENTS ARE GETTING DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL, AND CLEAN UP THIS ROOM IN YOUR DETENTION TIME!", "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" the four boys and girls shouted at their teacher but he ignored them. Then the school bell rang and they all went home since they have half days on Fridays, except a group of four boys and four girls.

"You eight should be ashamed at yourselves, now clean this room now and then you can go home!", then the teacher left four boys and four girls in the classroom. "I hate cleaning up things, it's too troublesome." said Shikamaru while picking up rubbers of the floor, "Since you guys are just too lazy to do anything, I'll just use my powers to clean up this pigsty.", said Sakura while gathering her powers in one hand, then at one side of the room where Sakura positioned her hand started to float in mid air and all the papers were piling on top of each other, then the pencils went on each desk (same as the rubbers) and the board eraser started to rub off the writing on the board and placed it neatly on the teacher's desk.

"It wasn't that hard you know, well I gotta go now you guys should go home too, well see you guys later!" then she picked up her tuff and went out the room, the others were amazed at how she can control her powers well, so they grabbed their stuff quickly and raced outof the room to catch up with Sakura.

When the others caught up with Sakura they decided to walk home together (since they go home the same way), suddenly a group of girls came up to Sakura and said "Why hello Pinky, why on earth do you have such a big forehead and hanging out with MY Sasuke-kun!", when Sakura hears those words 'pinky' and 'forehead girl' she gets mad, but she's not allowed to use her powers to fight people, "What did you just say!" Sakura said with a VERY angry voice, "Pinky, just get out of my way and give me my Sasuke-kun! Forehead-girl!", the leader of the group shouted in Sakura's face, oh that girl is in for it now! "It sounds like you wanna fight but you've got the wrong idea, I'm much powerful than you when I'm fighting, even without my powers." Sakura shouted in the girl's face, "Don't underestimate me!" the girl charged at Sakura and tried to punch her but Sakura just moved out of the way and elbowed the girl in the back, "I shouldn't be doing this, you're making me to do it, it would be your fault if you get badly injured." then Sakura walked away from her group of friends and fan girls of Sasuke's and headed down to a river.

When Sakura got to the river, a rod appeared in her right hand and she suddenly changes clothes, then she walked on top of the water and started to dance on her bare feet (it keeps her to calm down if she did something wrong like that fighting scene) and the water inder her started to rise lifting Sakura up in the air while she danced.

Somewhere not far away from Sakura

Sakura's friends were hiding in some bushes not so far or near Sakura and were watching her dance on the water, "Wow, she looks so beautiful when she dances." said Sasuke in a low whisper, "I told you that you were in love with her, tsk tsk, you never listen to me Sasuke, I'm always right." said Shikamaru teasingly to Sasuke, then Sakura turned to their direction and started saying "Iknow you guys are there, you can come out now. It's not like I'm gonna bite or anything.", then her friends came out from their hiding places, Naruto asked "Why did you walk away from that bitch, you could of just beat her up while you had the chance!", "I'm not allowed to hurt other people with or without my powers, it's against the law.", then she made a small smile to them, "I'm gonna show you a neat trick I've done a few days ago, it's really good. Just go back a bit." the seven of them backed away a bit, then Sakura did some twists and turns with her rod in the air, suddenly something came out of the sky above them then landed on the water next to Sakura, "This is an Aeon, he's called Valefore, he won't bite at all, come Valefore." Valefore did what he's ordered to do and flew towards the other teenagers and landed right infront of them, "You can pet him if you want, he likes being petted by other people.", then The three girls Ino, Tenten and Hinata went towards Valefore and petted his neck, "His neck feels soft!" said the three girls in unison, "I told you he's harmless, c'mon boys are you guys too scared to pet a big bird?" Sakura said jokingly, but the boys came up and petted Valefore's neck to feel what it feels like. "Told you it's not bad, I need to get home now, see you guys on Monday. Valefore! Dismissed!" then Valefore flew up to the sky and disappeared in the dark sky. Eveyone went different ways when they were going home and stayed at their homes for the weekend.

I think that was a lame chapter. Just review of what you thought about it...