Disclaimer : the characters don't belong to me !
Rushingwind : No i don't have a friend named Shampoo , that would be fun , i meant Joe . I came up with Shampoo by reading other fanfiction about an another anime show , i only can't remember which one , but anyway thanks for reviewing , i know Jack is kind of a idiot isn't he !
Air : Dream on you Baka !
Chapter 5 : The confusing ride of love
the next moring ...
Well , she didn't show up eventually , so we just announced all the guests there wasn't going to be a wedding and went home and that's how i ended up here . I sigh looking at the ceiling . I missed my chances with Haruka and there was no one else to blame but me . If i just had noticed before i stupid i was being , then i would've been with Haruka now and probably married too ! I tried to call her many times but that didn't help much when she didn't pick up that damn phone . Maybe she didn't pick up because she thought i was going to be mad at her for not coming or maybe she expected that i was going to tell her how happily married i now was . But would she pick up if she knew i was going to ask her to come back because i loved her ? And would she come back ?
'' Where are you Ruka ? '' I ask no one in particular . I close my eyes trying to picture how it could've been if Haruka showed up . I can only find happiness in that imagenation. But there also was something i found out , Jack never loved me . If he did he would've tried harder to get me back . He just let me go that easily . I bet that if we got married we wouldn't survived a day .
Then something expected happened . I heard knocking on the door . Who the hell would visit me so early ? Well that question haunted my head to . I stood up from the couch and walked to the door . For a minute i hesitated . What if it was Jack coming to yell at her now he had a goodnight sleep and thought things over ? I sigh and decide to open up the door . If he was going to yell I deserved it . But when the door is fully open i see That familiar blonde stand in front of me .The one who i needed so much . Haruka .
'' Hi .'' I said feeling nervous all of a sudden .
'' Uhm ...'' It looked like Haruka couldn't find the words to say and i couldn't think of something either . I don't know how long we stood there just looking at eachother but when we both realised or current position i asked her in and she agreed . When we were inside it looked like Haruka was scaning the room as if someone else was here with me . But she wasn't at the wedding so she couldn't have known , did she ? Or was the reason she came back , she knew i didn't marry Jack ?
'' I heard about your wedding , I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out .''
Sorry ? She was sorry ? I guess she still didn't know why we didn't marry . But if she knew this so far ...No enough doubts . I had to tell her now before i was too late again !
'' Joe told me , the wedding was cancelled , may i ask why ? Was it because of what i did or was it because you wanted to make me feel guilty because i didn't come and now you are going to marry Jack another day when i'm there ?''
' Joe and her big mouth , why couldn't she just blurted out that the wedding was cancelled bacause i love Haruka ? Oh i will never understand that girl .' I shook my head and took Haruka's hands in mine .'' I did it becuase it isn't Jack i love Ruka . My heart already belongs to someone else . I saw the confused look in Haruka's eyes and smiled .' Yeah you didn't see this one coming did you Ruka ? '
While Haruka stayed silent i decided to take my chances and kissed her . First she didn't kiss me back but i guess when she realised this was really happening she kissed me back . She wrapped her arms around me and soon the kiss wasn't innocent anymore but very passionate , i couldn't help myself to smile into the kiss . After awhile we parted again . The first thing i did when i opened my closed eyes was looking into her eyes . They were a bit dazed from the kiss but also full of disbelieve and i couldn't blame her . When i woke up this morning i didn't expect this either but i'm happy that fate had its ways because it eventually led me to my true love , My Haruka.
'' I love you .'' I whisper and tried to kiss her again but she held me back and for a moment i feared the worst but when she smiled that little bit of fear turned into something else . I don't know what it was . A strange feeling in my stomach but it wasn't sickness , okay maybe i was love sick , but who wouldn't be if you just kissed Haruka Tenoh?
'' You really know how to play with emotions .'' I hear her whisper on the background of my thoughts .'' I love you too .'' She then added and i feel her lips pressed to mine . And one day , maybe one day , i get to wear that beautiful dress again but this time the wedding will go on !
The End !
R&R well people let me know what you think and everybody who reviewed me on this story : Thanks , it really kept me going !And now when i look back at this story i noticed it was the longest chapter i wrote for this story , wow and i thought all chapters were going to be like the first one , hell i proved myself wrong !