I do not own Code Lyoko. This is my first story, so please give me the cold, hard facts. But all flames will be used to warm the homeless.






Note: This is not a deadly story but it has fluff!

Jeremie banged his head on the desk "What's wrong with me," Jeremie screamed, "I can't do anything!"

There's a knock on the door. "Who is it?" asked the blond.


"Oh, come on in."

The beautiful Aelita stepped in and comforted Jeremie with a back massage. "You're stressing yourself out, why don't you come down for some lunch?"

"Alright," Jeremie said in disappointment,"I need some brain food if I am going to figure out your anti-virus.

Aelita gave him a smile and said "Jeremie, Thank you for everything" with that she kissed him cheek and waited outside of his dorm.

Jeremie got up and headed down to the cafeteria.

"Hey Einstein," Odd shouts, "Where have you been all morning, the mashed potatoes will be all gone!"

Aelita sat down and a Japanese girl joined them. "Good morning Yumi!" The pink haired girl said.

"Hi Aelita, where's Jeremie?"

"Oh, he is getting lunch"

"Where?" Yumi shouted, "he isn't in line?"

"Odd, Ulrich, Have you seen Jeremie?"

"No." they said in union.

"I'm going to check his room," Aelita said, worried.

"I'll go to the factory!" With that, Yumi rushed off.

"I'll be here!" Odd yelled, shoveling some more potatoes into his already stuffed mouth.

Aelita entered Jeremie's dorm. She found him on the bed sleeping. She sat down next to him and waited until he woke up.

Aelita ran her hands through his hair and whispered, "Jeremie wake up."

As soon as he heard Aelita's voice he shot up. "Aelita," Jeremie said, "you should be in the cafeteria."

"I don't want to be there without you." she said in a whisper.

All of a sudden Jeremie jumped up and had kissed her, she didn't know why though. "Was that ok?"

"Yes, may we try again?"

With a smile he gives her a hard kiss. A wonderful sensation goes through their bodies. They both went limp with pleasure, and nothing, it seemed, could tear them apart. Jeremie now had Aelita, the girl of his dreams in his arms.

Aelita looks at Jeremie; he was bright red with embarrassment. "Jeremie..." Aelita whispered and kissed him, Jeremie responded, kissing back and they both fall gently on the bed.

He carelessly undid her dress and kissed her. His fingers nimbly undid the buttons, his excitement unable to be contained.

"Aelita…" Jeremie whispered, his voice rough. "I love you."

"I love you too Jeremie!" she exclaimed, putting her hand up his shirt and on his chest. Jeremie threw off his shirt in response.

Jeremie kissed Aelita soulfully, taking in her warmth, her happiness, her naivety, everything about her, he felt in the kiss, and he never wanted to let go.

Aelita fingered his chest lightly, panting heavily from that kiss. Her mobile rings, and they both jump.

"You should get that," Jeremie whispered, still panting.

"It's Yumi," said Aelita. "She's at the factory. She is looking for you."

"Well, I'm glad you found me," said Jeremie smiling as he pulled his shirt back on.

Aelita put the phone to her ear. "Hello, yes, he's here, yes, he's fine, I just fell asleep, ok, bye." Aelita closed her phone and looked back at Jeremie, who was trying to tame his messy hair.

"Do you want to stop now?" asked Aelita.

"No, I never want to stop being with you," answered Jeremie.

"Oh," she said, pulling her dress back on.

"We can make some plans to see each other tonight though?" he asked.

"Are you asking me out?"

"Are you saying yes?"

"Yes!" Aelita says with happiness in her eyes. She ran over and hugged him. "Take me somewhere wonderful," she whispered, her head buried in his chest.


"Heheheh," their date, well... We can't have the chosen one put together now can we?

XANA laughs cruelly as he sends for a man.

"Kill the one with the blue eyes, and bring the pink one to me."

"Yes master!" the man said scurried off.

If you want to find you about this date (will something go wrong?) I know this chapter is short but the next chapter is much longer! Please review!

The enchanting Aelita Hopper.