Disclaimer: This one does not, and never will own Inu Yasha. This one does not make money off this or any other fan fictions. This is just something imagined up by a playful author who thought others might enjoy this as well.

Author's notes: I love writing about Sesshoumaru and Rin fluff. I love writing about Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha bickering. I love writing about Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha having rare moments of understanding for each other. I love imagining Sesshoumaru having a very squishy center under all that armor. This fanfic gives me the opportunity to play with all of that, and I hope I address it all.

Oh, and don't get confused if I use several names to refer to the same character, like:

Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, Inu youkai, etc. Or

Inu no taisho, Dog General, Father, etc.

P.S. This is not a yaoi fic, in any sense of the word.

A/N: It occurred to me while I was writing chapter 7 that I do something terribly hypocritical. While writing this story and many other's I've been using words that are not English and failing to provide definitions. I believe all the people who have reviewed so far understand (because no one has asked) the terms I've been using, but that's no excuse not to provide them since I get irritated when an author does not provide definitions for words I am not familiar with. Hypocrisy and being judgmental are both major flaws of mine. I'm working on them, but I'm not rid of them yet. Anyway, here's a glossary of all "Japanese" terms I've used in chapters 1-7. I'll add another glossary if I end up using new terms (I do not speak Japanese and can't verify the accuracy of these translations)


Inu- dog

Inu no Taisho- The title used to refer to Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru's father. In English I've heard him refered to as the Great Dog Demon and The Dog General

Youkai- demon
Hakama- the pants like clothing Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru wear.

"Speaking"Inu Yasha thinkingSesshoumaru thinking

Intro- Totosai's Terrible Task

"What's this?" It was a simple, sunny day in spring, and Myoga was hiding out in Totosai's cave. As payment, he had agreed to help him sort through a box of old scrolls. Normally, Totosai would not charge Myoga for staying there, but he had complained, "Sorting scrolls is such a hard task for an old man". So, Myoga helped him sort. It was Myoga who found the dusty, tattered scroll marked with the Dog General's symbol. Totosai scratched his head.

"I'm not sure, let me see it." The old smith took the scroll, opened it, and read it in silence, his eyes growing wider by the second.

"Is something the matter, Totosai?"

"Wah! I completely forgot! And I'm so late! Wah! This was supposed to be started when Inu Yasha's mother died!"

"What? What was? What does it say?"

"Oh dear oh dear, how am I going to get those two knuckle heads together without them killing each other or me long enough to do it? Oh, why did I ever agree to this?"

"Agree to what? Does it have something to do with the anniversary of his death?"

"Of course! That's it!"

"So it does then?"

"What? No, I told you, it was supposed to happen after her death! But the anniversary of his is exactly how we're going to get them together!"

"Why we?"

Totosai shrugged.

"You're welcome to stay here alone and unguarded if you like."

"So, when do we leave?" Asked the old flea demon nervously.

…End chapter…

oh, that is so much nicer than typing a whole row of periods. This story is going to be fun, I think. I hope you enjoy it. Also, as you know, I love reviews! Oh, and I realize this chapter was ridiculously short, even by my standards. No worries, I don't intend to make it a habit, this just happens to be where the intro ends. No point in dragging it out just so it will be longer, ya know?