Disclaimer: I absolutely DO NOT own any of the Teen Titans characters. So don't sue me.

Summary: A little insight on the Rae/BB relationship. Beastboy asks Rae out on a date. Will things go as planned? Or will memories come nack to haunt them? Find out!

Even from a hundred feet away, anyone could hear Cyborg and Beastboy furiously tapping on their video game controllers, trying to outdo each other in a fast-paced match of Mega Deathmatch III. Cyborg was smirking slightly; he was on the winning end. Beastboy was gnashing his teeth together, he still had a chance even though his character's hitpoints were slowly dwindling down to nothing.

"Funny. Anyone would think you two had nothing better to do", said a slightly amused voice behind them. Beastboy knew that quiet voice anywhere.

Raven sat cross-legged beside the two, eyes closed. "You might wanna try relaxing your hold a bit on those controllers. They're on the brink of being completely crushed."

Beastboy glanced around at her. She was always the one who could have a hold on him. Raven looked so serene, so calm as she slowly started levitating. The sun's rays filtering through the window hit her hair, giving her hair a sort of halo around it. He'd always liked her dark indigo hair…and the way it always fell into place to frame her face…..

Cyborg's cry of triumph jolted Beastboy back to reality. He'd lost! All because he was too busy admiring Raven. Well, not that he was complaining about it, thought Gar after a while. He was in the process of packing back the video game console when he sensed Raven right behind him.


He turned, and found himself staring straight into her dark blue eyes.


"Why were you staring at me back then?"


"You heard me." Her tone was neither accusatory nor angry, but plain curious.

"Well…..I erm….." He stood up, ruffled his hair back a little, and found himself completely forgetting how to speak.




Beastboy found his face rapidly heating up. He just wanted this to be over and done with. "Uh….Raven? D-do you…..d'you wanna go out with me?" He gave her a weak grin after he had said this.

Raven blinked in surprise. She was a little taken aback, but managed a small smile. "Sure….why not?"

Gar heaved a great sigh of relief. "Suh-weet! How does eight on Friday night sound?"


Beastboy could have done a triple backflip. "Great! We're going to the carnival. You know, the one near the port."

"Oh….there. Okay. Well….later, Gar."


Raven walked off, her cheeks going slightly pink. Her heart was beating wildly, and, she thought with a smile, she probably wasn't the only one.

Wooohoooo! That's it for the first chapter! This is my very first fanfic ever, so reviews, please!