The five children and their adults entered into the courtyard questionably just as the voice told them to. From there they could see the factory at a closer glance, a glance which would become closer in due time. It looked very much the same like other factories just larger. It had tall smoke stacks all in a row, small side buildings which all connected to the main building. The windows were tiny and tinted black reflecting the sun away from the factory. But the children's hopes were kept up, candy was inside.
The silence beckoned them closer to the main entry way until a small voice called out from behind them "Heh. where are you guys going?"
The guest turned around and saw a tall figure standing in the shadows of a small doorway on their left. "You won't get in from there, that's for sure."
The children ran to the dark figure, their parents following slowly behind. But then suddenly the door closed and the lucky kids were left in the dark building. That's when the parents started to run to the door and looked at it questionably.
"Children are innocent," came the voice on the loudspeaker, "they know not what they do. But can I trust the smart ones, like you?"
The adults stared at the door unknowing of what to do.
"Leave all camera, phones and large bags at the lobby. They will be cared for until the tour is over."
But the truth was that they did not bring none of the such. In fact they hadn't ever thought about bringing those items.
The door slowly crept open and stood haft way. 'It's just for safety' they thought, 'everything's all right'. And so they walked into the small door, one by one, and found themselves in a extremely long corridor lighted ever so dim that they could not see what lied on the other end. Their children were huddled in a group near the door, they too were confused.
In the distance they heard foots steps walking down the tiled floor. Soon they saw the same dark figure appear in the hall before them. Then he stopped. "Welcome my little friends," he's voice rang into the hall, "Welcome to the factory."