A/N: I'm still working on fixing this story but here is what I have so far!

Sara grinned as she looked around her apartment. The soft purple walls always made her smile whenever she came home from work. The color seemed to sooth her when stress took over her.

Just a few days ago, she had leaked a secret to Catherine; A secret she had hoped to conceal from everyone until she felt it was time they knew.

Her secret was one of the joyous sort.

She was pregnant.


"OhmiGod!" Catherine had shouted upon hearing the news.

Sara quickly clamped her hand over the strawberry-blonde's mouth.

"Shh! I don't want anyone else to know yet. I didn't even intend on telling you."

Catherine nodded. She couldn't believe what she had just heard; Sara was pregnant? It couldn't be true.

"Well, who's the father?" She asked.

Sara looked around the empty locked room; Did she really want to tell Catherine anymore than she already knew?

"Um, I think I know, but I'm not sure. So I'm not going to say anything," Sara replied as if she had just cracked a case.

Catherine smiled.

"It's Grissom, isn't it?"

Sara's cheeks turned red. Well, so much for a secret.

"Really?" Catherine asked, very clearly intrigued. "Are you serious?"

Sara could only nod.

Sara glanced around her apartment again; The day after she had spoken to Catherine, the two went out shopping.

A smile spread on the brunette's face; Catherine had pointed out everything she would need or want.

After three hours in Kids 'R Us, Sara realized she had more to learn about caring for a baby than she had thought.

"Okay, I'm almost three months along. That means I have six months to figure everything out. That's not enough time!" She thought.

She couldn't help but smile. Her living room was filled with baby related items; Diapers, bottles, pacifiers, a playpen, a crib, everything Catherine had suggested.

"I'm sure she didn't mean I had to buy everything," Sara said aloud. "But it couldn't hurt, right?"

She stood up and wandered over to the kitchen, being very careful not to step on any toys she had scattered about.

She pulled a salad out of the fridge and daintily took bites; She had realized that the term 'Morning Sickness' didn't mean that the vomiting would only happen in the morning.

After eating most of the salad, she placed the lid back on the container and put it back into the fridge.

Looking around, Sara's eyes darted from item to item; And finally stopped on a package of diapers.

"I don't think I can change a diaper," She whispered. Short, trembling breaths escaped from Sara's chapped lips as she tried to figure out what to do.

Panicking, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Catherine's number.


"Cath, it's Sara. I can't do this. I don't know anything about babies," Sara spluttered.

She had recently started worrying that she couldn't care for a baby; She could hardly remember to eat, so how would a baby survive in her care?

"Sara, honey, take a deep breath."

Sara did as she was told; The lump in her throat dissolved as she let it out and she could breathe normally again.

"You are going to be an amazing mom, okay? You'll do fine and if you need help, you can always call me."

Sara sighed.

"Thanks, Catherine."

"No problem," Catherine answered. "One question though. Have you told him yet?"

Sara swallowed; She knew she would have to tell him at some point, but she was really dreading it.

"No. Hey Cath, could you maybe come over and help me move some stuff?" Sara changed the subject as fast as she could.

"Sure. I'll be over in just a little bit."

The two hung up and Sara smiled; Even though sometimes Catherine annoyed her, she didn't know what she'd do without her.

Later That Evening

Sara laid back onto her couch. Catherine had helped her move the baby's things into Sara's bedroom.

Catherine had made sure Sara didn't lift anything that weighed over a pound; That made Sara feel protected.

She was glad to know that she and her baby were safe.

Sara's cell phone rested in her left hand.

She had thought all evening about calling Gil, but everything she knew about him told her not to call him.

This confused her; She loved him. And as a result of one date, Sara was now carrying his child.

Their child.

She carefully sat up and dialed his number.

Four rings and no answer.

Just as she was about to hang up, Gil's voice could be heard on the other end.


Sara sucked in a breath.

"Hey. Grissom, um, how are you?" She said.

The long pause that followed her sentence concerned Sara.

"Sara?" He finally replied.

"Yeah. How are you?"

Gil seemed a little shocked.

"I'm good. How are you? We haven't talked in quite a while…"

"Yeah. Three months."

Another pause.

""Really? Wow. I'm so sorry I haven't called; It's really been three months?"

Sara smiled.

"Uh-huh, three months. We haven't talked since our date. Amazing how two people can work in the same building and not speak to each other," She finished with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Gil chuckled; He loved her sense of humor.

"Well, I took two months off. Just back this month."

"Oh. Did you enjoy yourself?" Sara asked even though she really just wanted to tell him and hang up.

"Very much. I went to an insect lecture and completed my butterfly collection," He shared, obviously very proud of himself.

Sara giggled; Their child was bound to be a science geek.

"That sounds… interesting. Listen, I actually called to tell you something very important."

"Okay, shoot," He replied.

Sara sighed. "Here goes nothing," She thought.

"Gil, I'm… I'm pregnant."

Silence. That kind of silence that makes everyone uncomfortable and leaves the one who caused the silence feeling guilty.

"Gil? Are you still there?"


"Gil, please answer me."

He sighed.

"Sara, why didn't you tell me earlier? I… It is mine, right?"

Sara scoffed.

"Yours? Oh, yes, by all means it is yours. Of course it's yours, you dumb ass! Sorry, what I meant to say was, no, it's not yours. It's ours."

Gil swallowed; He was going to be a father. The reality struck him hard, but he gladly accepted it.

"Sara, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk. Do you want to talk about it?"

Sara raised one brow, taken back by his remark. He wanted to talk about it? The man who had never, in all of the time she had known him, wanted to talk about anything? Well, it was a first.

"Sure. You can come over here; I'm afraid if I get in the car I might puke up an organ."

Gil laughed.

"Okay, see you soon."

Sara hung up, feeling a mixture of emotions, but mostly happiness.