HI! Me again ok just wanted to say I'm really sorry I don't know what happened but for some reason my original was deleted, don't ask me why or how it just was so here is my story…

'Words'- thinking

"Words"- talking

(Words)- me

I do not own Inuyasha, oh well at least I can write about him!


Chapter 1

"Naraku you bastard let me out of here!"

But no matter how hard she tried; the young girl could never get the chains on her wrists to let go of the wall. Her clothes were only left, as her short soccer practice shorts and her white muscle shirt now ripped and ruined and covered in dirt and dried blood. She tried to stand back up but her back wouldn't let her.

She ignored the pain and tucked her legs underneath her and stood up on shaky legs, but as she stood up and the world stopped spinning, the door to her hellhole opened.

"Well, I see you made my job easier and stood up!" a man's voice mocked her with.

The young girl glared at the man, breathing deeply, for trying not to pass out.

"Now Naraku I can't let you have all the fun now can I?" the young girl sneered back.

The man then laughed, knowing that she couldn't do anything, laughing at her, taunting her, trying to make her beg for her life, but this he could never do. She never cried out in pain, never begged just fought against him and spit, clawed, kicked, scratched, and even taunted him usually.

"Can I do it this time Naraku?" another young voice said, as a young girl poked out from behind Naraku.

Naraku sneered and said, "Of course."

The girl giggled and turned towards the chained girl. Both glared at each other.

Then the young girl took out a whip and the chained girl had her daily whipping and beating afterwards.

Naraku walked into the cell room, and looked at the unconscious girl chained against the slimy wall. He smirked, and walked over to her.

Just as he got down to her eye level, she started coming back around.

"You ready to say yes?" he asked as he took her chin between his index finger and thumb.

Her glazed eyes, snapped back into reality and glared at him. "Never." She spat out at him. His blood red eyes turned into a death glare as he lifted his left hand and striked her across her face. Her face shot back towards him, a death glare now in her eyes. "I will never join you, even if my life depended on it!" she rasped back at him.

Naraku had to give her this, she took pain very well, and she probably had some broken fractured, and bruised ribs, along with many cuts, bruises and broken bones. But not once did she cry out, even when she slept all the most she did was maybe gasp once every other night.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble there, baby, but your life is depending on it." Naraku said back.

Her dark brown eyes flashed in anger as she tried to gain the strength to hit him but when she couldn't, she hissed out of her mouth, "Don't call me your baby you sick perverted asshole!"

Naraku had had enough of her crap, if she wouldn't join him as his wife she'll just have to die which he warned her with more than a couple times, which she always shrugged off. "Well, I guess you took your path, my dear Kagome."

He pulled a knife out from his boot and the keys to her chains off of his belt. As he freed her, her brain frantically tried thinking of an escape plan, and when he freed her arms she punched him then stood up and tried running to the door, but he caught her hair and threw her back against the wall.

Kagome saw dots in her vision as she felt blood trickle down her neck again, as she looked up at Naraku and wished she hadn't.

He brought the knife across her face as she tilted it to try and protect it she actually made him cut her more, from below her right eye across her nose bone and to the left corner of her mouth.

As she fell to the floor she heard a voice yelling, "Kagome! Kagome dear please wake up!"

Slowly Kagome's vision was cleared out of the nightmare she just had, and looked at the face looking down at her.

"Kagome, are you ok?" the kind women asked.

"Yes mistress, thank-you." Kagome answered.

Mistress was a women in her, late twenties early thirties, and was the most nicest person you'll ever meet. Her kind warm gray eyes always brought a smile to your face, and her brown wavy hair was always in a bun and her face always in a smile.

Except when Kagome had her nightmares.

"Are you sure honey?" she asked again.

"Yes I should be getting up anyways for school and all." Kagome said as she sat up.

Mistress looked at the clock across the room, the red numbers saying: 4:59. "Alright dear."

Mistress walked out of the young girls' room, as the alarm went off waking up seven other girls in the room.

"Oh man! Come on! Five more minutes!" one girl complained.

"Mmmm…" a voice said, muffled by her pillow as she covered her ears.

"Yeah what she said!" another said from one of the bunk beds.

"Come on girls wake up, unless you want ice cubes in your beds again." Kagome said.

"Okay! I'm up!" were most of the remarks.

Kagome smiled one of her rare smiles, but winced when she pulled her face tissue again.

As Kagome turned towards her closet to get her clothes and to not let the other girls see her wince, she was too late and one saw.

"Kagome do they still hurt?" Akemi asked.

"Yes a little." Kagome admitted.

As she turned towards her closet, everyone in the room looked at the young girl with respect and sadness.

Kagome wished with all her heart that, that nightmare she had at least once a week, was just a nightmare but the only problem was, was that each time she looked in a mirror or looked down upon her body she always realized it never was, it was what happened to her about six months ago.

As Kagome was picking up all the dishes to the thirty-five orphaned kids, Mistress came up to her.

"Kagome, dear, are you sure you are ok?" she asked concerned etched in her voice and face.

