The Cursed Paintbrush- Transformation
Author's Notes: Yes, this is it! The Thirteenth Chapter! Isit really bad luck for the villians?
This chapter will answer all those unanswered questions such as: What happened to the Shadow Usul and the Scorchio Scientist after they are left after several months in the Secret Labortary? And who put them there? Or maybe not... evil laughing Anyway, Thaerin and Dr. Larrion are at the mercy of their horrifying creations... They better look out!
I was thinking, do you readers think I should submit this series to the Neopets newspaper (The Neopian Times)? And will you review this series? If so, thank you for enjoying the journey with me, and see you next time!
(End of Author's Notes)
Epilogue: Thaerin's Revenge
Thaerin growled as she stretched her shadowy body and yawned… Ever since all those last past months she had been stuck in the Secret Laboratory- with that insane scientist Scorchio gabbling about the wormholes and random stuff…She tried to get out of her small limited enclosure, but no amount of pushing could lodge her…
"That meddling Illusen! SHE'S the one that trapped us here!" the female Shadow Usul thought as her incompetent partner lent her… A screw."A SCREW! You must be off your nut! SCREW YOU!" Thaerin yelled angrilly. The scientist Neopet actually smirked toothily. The darkened Usul could see every little gap in his worn out teeth…!
"How about this little thing then?" The insane Scorchio handed the Shadow Usul a small laser ray gun… Thaerin smiled; at least that nitwit was good for SOMETHING…
Aiming at the iron wall, she pulled the trigger of her ray… 'Tsssewwwww!' went the ray-gun as it sliced through the metal wall, causing a medium sized hole… At last, freed from their captive, the two villains escaped from the room that contained them for so long… "We're free!" screamed Dr. Larillon as he cackled wildly…
The scientiststumbled to a nearby machine, gasping in fresh air… Neopets can't die, but they also are eternally alive- unless they are attacked… There was a flash of blue and then suddenly… A blue Eyrie-human boy screamed vengeance as it lunged at him, claws ripping…
"You were our creator, but we are the destroyers… We are hungggrryyyy… We want foodddd… We want… Our revenge!"
The wailing cry went up as countless humanoid Neopets leapt on the renowned, insane Doctor Larillion… The abused experiments turned into ravaging creatures of a feeding frenzy…
"Now all we have to do is find Sir and we can get out of here," muttered Thaerin as she searched around the abandoned laboratory…She slid like a shadow river, hunting for her master… But there was none to be found!
The jet-black Usul's fur bristled with anger…Did that mysterious Beast take Hubrid Nox away? She remembered it just like yesterday… That Beast threw Hubrid against the wall, before stretching out to get the Potion, but just before it did, it shuddered and collapsed on the floor… Just then, she paused… Wait, what was that noise? Then she remembered- the Neo-Humans were also here! What a fool she had been… In her excitement, she forgot the one thing that was important… The Neo-Humans would be hungry for fresh meat after all those months… And they were the prey… A cry came as the rest of the Neo-humans feasted on fresh meat…Then they locked their eyes on the other prey- Thaerin. But Thaerin wasn't just a Neopet, she was a Shadow. So, evading their attacks, she glided like a river of Darkness to the only exit… Bright light stung her golden eyes as she breathed the jungle laden air… She will get her revenge all right… "An evil omen to the Beast and the Earth Faerie…!" She continued to laugh in a horribly sinister way as the sun went down…Bringing a ghastly night to the Island of the secluded Secret Lab.
The End