Draco Malfoy enters the grand dining room of Malfoy Manor with his famous smirk on his chiseled face. He looks at the table, where his father, Lucius Malfoy was sitting at the head of the table with the same smirk as his son's. Draco shudders momentarily at the similarity of father and son. Maybe when he was younger, during his first year at Hogwarts, he would have been proud to look and act just like his father but the years had matured him. He was no longer the child who thinks Voldemort is the best thing to ever happen in the wizarding world. Logic had taken over his mind at the end of his fourth year. More precisely, the day of the last task of the Triwizard competition. The day Voldemort came back to life.

That summer after his fourth year was spent with Lucius raving about how Voldemort will rule the world and how the purebloods will reigns over the mudbloods, halfbloods and blood traitors. This had bored Draco before long but the main reason that made Draco decides that he loathes being just like his father was the day Lucius brought Voldemort back to Malfoy Manor. Dinner that day had been a very eventful event with Lucius being Voldemort's lap dog, Narcissa staring at her soup with much interest and Draco himself trying hard not to throw up at the sight of Voldemort's face. Those eyes and the slits that were supposed to be his nose had imprinted themselves in Draco's mind. Voldemort's looks and the way his father and the Death Eaters grovel at his feet had made up Draco's mind. He's never going to be one of the hooded figures that don't seem to have a mind of their own.

"Draco, why don't you take a seat so your father can make his announcement?"

Draco blinked, brought back to the present time by his mother's clear voice. What announcement? There's only the three of them and a bunch of house elves. Seeing the look on his father's face, Draco takes a seat opposite his mother, on the left hand side of his father. The wine glass in front of him starts filling itself with red wine. Draco proceeds to take it but his father's voice cuts him off.

"Don't drink first Draco. I have something to tell you."

Draco looks enquiringly at his mother, curious to know but Narcissa had the same look Draco had on her face. Lucius clears his throat before continuing.

"Draco, the news that you brought home from Hogwarts had proved that you're truly indeed a true Malfoy, just like me,"

Draco strains himself from rolling his eyes in front of his parents. The news. What else should he expected from his father? Draco Malfoy had been given the Head Boy post for his upcoming seventh year alongside Mudblood Granger. The thought of sharing a common room, a bathroom and having their dorms nearby makes Draco seriously consider in turning down the post but the thought of his father's wrath made Draco accept the post.

"As a tradition of the Malfoys, a young man who's going to enter his seventh year will be given a gift from his father. Normally, it would had been a Dark artifacts or a new broomstick,"

Draco smiles at the mention of a new broomstick. Maybe he'll get me the Firebolt 2.0 and I'll surely beat Potter in the next Quiddicth game. His broom will look so antique beside mine and not to mention slower. The happy thoughts evaporate when something his father said jolted Draco back to the conversation.

"Because you had been given the rightful post of Head Boy, you will get something else, much more precious and pleasurable. I, myself had got this before my seventh year, having made the Head Boy can say, Draco, that you will definitely like the gift and will enjoy it enormously."

Across Draco, his mother had given a flinch when his father had said the word 'pleasurable'. Somehow, this gives Draco a clue that his mother had the faintest idea what his gift is.

"Lucius Darling, you can't be serious in giving Draco...urm...his gift"

"Of course I'm serious woman! When have I not been serious?"

"I know Lucius, but I don't think that this tradition should be continued, it is so, what should say, inhumane,"

"It's the right of being a Malfoy. Draco is going to be of age soon and this gift will help him developed himself and-"

Lucius stops talking as someone from the hall knocks loudly on the dining hall's wooden door. Lucius' face breaks into a smirk, "Ah, you see Narcissa. Draco's gift has arrived already. Come in"

Narcissa's face breaks into a scowl but despite his mother's reaction, Draco finds himself looking curiously at the door. The door opens and a house elf walks in, holding a chain in its hands, clearly dragging the burden on the chain's other end. Draco's eyes widen as he saw the burden on the chain's other end.

She stands tall but had an air of defeat. Her dark eyes that cast its own shadow burns with anger but it had the remains of tears. Her muggle clothes were torn at some places but nowhere obscene. Her long black hair had been tied back into a messy ponytail. Draco looks at her face, yet he couldn't see it very well due to the bruises. Her mouth had been gagged by a piece of white cloth but seeing the dry red stains on it, her lips has been bleeding before and the area nearby her cheekbones and her eyes are black and blue and definitely sour.

Draco looks at his father, his own moth had fallen open, wanting him to explain. Lucius however, had taken the look on his son's face as joy,

"Draco, my son. That is your gift. Told you it would be pleasurable," he winks at his son.