Summary- death of Gilis and some mush.

Dis- The usual…do own gilis…but nutin' else…

Same time- (Aelita)


I ran through Kadic Park at top speed, my footsteps and my frantic heart beat the only sounds I could hear. All I could think of was Jeremie. I had just heard him scream. He, Odd and Yumi had gone to head Gilis off in the heart of the trees. Ulrich was on the guard for anybody that tried to get in our way: human, or otherwise. I had been helping, until now.

A flash of yellow, black and red light, then a second scream. This one sounded like Yumi. I sped up, knowing that Yumi never screams. Shouting reached my ears, and then I heard a loud, horrible laugh, and a third, familiar voice shout. I gasped, and tried to go faster. I could just see three…no, four figures up ahead through the trees.

Then came the blasting force that almost knocked me off my feet. I heard a thud, and out of frantic defense, let out a high note, more like a scream than a song.

What happened next is a mystery to me, though I have been told what truly happened. I fell backwards, and so, my friends tell me, did Gilis. She fell, as if carried, back into a tree fifteen yards away, and then landed in a heap at its base. I stood, having only fallen on my knees, and glanced into the clearing in front of me.

Once again, I fell to my knees.

There he lay, one hand thrown across his face, his glasses broken, his face scratched, and his clothing dirty. My Jeremie. His face was pale. Bloodless.

"Jeremie!" I half-crawled forward, then placed my lips against his forehead. It was warm.

"Please, please, Jeremie…"I whispered, praying that those sapphire eyes would open. "Please wake up. Please." I blinked, and cold liquid fell onto my cheeks. "Don't leave me here alone. Don't go where I can't find you."

"How sweet… two inrics' together, at last."

I spun, my power suddenly back to it's normal levels. "Don't you dare try to befoul my language with your voice," I hissed. "You are the inric, Gilis. The foul one. Don't you dare insult Jeremie, or my people."

Gilis smirked, and walked in a circle around Jeremie and I. I stood, protecting Jeremie with my body. "He's dead, Aelita," the creature watching me said, her voice soft. "Deleted. Gone."

"LIAR!" I shouted, trying to not hear her repeat what my own mind was saying. "He is stronger than that. He cannot be dead. He can not!"

"He's only mortal, Aelita. You're above him. You're above all of them." She gestured to the figures surrounding her, lying spread-eagled on the ground. I gasped, knowing Yumi's black hair, and Odd's trademark purple clothes.

"NO!" I wavered, but didn't leave Jeremie's side. I glared at Gilis, refusing to believe that they were dead. "You're lying. The only one that I'm above, Gilis is you."

With that, I hurled my pent-up power at the shadow-woman, screaming out one of the strongest spell-songs ever written in Lyoko. Gilis screamed, but did not fall. A small wave of power hit me, and I staggered, then shielded myself, barely hurt. Against humans, she is strong, I realized suddenly. But not against me. I turned, and saw my enemy stand slowly.

"This is the last time you'll do that to me, you Lyoko brat!" She shrieked, even as her body shook violently. I didn't answer, but simply knelt in the grass next to my Jeremie's body. I felt his hand, still warm, brush against my own as I gathered my power.

"For you, mu boinden," I whispered, then threw back my head, and sang. I felt my magic surround me, and heard Gilis scream. My whole body seemed to be tingling; yet I felt no pain as my life force joined my magic to kill this creature that had destroyed the only one that kept me from dying. I would give him my life, if I had to. Jeremie's face, his sweet, smiling, handsome face was in my mind as I ended the spell. As part of my mind watched Gilis's body slowly disintegrate into glowing specs that vanished into the air, the rest of me was in Jeremie's arms. Then, that too, faded out, and my eyes closed to the world around me.


"Is she okay?"

"I dunno, I asked Jeremie what he saw, but he's still in shock. The nurse yelled at me to leave him alone. His girlfriend had just been knocked out, and so was he."

"She killed the vampire?"

"Blew it up, from what Odd said."

"ODD? Odd Della-Robbera was there?"

"Oh, yeah…him and Ishyama and Jeremie and Ulrich. Didn't you know?"

"God, no. I can't image Jeremie fighting…he's such a nerdy dope." "Odd's dopey-ier, though. In a nice way, I mean. He's just…"

"Weird…oh shut up!"


"She's wakin' up, Mil, shh!"

Voices reached my ears, breaking apart the blackness that surrounded me.

"Jeremie…" I blinked, and opened my eyes.

"Good morning, Aelita," called a kind-faced woman walking into the room. She had blond hair and was dressed in while jacket.

"D-Dorothy?" I stammered, squinting. The woman nodded, and I remembered. She was the school nurse. I grabbed her hand, and swallowed hard. "Please, where is Jeremie? I-I though he was dead…"a lump formed in my throat, and I gulped as tears spilled, unbidden, down my face.

The nurse smiled, and squeezed my hand. "He isn't dead, of course not, dear!" She told me. "He's right in the next room. If you want to talk to him, maybe we could wheel him in here…after you rest some more, of course. You and he took a bad fall, didn't you?"

I frowned. "F-fall?" Then it clicked, and I nodded. "I t-think so, yes. I don't quite remember." Dorothy smiled, and patted my cheek.

"You rest now, dear." She turned to two small girls standing behind her. "Now, are you two going to be quiet enough to let poor Aelita rest?" The girls both nodded vigorously, and Dorothy left, the door shutting behind her.

"It was a vampire, not a fall!" The dark-skinned girl exclaimed at once, ignoring her red-haired friend as she glared at her. "I saw it, and so did Odd!"