Kagome turned towards her. Kagome was a very pretty girl, with high eyebrows, and high sweeping cheekbones, coffee eyes, and laughing creases, even if she didn't laugh even once a year maybe once every other, the scar only hardly noticeable, and if you looked beyond you would see the beautiful person this girl was inside and out. Mistress always thought she was gorgeous. Even if Kagome's stunning body, with her wide shoulders making her waist look skinner, and her stomach flat anyways, the scars did nothing if Kagome wore the right shirt and it fit her body well. The two-piece bathing suits always covered her scars but always looked eye-catching with her body type; and at all times the tan looked great on her.

"What is it Mistress?" Kagome asked as Mistress looked at her face, sadness and sympathy within her eyes.

Mistress mentally shook her head, and answered, "Nothing my dear, but you didn't answer my question, are you okay?"

Kagome looked at the almost done dishes, and thought for a moment; hesitating to tell this woman anything then decided, why not?

"I'm just worried that Naraku might find me again." Kagome finally admitted after a minute of silence.

"Oh, honey he won't find you!" Mistress said as she made Kagome look at her, by turning her around, "I'll make sure that he never does."

"Thank-you Mistress, but no offense but I think I can take him, I'm just afraid that he might try to lure some innocent lives into this." Kagome said looking right into Mistress's eyes. "But Mistress I do have one question, how did you know that I was having that…dream again?"

Mistress smiled while answering, "Well you think the orphans are the only ones with powers?"

Kagome looked puzzled for a moment, but then put two and two together and smiled. "So you're a priestess! No wonder you can heal our cuts so quick and well!"

"Precociously." Mistress said while chuckling.

"Bye Mistress!" four voices said in unison.

"Bye kids!" Mistress said. A bus pulled by a window, showing about fifteen little kids waving to the building hoping to be noticed by the mother figures of their lives. The two women saw the kids and waved also.

"Well Kagome, don't you think you should get ready too?" Mistress asked.

"Yes Mistress." Kagome answered and ran up the stairs, and slipped out of her pajamas and slipped on her baggy blue jeans, and also slipped on her baggy black shirt that said, 'Does it look like I care about what you think about me?' and also grabbed her one strap back pack, and lastly slipped on a pair of socks and ran downstairs.

"Bye Mistress! I'll clean the dishes when I get back!" Kagome said, as she slid on her black sneakers.

"It's okay dear, just have fun on your first day!" Mistress said, before the door shutting blocked her voice.

Mistress chuckled as she turned towards the dishes and started cleaning them a very serious, but sympathetic masked on her face. 'Sometimes,' she thought, 'I forget that Kagome went through with all that.'

The orphanage was only about three blocks away from the high school. So Kagome didn't have that long of a walk cut out for her. Kagome looked around at the town.

The sun shining, birds chirping, cars whizzing by, not a cloud in the sky- you would have thought this young girl would be smiling, but, indeed, she wasn't. She's looking around as if she was looking for someone, a far away glint in her eye, as if she was looking for a lost friend but watching out for an enemy…

"Come on, Kags! Hurry up or you're gonna be left behind like last time!" a young boy yelled.

"I'm trying! But it's sorta hard when you cut your ankle on somethin' then try to run!" Kagome yelled back.

The young boy stopped and turned around at her last statement, clearly concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Why should you care? It's not like you ever did, Naraku!" she screamed in his face.

Naraku's face turned bright red, not from embarrassment, but from anger. "How dare you!" He lifted his hand and striked the ten year old across her face.

She fell to the ground, biting her lip to not cry out in pain.

Kagome looked down at the ground like she usually did, her hair a curtain around her face. Going out in public always did worry her; I mean what would you do if you saw a girl with a scar across her face? She usually got stares, snickers, and what she hated the most: "Hey nice scar girly! What you do try to do your make-up and mess up?" Well maybe not those exact words but she usually got pointed at and laughed at. Or, the one Kagome absolutely loathed, sympathy.

Kagome sighed, and closed her eyes; as she closed her eyes she tilted her head up and reopened her eyes to the white fluffy clouds, clear blue sky and an airplane-flying overhead.

'Why can't my life just be a little better?' she asked her self. Just as her eyes went back to look forward she saw three girls coming into her view.

The girl on Kagome's right was wearing a pale yellow shirt with a knee length jean skirt, with yellow flip-flops and her brown hair in a high ponytail. The girl center, was wearing a light pink two-inch sleeved pink dress, with white flip-flops, white purse and a white hand band holding her mid-way back length hair back. And the girl on the left was wearing a black short sleeve shirt and jean Capri's on, and black sneakers and her hair in a high ponytail too.

When Kagome was close enough the girls' conversation was the new thing that Kagome was paying to other than the ground and birds chirps as conversations.

"…I mean really if that girl is gonna wear that outfit at least wear it every other week ya know?" The one in the middle said.

"Yeah sure what ever you say." The girl on the left said.

"Yeah, you know best." The girl on the right said.

"Oh sure now you guys are gonna ignore me?" the middle girl said, "What happened to my best friends? I mean at the beginning of the summer you two were-"

"Different?" The girl on the right said.

"Look Kikyo," the girl on the left said, "I don't really care how we acted before because how you're treating us now is totally different!"

Kagome shook her head saying in her mind, 'And this is why and glad, for once, that I don't have friends." She said in her head.

Before the girls said anything else Kagome brushed past the girls, mumbling an "Excuse me." And making sure her hair was a wall between her face and their curious eyes.

As Kagome walked a little faster, she heard less and less of the girls and more and more noise from the school where the best year, and worst, year of her life was about to unfold.