"Tamia, didn't you hear the nurse?"

"I'm just making sure, Mil, don't get on my case!" Tamia retorted angrily, and the redhead stuck her tongue out at her.

"Tamia, you are right, it was a vampire," I said quickly. "But don't worry. She's gone, and there's nothing to argue over."

The two girls stopped making faces at each other, and looked at me as if in awe. "Did- did you really fight it?" Milly asked, breathless. "How?"

I smiled. "She wasn't as powerful as she acted. Let's just say…fear was her main weapon." The girls nodded.

"Sounds like somebody we know, only rudeness is her main weapon," Tamia muttered, and Milly giggled. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you talking about Sissy?"

"You mean, Ms. Run-Shrieking-Through-The-Hallways-And-Hugging-Odd-The-Second-he-Walked-Back-Into-School," spoke a gleeful, but tired voice from the doorway. I gasped, and looked around.

In wheeled Jeremie, his glasses fixed, his eyes now glowing, one cheek still slightly bruised. I yelped, and half-dove out of bed, throwing my arms around him.

"I thought you had died," I whispered, burying my face in his chest. Jeremie wrapped his arms around me, and tilted my face up to look at him.

"Now, Princess, you know I'm stronger than that," he told me softly, and a smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. (It was around this time Milly and Tamia must have snuck out of the room, probably too disgusted to watch.) Then I realized what he had just said, and my mouth fell open.

"You heard me? You were awake the whole time?"

Jeremie shook his head slowly. "Not really. Half awake and in pain. I thought Gilis was a nightmare, and you…" he smiled, and cupped my face in his hands. "You were an Angel. Then again," he added with a smile, "You are one." I blushed.


"Shhh…"he whispered, and kissed me gently. A shiver of hot joy went down my body, and the world seemed to fade away. Slowly, I felt Jeremie pull me up from the floor and into his lap. I gasped slightly, but didn't pull away, running my fingers through his hair. Jeremie wrapped his arms around my waist, and deepened the kiss. So warm was sweetness coming from that kiss, I could have sworn I was melting. Then Jeremie moaned, very softly, and pulled away to place little kisses on my face. I shivered again, pulling him closer.


We broke apart, startled by the suddenly voice. Then my face went hot as I heard a familiar whistle.

It was Dorothy, Yumi, Ulrich, and Odd. The nurse, of course, looked vaguely angry. The others just looked gleeful.

"Well, I see neither of you wanted to get any rest," Dorothy comment dryly.

Odd grinned innocently and winked at Jeremie and I. "But, Ma'me, couldn't they rest together? It might work that way!"

"No, Odd, I don't think they'd get any rest that way," the nurse said, turning to glare at him, and I felt Jeremie's own skin heat under my hands.

"But at least she's right," he muttered in my ear, and I grinned sheepishly.

"True enough," I whispered back, and snuggled closer, totally refusing to leave the position I was in. The nurse looked at the two of us, and sighed.

"Well, I think it'd be use-less to ask you to lay back down, Aelita?" With out an answer, she turned to the other three. "You three, watch your friends. I doubt they'll go to harm in your care, but don't let either of them tire out. Don't let them be alone to long either, she added, a little louder. "We don't want Jim coming in by accident and giving them detention."

Ulrich and Yumi nodded, as Odd saluted in fake army-style. The nurse rolled her eyes, and walked back to her office.

"So what was this about Sissy?" I asked Jeremie as the other three sat down on the bed. Odd groaned and hid his face in his hands.

"Not again!"

Yumi stood. "One thing, you two, before we embarrass Odd again," she said, and reached into her backpack. Out she pulled the bronze globe Gilis had always carried. She handed it to me. "You wanna do the honors? I already found out only we five can touch it with out being knocked out immediately."

I gapped at her. "What!"

Ulrich glanced at Yumi, grinning. "Herb and Nicolas dropped like stones after trying to steal it from her this morning."

"Ulrich, that thing is what Gilis used to watch us from Lyoko!" I announced, holding the globe gingerly in my hands. "It's like…like her looking glass. I'm surprised you found it. It's usually disguised as a rock, or something. Or, at least, that's what the legends used to say." I looked the globe over. It seemed to be just normal, bronze metal shaped into a reasonably light globe, about the size of what I am told is called a 'baseball'.

Yumi looked at me, slightly nervous. "What will you do with it?"

I raised an eyebrow, and raised the globe high above my head. "This," I answered, and dropped it. The thing landed with a deafening crash, and broke instantly into tiny pieces that vanished into the air.

"That's it?" Odd asked, looking disappointed. "No scream of fury from X.A.N.A., or big ball of black lightening coming to hit the spot where it landed?"

Ulrich and Jeremie both began to snigger. "Odd, you watch too many cartoons," my Jeremie muttered, and Ulrich snorted.

"Can we embarrass him now?" He wheedled jokingly at Yumi, who laughed.

"Sure, as long as every thing is alright, Aelita," she said, looking at me. I nodded.

"Of course! Besides, I want to know what Sissy did to him too," I told her, and Jeremie tickled the back of my neck gently. I smiled at him, then kissed him lightly. Pulling away, I saw that glow of love was back in his eyes again, and felt the remaining weight lift of my shoulders. Everything would be fine.

It had to be.

Werid ending, perhaps? Well if so, please forgive me. It's too early for me to be up, but I can't sleep with so many ideas in my head. Please write a review; --please be nice to me—and thank you very much for reading.